Camping Trip Camping Trip-Part 4-Big Questions

Princess Osiris

Hello!!!! Ugg! I had such a hard time writing this! Every time I start to write my mom walks in!! No matter what time of the night. I hope you're happy. I lost LOTS of sleep over this story.

Sakura's P.O.V

I had told everyone what happened. I just hope Kero never finds out, but he knows everything. I entered our cabin. I sigh.

"Are you okay?" Tomoyo asked me placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm just confused. I don't know. I just need a time to rest and clear my brain. Rika looked up from her duffel bag and said,

"I think you'd need a day off too if I had that kind of excitement. I turned red.

"RIKA!" Naoko said flinging a pillow her way.

"I guess I deserved that (What is this, the Nevalan dub! Think again,) for this!" She said throwing another pillow at Naoko. It soon turned into an all out pillow fight. Normally, I would like to do this but I just didn't want to. I needed a break from emotions. I slip away and close the door behind me. I forgot to mention, we had a picnic lunch.

I saw Syaoran do the same thing I did. I looked at him. He looked exhausted. He noticed my presence.

"I hate people," He stated.

"I know," I say walking over to him.

"You do NOT know how many questions I got from perverted teenagers. Somehow they found out," He looks at me in the eye.

"I couldn't help myself!" I said facing him. We walk a little and see others playing. We walked until we came to a spot with a picnic bench in the center of pine trees.

"I just need time to think things through. I mean I've never been in love before." I tell sitting down setting my head on the top. Syaoran does the same thing opposite me.

"You love me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I saw only blushing a little. I was feeling more comfortable with him.

Syaoran's P.O.V

"Me too," I say. I applauded myself for two reasons. One, I didn't blush, and Two, I can express my emotions! Go Me!

"Syaoran," She asked looking into my eyes.

"Hmm?" I responded
"Don't you sometimes feel like your heart is being ripped out of your body when your not with the person you love?"

"Yes, I think that's why I never smiled until I met you. I was unhappy because I didn't have a true love. I would also be stuck with Meilin to marry." I say.

"I was always unhappy when I wasn't around you. I want to be with you every moment. But I know as well as you, that can't be possible. But in ways we can be together," She smiles looking at the scenery.

We sat for about an hour, just talking. We got to know each other's fears and emotions much better, not that we didn't know them. About a half hour into our discussion, Tomoyo appears in a tree video taping us with Kero floating by giving me dirty looks.

We walked to the line of picnic tables for dinner after we had finished talking. Kero was underneath the table while Sakura feed him table scraps. He bit me on the leg a few times. I think he should get together with Touya. I tried being nice to the beast and giving him food but he didn't take it from me. Only Sakura.

After dinner we all went back to our cabins to change into some warmer clothes for a campfire. I dressed in black drawstring pants and a green sweatshirt. Sakura wore a pink sweatshirt with tight jeans. God please have mercy on my hormones and me. We sat very close to each other in the back with all the other couples. I put my arm around Sakura to bring her closer to me. She smiled and rested her chin on my chest. By now it was dark out. The only light was coming from glowing fire so far away from us.

Sakura's P.O.V

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Syaoran and me. Will we be together forever? Or is this puppy love? Maybe I should get brave and ask him. But what if he doubts our relationship!? That would be very bad. But he would understand right? Only one way to find out.

"Syaoran," I ask him. He shifts his gaze to me.

"Do you think we'll be together forever?" I ask him nervously.

"I don't know. But what matters is that we're in love now. Who cares about tomorrow, all I care about right now is you and now," He tells me. He is so wise. I wish I could be just as smart as him. He had an answer to anything.

"I love you," I say.

The campfire was really cool. We made smores and roasted marshmallows. And towards the end when the fire was going out, Syaoran gave me the most passionate kiss I'd ever had. It was a French kiss. He was a little embarrassed, but he did 'warmed' up to the idea. We said our goodnights and went back to our cabins.

I climbed the latter to my top bunk, giggling all the way. I don't think I've been happier in my life. I changed into pink pajama bottoms with cherry blossoms on the pants and a white tank top decorated with cherry blossoms. I fell fast asleep waiting the new day ahead of me. I didn't have to go to sleep, I felt like it. Kero was of cores asleep. I didn't even bother to wake him up. He was a bum.

I woke up VERY early the next morning. It seemed like the sun was just coming up. I saw Syaoran. Is it just me or is this guy always sitting on picnic benches when I wake up? Well, he's there anyway. Might as well keep him company. I didn't even bother to change. I just slip on Pink slippers and brush my hair. I run out to great him. The sun was just peering over the mountains. I sit next to him. He had a piece of paper in his hand. I look at it.

"How do you get mail here?" I asked. His eyes seemed filled with sadness.

"Mr. Terada gave this to me last night, it was only a matter of time," He says handing me the letter, It read,

Syaoran Li,

We hate to inform you, but since all the Clow Cards have been collected, you shall return to Hong Kong immediately after your field trip. You have failed us greatly by giving the cards up. We will send someone for you.

The Li Clan Elders

My eyes widened. This was so unfair! How can they take him away! He's just a kid! He should be able to have fun.
"How can they do this to you?" I asked teary eyed.
"Because they can," He answered.
"Is there anyway out of this?" I asked with a single hope.
"Yeah, one." He says looking down.
"How?" I asked again.
"If I find someone I love," He says
"You've done that, right?" I asked worried.
"And ask her to marry me," He says looking up to me. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. My frown turns into a smile.
"I have no ring for you, but, Sakura Kinomoto, will you marry me?" He asked. Wait until Touya here's this.
"Of cores!" I say.
"Sakura, lets keep this just between us and the Li Clan," He says smiling big.
"Okay!" I say hugging and kissing my future husband. I can't believe this is happening. I thought this trip was going to be so so, but this trip turned out to be the happiest days of my life.
This chapter is short compared to the others. I think I'm done. What do you think? Nah, 1 more chapter I'll put out either at an ungodly hour in the morning or ungodly hour at night.