Title: No Mind of Her Own
Rating: PG-14 for violence
Author(s): Usa([email protected]), Emiri([email protected]), and Hoho([email protected])
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and her Senshi, as well as Mamo-man are property of Takeuchi Naoko-sama, Kodansha Ltd, TOEI Animations, and Bandai Entertainment. Ari, Kamakiri, and Hiru were created by us for this fic.
Notes: Alternate Universe

"You called for me, Ari-sama?"

"Yes. I have a mission for you."

Kamakiri nodded. "What would you like me to do? I hope it's important. I have better things to do."

"We are going to infest Earth...pardon me? What would be more important than *my* plans?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," she said sarcastically, a small smile playing with the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, Hiru ran into the room and bowed. "Hiru-kun, you're late!" Kamakiri said to him quietly.

"Hai, I know, but I just learned where the Senshi are going to be this evening."

"Oh?" Ari asked.

Kamakiri smiled. "Spill it, Hiru."

Hiru eyed Kamakiri out of the corner of his eye, undressing her. "They'll be at a place they call a shopping center. Humans buy things with paper and metals. Apparently they have video games like the children of our planet..." He trailed off knowing that Kamakiri and Ari would understand what he was saying.

Ari nodded. "This sounds promising. Continue."

Kamakiri gave Hiru a dangerous look, but nodded. Hiru stared ta the two. What more did they want? "Uh... that's all I have to report."

"Well, what was your plan?"

"If you please, if either of you don't have any ideas, I think I have a good idea for what to do..." Kamakiri piped up.

"Go ahead."

While Ari looked at Kamakiri, Hiru began licking his lips. She was extraordinarily beautiful and her body was the perfect shape.

"...well, I once saw videos and such of malls. There seem to be people in posession of these objects they desire. I was thinking that if we were able to pose as these... people, we could somehow get through to the Senshi. I know that there is one Senshi who has a great desire for these video games and if we were able to bug them somehow, we could really clean up."

"This sounds promising. Do we have any underlings that can get into these video games?"

Hiru grinned. She was brilliant as always. "As a matter of fact, I have bred a new collection of youma that would be perfect for this job."

"Well, shall we move to Earth, then? I can't wait to infect the Senshi."

Kamakiri bowed. "I agree. What are we waiting for?"

"I believe the pilot is awaiting your instructions, Ari-sama," Hiru responded. He was anxious to get Kamakiri alone.

"Well, go tell him to get moving, Hiru."

Kamakiri glared at Hiru. What was he planning this time?

"Ari-sama." Hiru then left, a smile playing on his lips. He knew what he wanted and he would get it.

"I don't know what it is with that man. I don't know why you recruited him, Ari-sama," Kamakiri said to her master after Hiru left.

"Well, he's a baka. He can be easily manipultated."

"I see you have a point there. Well, I suppose I should prepare myself for the journey to Earth." Kamakiri bowed low and left the room.

"Kama-chan...wait. I want you to lead the mission on Earth."

"Excuse me, Ari-sama?" Kamakiri said, taken aback, then turned and ran back into the room. She bowed, confused. Wasn't he coming as well?

"Well, they are *your* youma. And it was your idea. Therefore you should be the one to control it. I trust you."

"Well, it's finally the time." Ari snickered to himself. He was finally going to be rid of those Senshi, and the world would be his to rule.