Disclaimer: Sorry, not mine-see next window please.
Author's Note: This is a tiny little ficlet that was once again entirely on impulse. Big thanks to JJ Phoenix for her super quick beta. She is amazing. Like WonderBeta or something. I'll have to work on getting her a cape.
Dean learned one cold winter afternoon that you should never give Sammy hot chocolate. Especially not the kind with mini-marshmallows built into the package. Two packets of cocoa powder, a lot of sugar-induced running around, one broken (and sharp) mug, and one cut thumb later had Sammy's lip trembling and Big Brother Dean to the rescue once again.
Dean crouched in front of a four-year-old Sammy, whose eyes were big, round and shiny-wet. Blood oozed from a jagged slash on his thumb, and Dean was suddenly struck with inspiration.
"Hey Sammy, how would you like to make a blood oath?"
Sam removed his thumb from his mouth, his soft snuffling ceasing as he gazed adoringly up at his big brother.
"A...a bludoth?"
"Yeah, Sammy. It'll make us blood brothers forever, and nothing can ever break that bond." Dean slid a small pocketknife off the bedside table as he spoke, barely flinching as he nicked the pad of his thumb, allowing a trickle of blood to bubble up, bright red against his skin. He reached for Sammy's hand, which had already started to bleed again. He carefully pressed his thumb to Sammy's, holding it there firmly for a few seconds before lifting his thumb away and gauging Sammy's reaction to what was going on. The tiny boy had yet to utter a word, and he looked wide-eyed up at Dean, feeling the importance of the moment.
A cleaned up, broken (and still sharp) mug, a fresh batch of hot chocolate (WITH the mini-marshmallows; Dean would always be a sucker for those puppy eyes), and two Band-Aids from the battered first aid kit later had the two brothers flipping through channels on the motel room bed, Sammy snuggled warmly into Dean's side. Dean was clicking his way through infomercials and talk shows when Sammy lifted his head suddenly.
"Yeah Sammy?"
"You know we didn't even need the...the...bludoth, 'cause even without it, I'd still be your brother forever and ever." Sam slipped his bandaged hand into Dean's identically bandaged hand and settled back into his side.
Dean pulled him in tighter with one arm and smiled down at the curly brown head.
"Yeah Sammy. I know."
Author's note: Yes, I did actually get this idea while making instant hot cocoa with-you guessed it- mini-marshmallows. I really suck at making the powdered kind (It ALWAYS turns out lumpy for me!) and should probably consider switching to Hershey's chocolate syrup and milk (SO much easier) But damn it, I can't resist those tiny little marshmallows that you can only get in the packets.