Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters

Please enjoy this is my first fanfic



Hinata turned around at the sound of her name. She was heading towards the training grounds when I called out to her.

"Hello Kiba-san."

Hinata blushed slightly as I approached with my loyal companion, Akamaru, by my side.

"Are you headed for the training grounds?" I asked.


"Then is it okay if I walk with you Hinata-san?"

I asked a little shyly. Why am I being shy around Hinata-san?

Hinata nodded her head yes. As they walked in silence towards the training grounds.Hinata suddenly blushed the color of a cherry. The answer came in the form of a blue-eyed blond-haired ninja by the name of Naruto Uzumaki.

"Hinata-san, hows it going?"

Shouted the loud mouth ninja when he was about five feet away from the pair. He completely ignored me.

Hinata stammered out a "H-h-hello N-naruto-san." Kiba just grunted and sent Naruto a "what in the hell do you want" look.

"Hey, uh Hinata-san um... can I...uhhhh... talk to you in ummm...alone...in private?"

Naruto looked very nervous which was totally out of character for the usually hyperactive boy.

"S-s-sure, Naruto-san." Hinata stammered. She turned and looked at me.

Normally I would've just grunted and walked away, but I hesitated before turning and walking about fifteen feet away from the bench that they were sitting on to watch. I don't like this. Why does he want to talk to Hinata-san for anyways. I'm her teammate, I need to stay close by just to make sure she's okay and he doesn't try anything. I just stood there watching and waiting to see if I needed to interfere. After about ten minutes of Naruto chatting nervously amd wringing his hands in desperation he finally seemed to come to the point that he wanted to get to. Whatever he said seemed to make Hinata-san extremely happy and she, forgetting her shy nature, jumped up in joy and fiercely hugged Naruto. What the hell is going on here? Why is she hugging him like that? What happened? Unfortunately I didn't bother using my sharp hearing to eavesdrop on Hinata-sans converstaion and now I wish I had. For some odd reason I felt hatred towards Naruto. Why does HE get to have Hinata-san hugs and attention? What does she see in HIM anyway? WHOA! Hold on. Im not jealous, am I. I can't be. I mean Hinata-san is just a friend. She's like a little sister to me. THIS IS STUPID! I'll just walk over and see whats going on. I walked up to them and they were still hugging. The were totally oblivious to me. I cleared my throat and they pulled apart rather reluctantly.

"Hey what's going on here?" I asked the couple.

Hinata-san beamed up at me with those beautiful white eyes and said...

"Me and Naruto-kun are going out!" Apparently she was to excited to stutter.

I looked at her and naruto in complete shock. I can't believe this is happening! This can't be happening! The dumbass finally acknowledged her after all this time! Should I be happy that Hinata-san is finally getting what she's wanted for so long. Will she always be happy with Naruto? Deep down inside I know I should be happy for her, but all I wanted to do was rip off Naruto's head and feed it to my dogs. I guess I should a least pre...

"KIBA!" Naruto yelled, interuppting my thoughts. I turned and glared at the stupid ninjas grinning face.

"So uhh...do you...I mean..is this okay with you. I mean your like a big brother to her and I want to make sure it's okay with you."

I studied him a bit and then I turned and looked at Hinata-san, who looked really happy.

In a defeated tone I said,"Yeah. I'm happy for both of ya."

Hinata-san gazed up at me with a look of concern on her pretty face. I gave her a quick hug, god she feels so soft! and gave Naruto a look that said 'you better not hurt her" and walked away with Akumaru whimpering by my side. I knew exactly how he felt.


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