Ahh, we all need some time to soak in the lovely abode called our bathtubs. Dear Carth gets a little carried away… And here's the tale of a man and his rubadubdub time.
Disclaimer: I don't own KotOR, but I do own the bathtub…
Carth Onasi, hero of the Republic, came in from sparring, drenched with sweat. His bones ached, especially since he had been facing Atari Rynen, the crew now relying on a smart-mouthed smuggler.
He did admit that the woman was beautiful…Those gorgeous, blue eyes…that soft, dark hair that he longed to touch…however it was unlikely to him that she would ever notice a gruff Republic pilot. Especially when she was a jedi. That made things a lot more difficult.
Bloody hell, that sucks. Great, I sound like her now too. Spend too much time around that woman…
He entered the refresher, scratching his head. He slid into the shower, forgetting to take off his clothing. Settling down into the suds, he felt the heat drain away from his body.
He boredom seemed to enter him, as he glanced around for something to do. The shower curtain or the tub itself wouldn't help. But there was a box of "valuable figurines" that Mission had.
He reached for several figures and rubber ducks that belonged to Mission as the water ran, messing around with them.
Within seconds, the Endar Spire pilot was transformed into a little boy at heart, making loud swooshing and blaster-fire sounds.
"And here it is! The Star Forge! Better hit the turrets, men. CHOO CHOO CHOO CHOO!" he squealed at the top of his lungs.
He made two plastic ships whir around in the air making them fly about.
"Oh no! The merciless sith are going to kill us! OH NO!"
His voice carried through the Ebon Hawk. Canderous was chuckling with Bastila, the two actually getting along for once. That was definitely the bigger shocker. Juhani had a small smile played across her lips, and T3 make snicker-sounding beeps. Jolee shook his head in dismay, feeling bad for the pilot.
Though Mission grew angry, her lekku shaking and her blue skin grew a deep shade of purple with frustration.
"He's playing with MY star wars figures!" she snarled, as Atari quickly sensed that the teenager was planning on exposing him…and maybe worse. She grabbed the twi'lek's shoulders, racing off to the refresher.
She quietly pushed the door open, covering her mouth so that she would not be revealed quite yet.
"Whatcha doing there, fly boy?" she asked, leaning against the door jam. Onasi froze, dropping the toys into the water.
"I-I…uh…Hello…" he stuttered, blushing a bright red.
"You enjoying yourself?" she teased, his color deepening.
"I was…writing a play…" he muttered quietly. She laughed, sitting on the toilet seat.
"Uhuh…a loud and swooshing play with 'Carth Onasi is here to save the day!'" she mimicked. He rolled his eyes, reaching for the bar of soap.
"Haha, so funny," he retorted, his hand snaking to her hand when she wasn't looking. "Enjoy the water," he said, pulling her into the tub.
Within seconds, she was covered in soap suds in the tub, dripping. He was chuckling now, as she wiping soap off her forehead.
"At least I haven't embarrassed myself around the entire crew," she said with a shrug.
Color drained from his face, as he gaped at her. "I-I what?" he gasped.
Atari climbed out of the tub, shaking her head.
"Yeah…the entire ship heard you…"
Let's just say I got a serious case of severe boredom…and when I was getting into the shower some crazy idea popped into my head of having Carth go a little bit…loco. Well, make my idea worth it and PLEASE review! Thanks!