This is for all who have realized that Christmas is only days away and that there are only a few spare dollars in your wallet and have no financial means to spread the Christmas spirit.

"Kat? Kat, what are you doing?"

5th year Katie Bell snapped her head upwards only to see her hotsman Scotsman captain Oliver Wood.

hotsman Scotsman? she repeated to herself, her brow furrowing before it relaxed again into a crooked smile. It did fit after all.

"What are you smiling about?"

"She smiles at everything," Fred supplied from next to her as her eyelids drooped and grin spread across her face in a blissful daydream. "You know that."

The seventh year looked at his chaser intently as he waved his hand in front of her face yet received no reaction.

hotsman Scotsman….mmmmmmmmmmmm……..

The corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to repress a grin. But soon his brows knit together as he read the sign hanging above his chaser and two beaters. "Kissing booth?"

"Yeah," George said gleefully. "Brilliant, ain't it?"

"I wouldn't call it that exactly."

"Well how about innovative?"

"It's been done thousand of times before."

"But not by us."

"I concur good twin," Fred second, "Usually we stick to just selling pranks but Pig-headed-boy-Percival threatened to owl mom if we did again."

"So we went with plan B."

"Plan booth," Fred explained.

"Plan booth of kisses."

"Plan booth of kisses to get money."

"Plan booth of kisses to get money for Christmas."

"Plan booth of kisses to get money for Christmas and buy presents for people."

"Plan booth of kis-"

"-I get it," Oliver interjected as his eyes traveled back to his golden blonde chaser.

Hotsman Scotsman….Hehehe, that's such a good one….

"But what does Bell have anything to do with it?"

"Wha' about me?" Katie asked as she shook her head out of her gleeful thoughts at hearing her name.

"We were hoping to get more money this way," Fred explained. "We're kind of banking on the male population, with it's raging testosterone, to pay up quicker than the female population."

"And the guys in this place would only kiss a girl," George added to their theory.

"Or at least we're banking on it."

"Rather hoping on it."

"And so Katie came to mind first."

"And she said yes."

"What?" Oliver cried, snapping his chocolate brown eyes back to his chaser. "You said what?"

"What?" she protested, "It's not like it's a whore house!"

"But still Kat!"

"But still what?"

"But what about Davies and Diggory and Flint and these two!" he pointed to the two redheads with his thumb who cried indignantly. "Why would you-?"

"Because I get a 50-25-25 cut!" she said proudly. "And besides," she added coolly. "there are twenty different types of kisses. So technically I don't have to kiss Flint for 5 Sickles."

His brow furrowed under a few locks of brown hair that had feel in front of his face during their short row. "What do mean?"

Katie smirked much like the twins as she pulled a bag of muggle chocolate out from underneath the counter they were sitting behind. "Courtesy of Angelina."

"What in the name of Merlin is that?" he asked as he made a reach for the colorfully wrapped chocolate in curiosity but Katie snatched it away. "What now?"

"That'll be 4 sickles."

"The price is a little high Kat."

"Yeah," she agreed halfheartedly, "But it's still the price. I can't make exceptions, cap'n."

"How about two?"




"Two and no more dawn practices for the rest of the year."



Katie looked over to the twins after their outburst. She rolled her eyes with a sigh as she handed him one, "Fair enough."

Oliver dropped the two silver pieces on the counter as she handed him on foiled chocolate. He popped it in his mouth and let it melt on his tongue. Katie watched as his brow once again furrowed in concentration-as it normally did when he made up new plays she noted to herself.

"It's not as good as Honeydukes." he concluded.

"Still not dawn practice though, right?" she added as he dropped the wrapper in front of her.

"Right," he smirked as he walked away. "But I expect to see you three bright and early January 2nd!" he called over his shoulder, gleeful at his own cleverness.

"Oh that was low," Fred observed as he watch their captain turn the corner at the end of the fifth floor corridor.

"Way low," his twin concurred.

"Below the waist low."

"More like on the floor low."

Katie nodded in agreement but couldn't help that her mouth broke into a small smile of admiration for the break in her captain's usual straightforwardness.

Originally this was going to be a one shot but then I realized how incredibly long it would've been. So now it's gonna be like a five shot aka a short chapter story. And yeah, that means you have to review to every chap even if I do post two at the same time. And if you don't, I will yell at you because, after all, I am a review whore.