I looked back at the broken mirrors, feeling a tear rolling down my face. After all the wrongs he had done to me, how could I have compassion towards him?

"Raoul. Take me back." He looked towards me with a glare on his face.

"My love, I dare not take you back to that beast."

"Raoul, I love him," I replied, once again finding myself looking back.

"Christine, don't be ridiculous! If you loved the man, you should've stayed with him in the first place," the glare was swept from his face, a look of concern-of sorrow- replaced it.

"Raoul, you are my dearest friend. I promise you that. But Erik… I love him. Not like a sister lover her brother or how a daughter loves her father, Raoul, but how a woman loves a man, that's how I feel for him. He's apart of my soul, Raoul. He is my heart. If I was with you, it would be his soul, his heat you would be holding onto. Not mine; never mine." Raoul fell to his knees, sobbing.

"If you truly believe he will make you happy and give you the sort of live you deserve… that go. Go to him, my love. I do not wish to be holding on to another man's heart. It would be foolish," I kneeled down and stroked his cheek. He looked up and I melted my lips with his for a final goodbye.

I had no doubt that I needed to be with Erik. I deserved to be in love. I grabbed on o the bars of the gate that was separating me from the lair. I called his name. "Erik, Angel of Music! Come back to me, my love. My mind has been made." The gate raised and he cautiously walked towards me. "Angel of Music, I've deceived you, holding my heart captive," he took me in his arms and swung me around, laughing. He stopped spinning, but still held me.

"I'll never let you go, I promise," he whispered into my hair.

"Erik, my angel, oh how wrong I was. Oh, how I love you," The Angel of Music smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Tonight I give you my soul. Forever and always," he replied.

"My love, your soul is beautiful."