She woke up screaming.
She was very tense and she couldn't control her breathing. House was in her home and cared. She shook back the thought and kicked the sheets off of her body, just like any other night. It was time to release again.
Cameron shivered slightly as she made her way to the bathroom door. Her mind was tangled in massive amount of insanity that she wasn't sure she could take it anymore. A nightmare within a nightmare, rare, but not exactly impossible. She laughed as she grabbed her knieve.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said House. He sat on the lid of the toliet, twirling his cane.
He appeared all of a sudden that Cameron jumped, almost losing her tool in the process.
"Be careful with that, doctor, you wouldn't want to hurt anyone. Except possibly yourself," he grinned at her shocked expression.
"Screw you," she retorted, turning around and heading for the kitchen. And as she left the bathroom he suddenly appeared in front of her, standing.
"Now now, Cameron. Don't do anything I wouldn't, or would."
Cameron snorted.
"Right, as if you could give a damn about me." She walked around him and again walked towards the kitchen, confusion no longer running through her head. House appeared near the fridge, no cane.
"No, but if you die who will make my coffee? Chase? You know the Brits can't make coffee worth a damn," he chuckled at himself. Cameron looked at him, an amused look on her face.
"Somehow I knew you would say that," and she positioned the blade on her left thigh. She stopped and looked up at him.
"Where's your cane?" She asked. House merely shrugged.
"You imagined me without it. You tell me," he said. She only nodded before slicing her leg open. The blood flowed mercilously out of the wound making Cameron panicked.
"Shit!" She yelled.
"I may not be a doctor, but maybe you should get that looked at," House said. She gave him a dirty look. She was squeezing the hell out of her leg, hoping the blood would stop. But she was a doctor, she needed stitches before it would come close. Cameron looked back at House as he raised his hands in defense.
"Don't look at me. I'm that figment of your imagination thingy. Fun to be but not real."
Then there were sharp knocks on the door. Hard knocks, knocks not created by knuckles. Cameron stared at her door. Suddenly the fake House was kneeling down near Cameron's ear.
"Alison. What a beautiful name." And as she screamed he laughed at her, disappearing in thin air.
"Cameron?" Came the familiar, rough voice. She whimpered. When will it end? I can't take this anymore. This all has to stop.
Then the door flew open as two figures stood before her, one with a cane and the other rushing towards her before she mumbled something and let go of the wound, to bleed out, and die.
"What's going on, House?" Wilson asked as they neared the door to Cameron's apartment. "I haven't seen you like his since Stacey."
House winced a little when Wilson mentioned her name, the touchy subject that had broached them since House had a limp. He just shook his head, he couldn't explain it nor could he let Wilson know that he really cared. Wilson already knew, but House was still an arrogant sunofabitch and wouldn't let his feelings be said if it were to save his life.
"I don't know," he lied rapping his cane on Cameron's door. He scream erupted inside and made both Wilson's and House's hair stand on end. They could only exchange glances as the shock wore off to the point House yelled back.
"Cameron?" Pause.
No answer. House didn't wait another second as he kicked the door open with his good leg, ignoring the fact that he had shifted his weight to the bad one. The two hurried in only to discover Cameron laying in a small pool of her own blood and the two scariest words they had ever heard from her escape her lips. Wilson ran towards her as House stood still, dumbfounded.
"Cameron!" Wilson aplied pressure to the wound and checked her pulse. "Cameron stay with me," he said trying to wake her.
"Alison," House breathed. He never meant for it to be said aloud but when he did he was suprised. A soft moan was heard from her as she lifted her head. She looked at House and then Wilson before she made a pained expression.
"Leave," she said firmly. She couldn't handle anymore nightmares with House. Wilson gawked at her and then House.
"If we leave now, you will die," he stated. Cameron muttered an mmmhmmmm before closing her eyes. House became furious.
"Oh stop it you drama queen and get up," he said forcefully. Wilson just about yelled back at House when Cameron's eyes shot open and tried to get up. She wanted to slap House right across his face.
"Good now that I have your attention maybe, just maybe, we can talk about your little problem you seem to be having. Mkay? In the mean time you," he pointed at Wilson. Will be making her dinner, since she hasn't had anything for two days. And you," he pointed at Cameron. "Will be in bed with me," he pointed at himself. Cameron gave him a disgusted look.
"Okay I won't be in the bed, much to your dismay, but you will be," he rolled his eyes and motioned for Wilson to bring her into her bedroom. House grabbed a towel and the medical kit in her bathroom. He smiled for a fraction of a second. She still was little miss perfect even now, and he limped towards her room.
The sound of utensils being used occupied House's thoughts as he finished up Cameron's wound, every once in awhile sneaking looks towards her to see how she would react to the pain. A few flintches but nothing more, and it worried him. He could almost feel himself almost letting her see he cared. Almost.
"When will you two be gone?" She asked in a soft voice, so soft House barely heard the question.
"When you are stable enough to go near my mail without feeling a certain joy of getting a papercut," he answered, dipping the needle into her skin and out again. She shifted a little.
"That's not happening because I'm fine. Now go," she said a little louder. House shook his head.
"Yea and I'm fine enough to ask Cuddy for more clinic duty. Not going to get out of this one." Dip and out.
"Forget it, you can't fix me," she said making House stop. He recollected telling her something simular along time ago. He shook it off mentally and kept stitching her up.
"Sorry just can't do that."
Cameron groaned.
"Oh finally it hurts," he praised. The sound of beating came from the kitchen.
"Are you trying to cook our dinner or catch it?" House yelled. Wilson sighed heavily, loud enough so House could hear, and kept banging. It was so noisey that House didn't expect Cameron to her him. But she did and her eyes widened.
"What did you say?" she asked, knowing full well what he said.
"I asked, 'How long ago did you get raped?'"
It wasn't a dream, he was really here. The dream of House wasn't a hallucination. Then he mumbled something else. The very same something Cameron said when he and Wilson arrived.
"Kill me."