I'm just going to put the initials of the person who wrote that bit in front of the note.

SB – When does this stupid class end?

JP – I don't know. Professor Binns is so boring.

SB – Agreed.

RL – You guys really should start paying attention.

JP – What, and ruin all the fun? I don't think so.

SB – It's all in the book anyway. There's no need to take notes.

PP – Hey guys! Did you hear what Professor Binns was saying?

JP – No.

SB – Neither did I.

RL – Look in the book.

PP – When does this class end?

SB – I was asking James myself.

JP – What time is it?

SB – Time for you to get a watch! Hahaha!

JP – It's not funny.

PP – It's funny to me!

RL – You should pay attention.

SB – At least someone appreciates my humor!

JP – I'm not going to pay attention, it's too boring!

RL – Of course you wouldn't pay attention to History of Magic. You're too busy staring at Lily Evans.

JP – I am not!

RL – Face it, you are. And you didn't have to pinch me. It hurt. A lot.

SB – Potter likes Evans, Potter likes Evans!

PP – He does?

RL – Where were you?

PP – Me?

RL – Never mind.

JP – I do not like Evans! And you deserved the pinch, Remy.

RL – Don't call me Remy!

SB – Then why were you staring at her, James? I think she noticed you goggling at her.

RL – She's giving us evil glares because we're passing notes.

SB – I get it! She's a goody-two-shoes! Get a crush on someone who likes to play pranks, James. Evans won't do. And stop pinching me!

JP – I DO NOT LIKE EVANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RL – So why are you staring at someone you hate?

SB – Yeah, good question, why?

JP – I'M NOT STARING AT HER, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SB – Sorry, that wasn't convincing enough.

JP – And I don't hate her, I just don't like her!

PP – What did she ever do to you?

JP – Forget it!

PP – Forget what?

JP – ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PP – What's wrong with you?

SB – That sounds like the Shrieking Shack every month. What's with you, Lupin? You look pale.

RL – What are you talking about? What's with me? And I am not pale.

SB – Never mind. Jeez, don't get all defensive about it now!

PP – What's Binns talking about now? I don't understand!

JP – Read the bloody book!!!

PP – You don't have to yell.

JP – I'm not yelling!!!

RL – You're using excessive amounts of punctuation while writing, and that's like yelling—in words, anyway.

SB – Remus is too smart for his own good.

PP – Why are you so mad, James?

JP – Everyone is saying I like Evans, but I don't!!!

SB – You do, too. You just don't want to admit it.

PP – Hey, when does this class end anyway?

RL – Don't start that again.

PP – Sorry, I won't.

RL – You just did. But it's okay—I wasn't mad at you anyway.

PP – You were mad? Why?

RL – I said I wasn't!

JP – Now who's yelling?

RL – I only used one exclamation point, so it doesn't count. It would have been only a slightly loud remark if I had said it out loud, and not yelling.

SB – Give yourself a concussion or something, Remus! You're too smart.

RL – And why should I do that?

SB – So you'll get stupider.

RL – Stupider isn't a word.

SB – I don't care. Dumber, then.

JP – What time is it?

PP – You already asked that.

JP – I did?

SB – Hey James, I dare you to scream "I love corn!" and run around the room like crazy.

JP – No way!

SB – What if Evans said she would go out with you?

JP – Okay!

SB – See? You like Evans!

JP – But that doesn't mean I like her just because I agreed to go out with her!

SB – Wait a moment while I get Evans to consider the idea.

JP – Okay.

SB – Hey Evans, will you go out with James?

LE – Potter? No way.

SB – What if he agreed to run around the room screaming "I love corn!"

LE – That would be hilarious.

SB – So you'll go out with him?

LE – No.

RL – Why don't you cross your fingers behind your back when you say it, so you don't mean it when you say it?

PP – Huh?

SB – Peter, Remus, you two stay out of this! Well, Peter, stay out of this anyway. That's a bloody brilliant idea, Remus! How about it, Evans?

LE – I would, but the bell's about to ring.

SB – No it's not.

bell rings