Okay this is Areya's Yaoi fanfic Sasunaru one of my favs!!

Albel: Oh great another fucking sex fic... damn it why does all the yaoi have to include being fucking raped?!?

Fayt: reading AlFay yaoi fic Why the fuck do I always get raped by you?!?

Albel: Cuz you're a useless prick

Fayt: Ok that's it!!!

Guys, you're my muses, not my concience okay people enjoy my yaoiness!!!

Bzzzzz, bzzzz,bzzzzz!!!!

The sound of an alarm clock rang out, echoing across the room. A small Blonde haired boy lazily reached out a hand and feeled around for the button, finally sending out a 'Fuck it' and ripping the plug out. He was not in a good mood this morning, a Monday. He thought about skipping school but decided against it. Today was special.

He got up and slowly walked to the shower, scratching his ass groggily.

The boy's name was Naruto Uzumaki. He had light shaggy blonde hair, and a petite figure that most girls would be jealous of. He always wore a bright, slightly large orange jacket, partly to get attention, and partly to hide the fact that he had no money to afford food. He lived off of what he could scrounge together form working numerous jobs, but he could barely afford cheap ramen, let alone good food. Not that it mattered to him, he loved ramen with a passion, and his classmated grew tired of him talking about it.

Naruto was usually the unfortunate subject of torture and bullying. Mainly bacause of his short, frail figure, and poor background. He lives alone as well. He was practically the most perfect victim of bullying. And of course, his whole class took advantage of it. Even outside of class he was bullied. He only had a single friend, and at times, she was embarassed to be around him.

Naruto walked to the shower. He slowly stripped down, and turned the knob. The cold water crashed down on him and he shivered.

"Shit, forgot to pay the heater bill." Naruto rubbed his arms and reached for the soap.

After the shower he wrapped a fluffy, white towel around his body, and slowly got dressed. He really didn't want to go to school, he didn't feel like it. He felt sick, has been for a while. But of course he could not afford the doctor's bill. He stuck a thermometer in his throat as he got dressed. After zipping the large jacket on his body, on cue the thing beepes startling the crap outta the poor kid. He took it out and focused on the tiny screen

"102.5. Damn...well i'm not staying home..." He'd rather not. His "home" was a run down dump of a place. He lived in the projects of the city, being as he could not afford a single thing. Naruto lived alone. His parents had abandoned him at a young age, leaving him with next to nothing. He had enough to buy his dumpy apartment and some shit to live off of.

He got dressed and looked in the mirror. He was deathly pale, and his blonde hair was messy. His uniform was dirty ans stained. Who knew how many times this old shit was used? But it was all he could afford. Naruto made his way to the door stopping to lean on it to catch his breath. "Maybe he was sicker than he thought" He wrapped his blazer tightly on his body and stepped out. It was freezing...well that went without saing..it was the middle of December, and the weather was not letting up. A perpetual freezing tempurature all week and Naruto had nothing to protect himself from the cold wind that beat down on his face, biting his face until it turned red, and Naruto could swear he saw blood.

"Fucking cold goddamn snow..." He said angrily. He slowly trudged along the snowy covered road and looked toward the road. It was covered in ice, but people still drove like damn maniacs on it. His attention was drifted toward the road so he didn't realize the figure that walked past him, knowcking him down

"Watch it Jackass"

He looked at the figure that had just shoved him. It turned around and he was staring into unexpressioned obsidian eyes. Fuck it was Sasuke...If Naruto could name one shit head he hated most it was that fucking Uchiha

"You watch it shit for brains..."

"What'd you say Sasuke!?!"

Naruto got up and resumed a fighting pose. He was going to wipe that smug look from the rich bastards face for good. From the get-go he hated Sasuke. He had Everything Naruto didn't. Family, Money, Looks, Friends, the whole nine yards. Sasuke was deemed one of the best looking boys in Konoha. And What was Naruto? A Skinny good-for-nothing who lived alone in a dumpy run down apartment with no money, and shaggy blonde hair that was uneven and messy. He was the exact polar opposite of Sasuke, and they constantly fought for it.

"Look dobe, you're not worth my time. I've never been late and i don't wanna start because of the likes of you"

Naruto gritted his teeth at the boy who had just blown him off. He wasn't about to leave it at that. Not him. Not Naruto.

"Whatsa matter? too good to take your beloved limo? Goody Goody rich boy don't wanna go in style?"

Sasuke stopped again and clanched his fists. Naruto smiled, knowing he hit a soft spot. Sasuke whirled around and punched Naruto sending him flying backwards

"Shut the fuck up loser. That's none of your mother fucking buisness"

Naruto rubbed his cheek surprised. Sasuke seemed really pissed today. Something irked him beyond what he usually was pissed by. Naruto decided it was best to leave him alone for now and followed him, staying several steps behind, on the way to school.