For a Favor

By Charmed Wolf

Disclaimer is that and forever will be the same in the story; I seriously do not own Rurouni Kenshin and including the gorgeousness of Shinomori Aoshi. They will remain with their well respected creators; I'm just borrowing them for this story, so no suing me!

With Suki now engaged to be married, Aoshi was going to let Suki use the same wedding kimono that he wore as he married Misao, Tenshiko got acquainted with the kids knowing that there will be more in due time. "Tenshiko, don't be surprised if Suki and Aoshi go spar or go feed," Misao gently said to Tenshiko, of course Tenshiko already knew that Suki was already a vampire.

Marina was jealous of her brothers because one was married and other was going to be really soon, Hiro knew that Aoshi and Suki would bring the grace back to the family. 'This is what it means to have grace,' Hiro thought with a smile to his lips, he knew he already had grandkids to spoil.

Tenshiko happily held onto Suki until Aoshi came down from the upstairs room, in his hands was the wedding kimono that he once wore at his wedding. "Dear brother, this is the kimono I wore at my wedding," Aoshi said as he continued, "I want you to wear this on your wedding day, may this kimono bring you good luck and good fortune." Suki gently takes the kimono from his brother with grace; Aoshi knew that with what he started would return as grace. Misao gave Tenshiko a hair pin to wear in her hair; Suki knew that Amazu will have an aunt to play with her very soon.

'I can't stand it with another of my brothers is going to be getting married,' Marina thought as she leaves the room, Hiro followed his daughter just to talk to her about her. He could tell there was something wrong, Hiro wanted to know what was wrong with his daughter being concerned.

"I can't stand it when it's either Aoshi or Suki getting married or having a family," Marina said as Hiro walk into the room, he knew that there was something deeper than what she said.

He didn't want the jealousy to cause a rift in the family; he went to Marina to take a look at what was wrong. "Marina, I know there is something deeper than that, I'm not about to let jealousy rip our family apart," Hiro said laying a hand on Marina's cheek; he was willing to admit it that he had problems with his brother. It was pretty awful to be having to deal with jealous, and now, Hiro was going to make that known to his daughter. "I wish it was me that was getting married or having a family, father," Marina said as Suki was laughing holding onto Tenshiko, Hiro smiled watching his sons with Tenshiko and Misao and his grandkids play for awhile under Aoshi's supervision.

Hiro wanted Marina to see Aoshi and Suki together as brothers, Tenshiko was just glad that Aoshi and Misao were helping her and Suki out. "Marina, Aoshi isn't jealous of Suki because he had been there, he now has three kids," Hiro said watching his sons; still, Marina was still jealous of her brothers. Hiro looked at his daughter with a disappointed look; he didn't want any part of this jealousy.

"Marina, listen, I never raised you to be jealous of your brothers," Hiro said as he looked at his daughter before he continued, "I have already had some problems with my own brother, now I don't want to see it here." Marina just nodded afraid to say anything to her father, Aoshi only wanted to see good things come to his twin brother and his family. Tenshiko was pregnant with Suki's first child, which was another cause to celebrate Suki and Tenshiko that night. "I'm happy with the thought of having another grandchild here," Hiro said with a smile to his lips, Tenshiko was very happy as she rubbed her baby bump with the baby kicking her. Aoshi and Suki were playing with the wolf pup that was running around; Amazu was helping Misao with the twins and changing their diapers.

"Misao, it's that time for me to go lay down to sleep," Aoshi said as he was standing in the doorway without his gi shirt on, Suki was getting tired himself as he was yawning and stretching.

Misao saw that the brothers were in bed as did Tenshiko, Misao's father-in-law was already in bed by the time the brothers had gotten to bed. "Tenshiko, do you mind helping with the laundry?" Misao asked lightly carrying a basket of clothes, Tenshiko politely helped Misao with the laundry.

Aoshi got up to tend to one of his sons, it made Aoshi glad that he now has a fine growing family. "Misao, I think one of our sons is hungry," Aoshi said picking up Hannya hand to Misao for feeding, Misao just smiled seeing Aoshi yawn to the daylight. She wanted her husband to go back to bed to rest; it was still early in the day for Aoshi to get enough rest. "Aoshi, please rest, it's still early in the day so you can sleep," Misao said touching his cheek sweetly, Aoshi just smiled taking Misao's hand into his very gently and then kissed her before returning to their room to sleep.

Of course, once Shikijo was fed, Hannya needed to be fed next. "What was that I just heard outside?" Aoshi asked as he heard an audible click from the outside, somehow Aoshi knew that wasn't Gabriel outside the Aoiya, it was a vampire hunter from the Nakamura Family, and they wanted Aoshi.

Aoshi was worried for his family and his life; he went to go grab his swords to defend his family. 'I will not let harm come to my family,' Aoshi thought as he went outside, he wasn't as sensitive as first thought in the beginning of his life as a vampire. Aoshi was attacked first by the Nakamura vampire hunter; the kodachi was unsheathed as Aoshi got ready for his attack.

"So, Shinomori, you put your family before your life and yet you risk your life," the person had said just to intimidate Aoshi, but it never worked with the Okashira of the Oniwabanshu.

Aoshi stepped forward with the swords glistening in the sun, the fight was on and this vampire hunter was stronger than what Tori and Romi were. 'I'm going to lose my life and I will not see my wife and kids again,' Aoshi thought as he made his attack, Misao was worried about Aoshi as he attacked the vampire hunter. Yet, Aoshi finally took care of the vampire hunter, but it was at a cost of injuries, to Aoshi, that was nothing new to his as he had been injured before all this and his life as a vampire. "You really think you can intimidate me, you're wrong," Aoshi said as he made his attack count, Gabriel ran to catch Aoshi after the swords were sheathed and everything was done.

Megumi was at the door to help treat Aoshi's injuries; Misao was worried about her husband as Megumi worked to get the injuries worked on. 'I wish that vampire hunter never came here, now I'm afraid of losing Aoshi,' Misao thought until Megumi had let Misao into the room, Aoshi had clean bandages wrapped around his chest after having to be worked on by Megumi and Gabriel.

Misao kept by Aoshi's side until the baby boys need her, for days, Aoshi was unconscious as the bandages were changed and a medicine was applied to the wounds. "Aoshi, I want you to wake up soon, I need you and the kids miss you," Misao said stroking Aoshi's hair; she jumped a bit hearing a groan escape from Aoshi. Although it made Misao smile to see Aoshi's beautiful icy blue eyes, after Aoshi woke up, Megumi came in to check on Aoshi's injuries making sure they were healing.

"The injuries look very well healed; still, I would be careful for a few days," Megumi said as Suki and Tenshiko came into Aoshi's room, Suki had been worried about his brother as much as Misao was. Suki saw that the injuries were healed; Tenshiko was helping Misao to care for the kids while Misao took care of Aoshi. "Misao, I love it when you take care of me," Aoshi said gently stroking Misao's cheek, Tenshiko saw the love that Aoshi and Misao shared together. It was going to be the same kind between her and Suki, Tenshiko giggled as the baby in her womb moved.

"It's going to be before we marry that our child comes, Tenshiko-chan," Suki said laying a hand on the baby bump, Aoshi and Misao were watching Suki and Tenshiko knowing they were there once with Amazu. Hannya was lying in his little bed when he need to be changed, Aoshi went to go check on his children. "Hannya, I think you need a change," Aoshi said as he picked up his son, Misao was watching waiting to help Aoshi with the change and then Shikijo needed a change. Aoshi chuckled as Misao giggled while changing Hannya then Shikijo, Suki was watching his brother on what to do take care of his kids as Marina, still a bit jealous of Aoshi and Suki because of things that happened.

"Marina, Aoshi and Suki had to work to get to where they are," Hiro said watching Aoshi tending to Hannya and Shikijo with Misao, Amazu was in the garden chasing butterflies and giggling.

Aoshi was watching his son play while Misao tried to change Shikijo's clothes, Suki chuckled as Shikijo tried to squirm away. "Okaa-san, are you having trouble with baby brother?" Amazu asked as she giggled, Misao couldn't help but to giggle too. Aoshi and Suki were out in the dojo sparring like usual, up until Tenshiko's water broke, Suki and Aoshi ran help with the impending birth.

"Father, you're going to have another grandchild here soon," Aoshi said as he and others waited for the birth, Suki was nervous about being a first time father. Misao had called for Megumi to come for the birth; Hiro was going to be glad to have another grandchild around. "It's going to be soon that the baby is going to be here," Megumi said after setting up for the birth, hours later, there was a cry of a healthy baby boy. Suki was with his wife after she was holding their son in her arms; he was pleased with Tenshiko after giving birth to a baby boy. "Congratulations, Suki and Tenshiko, a baby boy," Aoshi said proud of his brother, of course, Hiro was proud to see his family grow.

Misao went to go get some outfits for her little nephew; Aoshi was helping Misao with the baby shopping for Suki and Tenshiko and the new baby in the Aoiya now. "Aoshi, our boys are getting bigger now," Misao said with a smile, Aoshi knew that it was almost that time for them to expand once more. Aoshi was glad to have a daughter and two sons; he was just hoping that he wouldn't act like his father. "I guess it's time to have another baby," Aoshi said as they were walking back, Misao just giggled at the thought of having a bigger family with Aoshi, her love of her life.

For my Reviewer:

Angel Sanada Sekhmet Date: Thank you for reviewing for my story when no one else will, your character just had a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I'm going to try to work on a Squeal to this story, if not, I have some other stories to work on in the meantime.

Okay, this is going to be my last chapter, but I will have a Squeal going into the works. I really want to thank the people that have been able to review this story for awhile; I can't forget my friend that had started to review this story.

Well, that's it, send me ideas for a Squeal!