Disclaimer: The characters of this story belong to J. K. Rowling. I am not making any money off of this.

Good-bye, My Love

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat talking at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, when an owl came down and landed with a letter for Harry.

"Isn't that Malfoy's owl?" Hermione said.

"Isn't that Malfoy's handwriting?" Ron said at the same instant.
Harry nervously opened his letter. Only a week ago, Draco had confessed his love for Harry and Harry wasn't sure how he felt about Draco, so he had turned around and run.

Harry slowly unfolded the parchment. On it, in Draco's elegant handwriting in a dark green ink, it said,

Bide my time,

Poor my blood.

It's time to leave.

My time has come.

But would you miss me,

When that time arrives?

Would you hope and pray,

My soul survives?

My eyes bleed tears.

My wrist bleeds time.

I am dying,

It's a simple crime.

Would you condemn me,

For the time I spent?

Carving out my regrets

Giving you every hint

That I would die soon,

My time has come.

I'll bide my time,

And give my blood.

But you,

You weren't listening.

And blood,

Blood glistening,

On the floor

A puddle of regret

For every second

I wasted breath.

Miss me,

For I'll miss you.

But please don't hate me

For cutting time in two.

It was better for me.

It was better for all.

Slowly steadily

Watch me fall…

Tears glistened in Harry's eyes. It was signed, 'Good-Bye, My Love.' It was only then that Harry realized he loved Draco… just as he was about to lose him.

"Harry? Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked. Harry barely heard her.

"Draco…" he whispered, jumping up from the table and running out the door.

Harry walked through the door just in time to see Draco slip down into the soapy water. Harry knew he was dead. He could tell by the blood-dyed water. Harry jumped into the pool of water and blood, fully clothed. He pulled Draco up from the bottom of the bathtub.

"Draco… please… wake up… please…" Harry whispered over and over again, as he laid Draco on the floor by the tub. Harry climbed out and sat next to Draco, running his fingers through the beautiful blonde hair.

"Draco… please… don't be dead… please…" Harry said, as the tears flowed from his eyes. All he wanted to do was be with Draco…

Harry saw the razor Draco had used to slit his wrists. Harry grabbed it… It had Draco's fresh blood still on it. "I'm coming, Draco…" he whispered, before slitting his own wrists. Harry watched the blood pour from his wrists until he passed out. His head landed on Draco's chest… and that's how Ron found them the next morning.