Disclaimer: Don't own characters, not making more off story so don't sue.

Warnings: Boarder line NCS, abuse, slavery, angst, wild instincts, Original Creatures ((Not really lol)) Language barriers, captivity, violence. Meant for a mature audience of 18 or older.

Pairings: My usual, with a surprise. 1x2, 3x4, ZxT, 5x? (no not Sally)

A/N: When I first wrote the preserve it had started out like this, but I changed it to what it is now, but I liked this idea so much that I am going to finish it. A Sholaer is a creature I made up one night when I was trying to get to sleep. They have human bodies with large, LARGE, wings, fangs teeth, clawed hands and feet, and a thick lion like tail. They don't use magical powers, though they are strong and violent creatures. They are only males, and have never been females, though I had barrowed this idea from three other stories I liked the idea. However they are more bird then human, meaning they've got better eyes sight, smell, and hearing, there bones are hallow allowing flight and they are lighter then they look. There are two types; the studs or the dominants, and the bearers or submissive's. A clan consists of usually ten or more members at the top is the Alpha and his mate. Also no one is allowed to bear children until the Alpha's mate has hatched a dominant child, all other hatchlings will be killed until then. And yes they lay eggs three to a clutch; the dominant hatchling will kill the other babies much to the distress of the bearer and the joy to the Alpha. So you see violent, bloodthirsty creatures. Okay enough babble on with the story.

The Sholaer's


Small feet thumped lightly on the bedded forest floor in a quickened pace. The small child ran as quickly as he could, loose white silk cloths waved around his body, small thick braid whipped behind him,and two premature wings, one black, one white, rested loosely on his back, the child wishing he could use them to escape the hunters that were gaining on him. Without warning the eight year old child tripped, knocking the wind from his lungs. He struggled to get up but the sounds of booted feet surrounded him. He looked up and saw six large men surrounding him.

"Looky wha' we have 'ere fella's. A poor lil' Sholaer." A rather large and oily man said, most of his teeth missing. The child looked at the man in confusion. Hating himself for not know the human language. He was picked up off the ground by his wings, painfully. He slashed out at the men with his sharp nailed fingers and toes and tried to bit the man's hands with his fanged teeth.

"Jhaer ti kai, Cestal." He screamed out. ((Let me go, Human.)) The man laughed and the small child was forced into a cage, along with three more Sholaer's. Them all being children. The man stuck his face close to the cage, blowing smoke from his cigar into the faces of the scared and crying faces of the Sholaer children.

"No use is talkin', can't understan' ya anyway." The man said with a laugh. The Sholaer dressed in white, who had just been put into the cage lashed out at the man, missing and hitting the burning cigar with his small hand. He cried out and cradled his burned palm. The man laughed again. "Stupid thin's arn't they?" The man asked, the others nodded and laughed.

"Jhaer ti kai, Cestal, os ai'jh vor os syr or." ((Let me go, Human, or I'll kill you.)) The small Sholaer child threatened. The men only stood and another helped in lifting the cage and the men left the forest. The two toned winged boy looked at the others. "Why don't you do anything?" He asked. Of course the humans couldn't understand what he was saying.

"We have tried, they don't understand us. They think we are stupid and uneducated." A boy said who had spike black hair and dark blue feathered wings. The others nodded. "They are going to trade us for something called tyli ((money)), they say that we are worth fortunes." He added. The white clad figure looked the men who were closer, up and down. There were like ox, large muscled beast.

"You can understand them?" He asked. The black haired boy nodded.

"A little. My clan has told me of how they capture us and trade us as slaves. They are strong and cruel." He said.

"Can you speak their language?" The boy asked. The other shook his head sadly.

"Why would you want to talk with them anyway, they would just think it a trick and I think the attention that would bring would be unwanted." The boy said.

"I must get back home." The smaller boy added.

"There is no home Duo, the hunters burned it, they killed most of the adults." This time another boy had spoken up. His hair and feathers were a bright sunny yellow tipped in black, and red. The boy dressed in white looked at his friend, noticing him for the first time.

"They caught you Solo?" Duo said, Solo nodded ashamed. "If they could catch the son of the king guard then hope is lost." Duo said sadly.

"Please, my prince, my friend, everything will be okay." Solo said, the cage jerked violently and the children were thrown to their backs. They ignored it the best they could.

"I will never be mated now." A tear fell down Duo's cheek. "I have failed my mother and my father." He whispered.

"Being mated is not something an eight year old should be thinking about, even as a prince." Solo barked out. Duo turned away from his friend and starred out the bars. Sitting with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around his face.

"I will be free from this." He whispered. "I will wait for my time and I will kill these filthy humans. On my mother's grave." Duo said darkly. Solo and the others sat as far away from the prince as possible, giving him his space. This caused the humans to laugh. They were making a camp and the cage was near enough to the fire for the children to be warm.

"Looks like TwoToneain't popular amongst his ow' kin'." The man laughed out. Another laughed out near by.

"Maybe the others are jealous of his looks." He said with a cracking voice, like the words were hard to get past his throat. That made all the men laugh. Duo just ignored them and glared dangerously.

-----(end prologue)-----

So let me know what you thinkā€¦.