Name: Kiss Me
Rating: PG
Summary: "Sorry, Inoue-san! She's chasing me ... quick, pretend to be my girlfriend!" Ishida yelled frantically, his eyes darting back and forth from the girl in front of him to the other girl's searching eyes. "Kiss me!"

Author's Notes: Hmm ... this came to me while I was watching EP 116 of Bleach. I wrote this in 20 minutes and edited it for about 5. : D

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or the characters.Thanks to CrystalRaindrop007 for Beta'ing!

"Inoue can't say 'no' to anyone who asks her a favor." — Matsumoto, from Bleach

Kiss Me

Inoue Orihime sighed happily as she let the wind blow through her long, silky hair. Her eyes smiled and her hands were clasped tightly behind her back as she watched the beautiful rays from the sun that were cast upon the ground.

"Oh, I wonder where Kurosaki-kun is," she said, sighing as she looked around the park. He usually came there with his sisters on Saturdays like this, but today he hadn't shown up yet.

"He's sick."

Orihime squealed as she turned around to see Rukia behind her.

"Oh, Kuchiki-san! What are you doing here?" Orihime asked, curiously looking into Rukia's violet eyes. Rukia smiled and pointed behind her to where Yuzu was happily climbing on the swings and Karin was muttering something about being too old to be there.

"I'm here with Ichigo's sisters. He was going to go with them today, but I told him that if he moved from bed, I'd tie him down. He's really sick," Rukia explained, waving back to Yuzu when the little girl's eyes caught her own violet ones.

"Ooh, is he going to be alright?" Orihime asked, a concerned look in her eyes. Both she and Rukia sat down on a slightly dusty bench.

"Yeah, if he stops being an idiot and stays in bed."

"That's good! Maybe I should visit him today ... "

A small blush came over Orihime's face and Rukia smiled.

"Me and Yuzu and Karin are leaving in about half an hour, you can come back with us if you'd like."

"I'd love to! But ... "

"But what?" Rukia asked, standing to her feet and brushing dust off her light brown skirt. Her small feet were bare and her pale arms seemed even more pale as the sun shone down on them.

"I don't think ... well, I've never been in Kurosaki-kun's house except when I was small, and - "

"It'll be alright," Rukia said.

Orihime smiled shyly and stood to her feet too. She said, "If you're leaving in half an hour, could I go do something until then?"

"Mm hm," Rukia agreed, nodding her head as she began to walk back over to Yuzu and Karin. "C'ya later, Inoue-san!"

"Bye bye, Kuchiki-san!"

Orihime smiled as she walked around the park. It was such a nice day; she just wanted to stay outside through all of it. The sun glinted off of the pond as she reached down, trying to pet one of the ducks. But before she could reach her hand out, a large figure darted past her, then screeched to a halt. She fought to keep her balance on the edge of the pond; she was on the verge of falling in.

"Oh!" she yelled, finally setting both feet firmly on the ground.

The figure, who was breathing hard and looked like he had been running for a while, turned around to face her and she gasped.

"Ishida-kun! You look like you've been running."

She mentally slapped herself; why did she always point out the obvious?

"S-sorry, Inoue-san, but ... she's following me again! Quick, pretend to be my girlfriend so she'll leave me alone!" Ishida yelled frantically, his eyes darting back and forth from the girl in front of him to the other girl's searching eyes. "Kiss me!"

"Wha-what? But, but I-I ... "

Orihime's eyes were wide as Ishida suddenly crushed his lips to hers. The girl who had been chasing Ishida suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her own brown eyes went wide, then slumped closed a little. It was more of a "I'll kill that girl for taking my man" look than a "Ooh, he's got a girlfriend!" look.

As soon as the girl had turned her back and stalked away, Ishida pulled back from Orihime. Her eyes were wide, and her fingers went up to trace her light pink lips.

"S-sorry about that, Inoue-san, but she just won't leave me alone, and I thought that if-"

"It's alright, Ishida! I'm glad I could have been of some help."

Ishida's cheeks went slightly red as he stared at Orihime's smiling face. She didn't seem disturbed at all.

"If I can ever help you again in the future, Ishida-kun, let me know!" she chirped.

"A-alright ... Um ... hey, want some ice-cream?"

It was the least he could do for her.

Orihime nodded happily and soon, she was trailing behind Ishida to the ice-cream stand. She reached out and took his hand, swinging it back and forth with hers in between them. His blush deepened.

Rukia smirked from her spot on top of the swing poles. She was sitting right above Yuzu, and right beside Karin, who thought climbing on top of the swings might not be above an eleven-year-old.

"So ... I win?" Rukia asked, her feet kicking back and forth and her arms crossed over her white, spaghetti strap tank-top.

"Win what?" Karin asked, an amused look on her face as she watched Orihime lick her ice cream in the distance.

"Ichigo owes me thirty dollars. He bet that Ishida-kun wouldn't make a move on Inoue-san for at least another month, and I bet he would in two weeks."

"Rukia-chan, isn't the girl that was chasing Ishida-kun that girl I saw talking to you earlier?" Yuzu asked, frowning a little.

Rukia smiled and a look of understanding came over Karin's face. She turned to Rukia and smirked.

"You give me half of the money, and I won't tell Ichigo you rigged the whole thing," she offered.

"Oh, and I have a feeling that Inoue-san won't be joining us this afternoon," Rukia said, swinging down onto the ground. Karin landed beside her and, once Yuzu had hopped up from the swing, they all began walking home.

Before they had taken three steps, Yuzu, understanding hitting her suddenly, whined,

"Rukiaaa-chan! You didn't!"

Rukia and Karin burst out laughing.

LOL. What did you think? I had soo much fun with that! And I got some Rukia/Yuzu/Karin interaction in there, too. I wrote this in 20 minutes and edited it for about 5. : D

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