Mobius: New Age

Chapter 1: Awaken, Sonic.

A jolt of pain. A hiss of steam. I am awake. But who am I? A flash of memories, running…a pink hedgehog…a two-tailed fox. What does it mean? I open my eyes, no they are already open. My vision in blurred. A shape comes into focus. A fat man, like an egg, red eyes, a giant moustache. Who is he? I feel like I should know him but I cannot remember,

"Who…are…you?" I asked him, my voice weak and croaky. The man looked up from a pile of notes he had been reading,

"You don't remember me?" he asked, somewhat eagerly. I shook my head, it hurt, "You don't remember me…" he murmured, hidden glee in his voice, "I'm Doctor Robotnik. You are Sonic, my right-hand hedgehog. I am Mobius' fair, kind and just ruler and you are the enforcer of my will and laws in the many zones of Mobius" Mobius, zones,

Dr. Robotnik…yes it was all coming back to me. Mobius was the planet I lived on, it was split into many zones of varying sizes. And Robotnik…well I definitely remembered him as an important part of my life,

"What happened to me?" I croaked, my voice slowly coming back to me.

"You were ambushed by a group of so-called 'Freedom Fighters', a group of traitors and anarchists. You were badly hurt, I'm afraid I've had to replace part of your body with robotic parts," Robotnik shrugged, "It's easier if I show you." He pointed at a huge mirror on the wall opposite me. I approached it, though the mirror was on the other side of this gigantic laboratory-like room, it took me a second or so to get to it,

'Of course' I though, 'I have supersonic speed'.I looked at the my reflection in the mirror and gasped silently. The entirety of the left side of my body had been replaced with blue metal. My left eye gazed at me, lens whirling inside it and bright with rage,

"Who were the traitors?" I asked, my previously weak voice now firm and deadly calm, Robotnik seemed quite nervous, he was wringing his hands,

"Sonic don…"

"Who were the traitors!?" I bellowed, turning to face him. A screen flicked into life on my right, showing pictures of a pig, a pink hedgehog, a kitsune, a rabbit and a red echidna. I subconsciously remembered their names, Porker Lewis, Amy Rose, Tails, Johnny Lightfoot and Knuckles.

"It was them, all 5 of them," Robotnik declared dramatically, pointing at them,

"They. Will. Pay" I spat. This seemed to make Robotnik very happy and he eagerly and cheerfully began to spew out word at a very fast speed,

"Yes, of course they will pay. During your…erm…sleep, I discovered their hideout. Knowing you'd want to hunt them down personally, I didn't send badniks to it. The location of their 'base of operations', a caravan, is approximately here," on my left a map of Mobius flashed onto another screen. A red dot, labelled 'Traitor base' was moving, extremely slowly, towards the border of the Emerald Hill zone and the Jade Jungle zone, the Doctor suddenly became serious, "They're fleeing to the jungle, no doubt in fear of you still being alive and able to destroy them. You can't let them escape to the Jade Jungle, Sonic. It's an uncharted and unknown place, any badniks I send to explore it, or even just to patrol over it, disappear. Once they're in they'll be as safe as we currently are. And I doubt they'll disappear, they're very good at…surviving." he smiled wryly, "With your speed it should only take around 5 minutes to get from here to them." I didn't waste time, I memorized the map and left before Robotnik said another word.


Sorry for the short chapter, they will be longer in the future, anyway, please review, review, review!