Characters: Square Enix – Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts

Story: Me

Time: About an hour… I procrastinate.

About: My new FAVOURITE pairing! I love these two! I might write a Cloud/Zack one later… maybe…

Warnings: bleh, just don't read if your homophobic.

Cloud woke with a start feeling something holding him. Breathing out a sigh of relief, he realised the thing clutching him was Leon, his new boyfriend. Cloud smiled to himself and snuggled closer to Leon. 'I can't believe I finally have him' Cloud thought as he placed a feather light kiss on his lover's cheek.

They had been together for about a week when Leon had placed an accidental kiss on Cloud. Cloud had had another nightmare again about his experiences with mako energy. As usual the blonde had gone straight to Leon's room. The brunette, having known that Cloud would come wake him some time during the night, was already wake when he came in. When he came in, Leon sat up and smiled sympathetically.

"This one was really bad Leon" Cloud had said with tears running down his pale milky skin. The smaller boy climbed on Leon's bed and sat between his legs. Leon had wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist and listened to him cry for a moment.

"Ssshh, don't think about it" Leon had replied as he hushed slowly rocked the boy to sleep. He had nuzzled Clouds neck and held him closer and stronger as he started to sob harder. Leon moved the hair from Clouds ears with his nose and said "It'll be ok, I'm here for you", and with that Leon bent down a little and kissed Cloud on the cheek. The blonde blushed as he started to cry more. Leon turned away from Cloud thinking that he had done something wrong, but was stopped by Cloud's slender yet strong hands on the sides of his face. He looked deeply into the other eyes, before craning his neck and kissing Leon on the lips.

Cloud had always felt like something was missing from his life ever since Zack had died, but feeling Leon's lips on his just made him feel so complete. And Leon… Leon was no different, he had never had someone to be with or someone to care for, but now he had Cloud and he felt that his life was a big jigsaw puzzle that Cloud had fit back together.

Leon licked Cloud's bottom lip, and silently asked for permission to enter. Cloud smiled against the others lips and parted his. Leon's tongue snaked into the blonde's small warm mouth and hummed. Cloud moved his hands from Leon's cheeks to his neck, and pulled the band that was keeping his hair back. Cloud pulled back to look at the other, he hardly ever had his hair out anymore. The blonde smiled and tightened his hold around Leon's neck.

"Thank you for being there for me" he said before smiling and caressing the elder boys face, and kissing him slightly on the neck.

"I'll always be here" Leon replied and began to move down so they could lie down. He thought this is how it should have been; this is where cloud should have been sleeping, not on his own in that cold, empty room. Leon started to draw patterns on Clouds back, and Cloud, started to kiss his neck.

Cloud couldn't help but smile, that was the first time he and Leon kissed. That memory would stay with Cloud for as long as he lived. He looked up at his lover when he started to move.

When Leon opened his eyes he couldn't help but smiled when the first thing he saw was Cloud looking up at him. He tried to wrapped his arms around Cloud, but smiled again realising they already were.

'Yeah this is how it should be' Cloud and Leon thought.