Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from this writing...

Chapter 16: The Warning

Severus knew as soon as he finished detailing the prophecy he had overheard that there was a very good chance his life would be over. And since it was simply him and Voldemort, no one would even know to mark this as the end of his life.

Did he have anyone left who even cared?

A long second of pure silence hanged over them as he waited for Voldemort to act. "Crucio," Voldemort said easily, not even reveling in Snape's cries of torture as he thought pensively on the prophecy. "Are all my men so incompetent, Severus? You were incapable of disclosing the prophecy in its entirety. Every word of things of these nature need to be scrutinized, analyzed."

He remained on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "A child born as the seventh month ends…"

"There are two wizarding families that are expecting babies within days of each other at the end of the month, my lord," Severus said. He loathed to part with this information but if Voldemort discovered Snape had withheld information…

Well, it would make his crucio look like a walk in the park.

"The Potters and the Longbottoms," he announced.

If it was possible he thought he saw Voldemort's nostrils flare. "Why do their names always come up? Dumbledore's precious students, acting as a shield, another barrier between him and I."

"My lord…surely only the son of a pure blood family, one that can trace its ancestors back for centuries on both sides, would be capable of entertaining such … prophecies," Snape deflected. He immediately felt Voldemort's probe in his mind intensify, but he deflected the leglimency attacks.

"These things take consideration, Severus. Look throughout history—prophecies are always fulfilled because no one takes the direct course of action. Oedipous and Romulous were both abandoned, and fate kept them alive to fulfill their prophecies. No," Voldemort said as he touched his wand to his dark mark, "these matters require a firm, direct approach."

Snape watched first Lucius then Bellatrix arrive, and wanted to curse when he saw Peter arrive. He had to force himself not to react outwardly, and to shield any inward reaction from those around him.

"Wormtail, it is time you tell us exactly how to strike at your friends," Voldemort said smoothly. "They will be at their weakest as their young ones are born, what with their emotionally ravaged states. When are they due?"

"The-the Longbotttom baby is due first, my lord," Peter stuttered out. "Within three days, and the Potter baby will follow just after, by August second."

That peaked Snape's interest. If Lily would somehow not go into labor until after July… it gave him hope. Surely there was a way of keeping her from going into labor.

Not that she would ever speak with him, let alone accept any 'help.'


"Bag, clothes, shoes, glasses," James said grabbing everything as he named them off.

"Wife!" Lily offered as she began to have another contraction. Why, just why, did her labor have to start at 2 in the morning? Emily went into labor at 3 in the afternoon, Alice at 11 in the morning. "Why does the wee lad have to come now?" Lily question as James helped her to the floo network. "Isnt it enough he sleeps on my bladder, made me gain more-than-average baby weight, and what if I have stretch marks?" she demanded.

James fought off a grin as they flooed. "You can ground him every year on his birthday, love."

"You did much better than Riley or Frank, James," Lily teased. In comparison, James looked as if he had been through this as many times as Arthur Weasley.

Nurses swooped in taking Lily to a delivery room, wand shots going off everywhere as both Lily and James were transfigured into hospital gowns. "Make sure your butt is covered up, James Potter. I do not want to have to claw out any nurse who is stupid enough to ogle you," she warned, glaring at every nurse—male and female—in the room.

"My butt is for your eyes only, unless Princess Diana walks in," James promised.

"I will turn HER INTO A TOAD," Lily yelled into her contraction.

"That's it, Mrs. Potter, breath, you are dilated and we are ready to go. It looks like you have a crowd waiting in the hall," the doctor said nodding toward the door. They could see Sirius in the doorway holding a stuffed animal, Lupin with balloons, Emily and Alice trying to pry their way in to see.

"My hair isn't brushed, James," Lily complained.

"You look beautiful, and soon, you will be un-pregnant," he promised.


"Push!" the doctor yelled. A nurse quickly said a whispered spell with a fancy twirl of her wand on James hand. He had a feeling if she hadn't, Lily's grip would have smashed his hand.

"We're crowning," the doctor encouraged. "There's the head. One more."

"It must be the size of Sirius' ego. James, love, make sure I am not giving birth to an elephant," she said jerking him around to look.

He quickly returned to the position by her side. "I love you, Lils, but if you make me look at our baby again before this is over, I am going to end up in the bed next to you."

"Is something wrong?" Lily asked everyone in the room. "Emily Potter O'Neil, get in here!" Emily would tell her the truth.

Sirius and Lupin pushed the unwilling new mother in towards the irate in-labor redhead. And blocked her from making a quick escape.

Well, she couldn't act on her self-preservation skills.

"Take a look," Lily demanded. As she began pushing again.

"Ah, he is perfect, Lily," Emily cooed. He could have been born green and she would still have told her friend that, but she was happy that it was the truth.

"Does the new daddy want to cut the cord?" the doctor asked.

Emily pushed James over. He seemed to be in a stupor. "I think he will make a wonderful dad, Ems," Lily gushed happily. The irate, murder-you-with-a-flick-of-her-wrist woman was replaced by a serene, mellow new mom. "Why didn't I bring a camera?"

Alice pushed her way through and brought in a camera. She knew what Lily wanted and snapped a photo of James holding his newborn son. "What did you name him?" Alice asked.

"Harry. Harry James," Lily smiled serenely.

"It seems the only way to get a namesake is to have babies. Lupin, it looks like we are going to have to find women and have babies," Sirius decided. "How else are we going to get another Sirius?"

"Sirius, love, surely you can pick another constellation to continue this weird family tradition," Lupin said. "I don't think there can be another Sirius."

"Let's hope," Riley smiled as he looked down at baby Harry. "Can you imagine a baby Sirius being playmates with Harry, Neville, and Emma?"

"I think that would be wonderful," Alice said as they watched James pass Harry to Lily. "Sirius, Lupin, you both need to think about settling down."

"And who would have either of us, Alice? All the good girls are taken," Sirius said flirtatiously.

"Mind your hands, Black," Frank warned.

"Maybe by the time you guys start working on the second batch of kids," Lupin said. At least it gave him and Sirius time (as in, hopefully years) to get them to forget this absurd notion of him getting married or having kids. He wouldn't risk passing on his problems to anyone.

"Someone out there will make you change your mind," Emily whispered in his ear, picking up on what he was thinking.

"Well, as much as I want Harry to be a big brother, I am not going through that again any time soon," lily said. "Maybe in a few years. Besides, little Harry will have plenty of friends with baby Emma and baby Neville."

"Didn't the Weasley's just have another kid, too?" Sirius asked. "What are they up to now, 9?"

"Hardly, Sirius. 6," Lupin said.

"Don't forget that darling Narcissa just gave birth to the Malfoy heir," Sirius added. "They could all be playmates together," he drawled.

"Who knows," Lily said. "Maybe by the time they go to school, the war will be over and a Malfoy and a Potter can be friends," she said optimistically. Two hours ago she would have never had entertained the notion (no matter the fact Sirius was a Black). But now, holding her new born, the world seemed to hold infinite possibilities.


"I am beginning to lose faith in my followers," Voldemort admonished. "How difficult is it to intercept children in the hospital?"

"Dumbledore seems to have discovered our plan, my lord," Lucius said, knowing the answer wasn't satisfying. "Everyone attending to the newborn and the families are working in the Order, or have Order protection."

"Dare I ask how Dumbledore seems to know I would want these two children?" Voldemort asked Snape.

"He must have come to the same conclusion as to the only two possibilities, my lord."

Voldemort eyed each of the followers before him. Snape, Bellatrix, and Lucius he trusted above the rest. Wormtail feared him unconditionally; it was his best trait.

"Wormtail, I think you may have redeemed yourself," Voldemort decided.

"Really, my lord?" Wormtongue sniveled. He had no idea how, he had yet to even say a word the entire meeting.

"Oh, yes. I can not lay a hand on the children now, no. I can, however, send a message straight and clear to my antagonist. Oh, yes. Wormtongue. You have given me perhaps the most useful information you behold. How to strike directly at the heart of these annoying Dumbledore fans. And I now have the opportunity for you to prove yourself to me beyond any doubt."

"Any, anything my lord."



"Maisy," Emily whispered as she laid Emma in her crib after a feeding. "Is everything ready?"

"Yes, missus," the house elf nodded. "the baby gifts are waiting in the entrance hall."

"Wonderful." As soon as Riley arrived back from work they were going to James and Lily's. They were coming back from the hospital today and everyone wanted to be there to welcome them. She glanced at the clock and saw she had about 10 minutes before Riley would floo home.

A knock on the door startled her. She blamed Riley for making her on edge all day, ever since he woke her up at dawn claiming to have heard the banshee. She had managed to herd him to work but had been on edge all day.

She opened the door when she had seen it was Peter. "Hey," Emily smiled. "I thought you were meeting us at Prongs'?"

"I thought I would take the minute alone with you before you head over. Riley's not home yet, is he?"

"Uh, no," Emily said. She couldn't explain it, Peter was acting like his old self, but something was sending a shiver up her back. "But soon," she felt compelled to say.

"Good," he said and her heart fell as her gut clinched in fear.

Huge thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter! Schoolis crazy as the end of my program approaches but I finally found time to write! I plan on taking this through Deathly Hallows, we'll see how it goes.