Wrath Oneshot gift for my good friend Feather. (Because her Greed oneshot didn't come out as good as I'd hoped) Merry Christmas, Feathz .

Set in Movie-verse

I don't own FMA. Or the movie.


There was a reason he had brought Al down to the old, fallen city. Wrath himself didn't know, but the impending doom he felt in the air told him it'd mean sacrifice.

And as they're going down, he hears the sound of falling columns and the crushing of stone. Then there's the stench of Homunculi, too. This could be interesting.

Wrath's too busy trying to figure out where the other is to notice the transmutation circle clearing written. But Al does. And he doesn't hesitate to point it out.

And now Wrath knows what he has to do.

The homunculus stands back and watches as Al presses his hand to the circle, and hopes for the best. Hopes it'll bring his brother back.

But it doesn't. It brings Gluttony.

When Al asks just what that thing is, Wrath says it's a monster. Like him. (But is he really a monster?).

A fight endures between the two homunculi, once on the same side. But Wrath knows his Red Stones have been spent, and Gluttony has much too many. So when liquid Philosopher's Stone drips from the larger homunculi, he doesn't waste time to scramble after it. Into the water.

Wrath snatches the stones up, and throws them into his mouth. Now, he has enough energy to do what he must.

And it's not long until Gluttony comes at him. One head gone. And another. Gluttony's mad now, and this is Wrath's chance. He lodges his automail into the transmutation circle, and waits.

And sure enough, Gluttony comes. Wrath can feel as the homunculi's teeth digs into him. He can feel the blood roll out of his mouth, and drip along his sides.

And he calls to Al, "Hurry. Transmute me and Gluttony."

And suddenly, the pain in his sides dulls, like a fading light. But no, the light isn't fading, it's swirling around him. Blinding and terrifying (because those memories of where he came from just won't go away), but brings a promise of peace.

In Wrath's lasts moments, he thinks of how his sacrifice was worth it.


That came out better than I expected. That's always a good thing.

Luna Ligersripe