Hey everyone! This is my three some! As in, each chapter will focus around Saya and another pairing. Who are:




Yes, all you lovers of Saya! Each is different and will be the first time I do this. Please be kind NO FLAMES and such! For each chapter, I will start off with the theme song and the ending song. Depends, I might switch it up with a different song, or I will stick with it!


Disclaimer: I own my imagination, but even that is on rent to my boring friends….ahaha your not boring. Just creatively deprived, but I'm not creative. At all. Period. Nada. Ahahaha….omg I'm a loser…


Futarikiri kurayamino naka
Alone together in the darkness

Kimi no namida no imi wo shitta
I learned the meaning of your tears

Mekau basho fumidashita kedo
I've taken a step forward my destination

Dare mo kizutsuketaku nakute
But I don't want to hurt anymore

Umi wo wataru kaze ha kyou mo
Today the wind that blows over the ocean

Mayowasu ni ashita ni mukau no ni
Once again heads unhesitatingly toward tomorrow

Kokoro ga doushite ugokidasenai
So why can't my heart begin to move?

Donna unmei ga matteirun darou
What destiny awaits me?

Kuyamitakunai yo umareta koto
I don't want to regret being born

Kanashimi no naka ni yuuki ga aru
There is courage with my sadness

Kagayaki tsukamu to shinjiteiru
I believe I can grab that sparkle

Furishikiru aozora no namida
Tears pour down from a clear blue sky

Itsunohika egao ni kaeru yo
Someday they'll change into a smile

-Aozora no Namida,

Chapter: 1.0 Last Tyme Kisses

"Once upon a time, there was a brave strong warrior. The warrior was dressed in the skin of a human, disguising it from the truth of the mean world. It took on the form of a pretty, exotic girl, with blood red eyes the glowed like a predator in the dead of night. In her eyes did not show compassion for anything that moved. They were colder than a frozen heart and more calculating than a crazed man. The girl could blend in with the night with her midnight short black hair. She was like a coin, she could flip her personality into something so horrific, and no one would recognize her. Only as the-"

"As the Bakemono! Right Kai-ojisan?" squealed a small feminine voice. "Heh, why do you want me to tell you the story, when you already memorized it by heart?" asked the man. His eyes sloped into a smile as he looked the two girls. "Because! When Kai-ojisan says it, its sounds so good!" a nod agreed with the simple statement. They were so innocent. They were the spitting image of their deceased mother. "So! Keep going!" they shouted in unison. Ungrateful little brats he thought gently.

"As I was saying, they didn't just call her a Bakemono, but something that made her realize that she was something special. Something different, something…raw. They were called Chiroptera" "Kai-Rope-Terr-A?" sounded out the little girl. He smiled "Yeah, Chiroptera. They were animals in a beastly form, and they got drunk to their will of eating. Almost…like a vampire. The substance that all of us, even animals need to survive" One of the little girls, the braver of the two asked in a meek voice "…what?" He grinned.



Down in the dining room, the adults winced at the sound of the two girls screams of terror. "That story again?" mumbled a large and bald black male. "I guess" spoke a blonde, eye wearing woman. "Baka" muttered her counter part. His arm around her shoulders squeezed tight. 5…4…3…2… "UNCLE LEWIS!!! KAI-OJISAN IS BEING MEAN!!!" Bingo the thunder of footsteps racing down the stairs could be heard and the 'whoosh' of two people going around the corner at a face pace. The door slammed open and no one bother to look over their coffees. "UNCLE LEWIS!!" they sobbed. They jumped him and clung, sobbing hysterically. "Yoshi yoshi! It's okay! He's a mean one ne? It's okay! Don't cry! Don't cry! Damn you Kai" he muttered. There sobs got louder to get his attention back to them. "Gomen Gomen!!" Kai appeared in the doorway giving Lewis the finger and a cocky smile. Bastard! He knows I don't know what the HELL I'm doing! He complained.

"Kai, it's their bedtime story! BEDtime. See where I'm going with this? Why would you tell something like that? There only 8 for god sakes!" groaned Julia. Her hair whipped furiously around, hitting her boyfriend, David in the face "Pfft" "Oh! Gomen" and she quickly turned back to glare at the boy in the door. He rolled his eyes and ran a hair through his messy orange-red hair. "Kai, despite how hilarious this is for our Lewis "HELL NO! AH! GOMEN LITTLE ONE!", this is rather annoying. We just wanted to drink our coffee in peace and wait for you to come back down" Kai, at his point was removing any lint from his ears. "Huh? You said something?" David just started harder at him. Raising his hands in submission he mumbled "Wakkata, Wakkata! Come you little runts, bed time".

Instantly, the two girls leaped off a fumbling Lewis, smiling and ran to Kai. "Bye bye Uncle Lewis!" they cheered and the familiar sound of thunder going up the stairs could be heard. "I swear! They're going to be little drama queens!" They paused at the word, queens. Two queens, that one day or another, they were bound to kill each other. The very thought of another war, sent a chill down to the darkest part of their hearts. Sisters, identical in everyway, born from a sister of a twin. In the human world, that would be a phenomenal thing. Not for them. This will continue on, even long after their death. People already had a vague idea of something going on during the concert of the century.

The opera singer is…was Diva. The mother of the two girls. She died, to her twin sister. This is history. The repetition will never fail, nor will the fact that the chosen people who know, will have to be careful around the girls. They have yet to let them learn of their true nature and background. They won't be able to tell them of their existence, except, a creature that is far above the average human. Being able to adapt to any place, situation is what gave them a fascination by Joel Goldschmidt the first, the very first man to bring both the sisters to the zoo. The first time, that only one of them, was let out into the sunlight and the other learn the life of seclusion and song. Loneliness and discovery was the key thing that let Diva out. By her twin.


Saya, was not here. Even that was hard to come to terms with. With the defeat of Diva, she had gone. She was gone. Dreaming in a dream. Something that she won't wake up from. Neither hell nor the smell of blood could wake the 'dead' state Saya was in. Everyone had their thoughts of Saya. Because she was her own person, she was different.

She was the person Kai always makes stories of.

Successfully putting the girls to sleep, after checking the closet, under the bed, putting on the night light, and opening the curtains so the moon can stream through, he was ready to fall asleep himself. He quietly walked down the flight of stairs into the room with the rest of the adults. He had a cup of coffee and chatted with the others. "Any activity?" he asked between sips of creamy coffee.

David pulled out a report him his bag and took a look at it. "We traced the remaining 10 Chiroptera. Joel is sending squads to the locations. Most of them are not active except that case a while back. Other than that, it seems easy" he replied leaning back into the chair. "Too easy…"Lewis suggested thoughtfully. Julia was fidgeting with her hand held mini computer, eyes darting over the screen as the light reflected back into her glasses. "I can assume" she looked up. "That once the original 'queen' wakes up, the others that are below the radar will come to her. Saya" That name hadn't been spoken for a long time. Since her hibernation, the utter name was a slight 'forbidden' word.

Quickly, Kai sprung fro his seat. "I'm gone" and he rushed out, grabbing his coat and the sound of the door closing signaled he was gone.

The other adults in the room quietly drank their tea. Once they were finished, they bid their goodnights and went to their rooms.

Don't do something so stupid Kai thought a drowsy Lewis.


Deciding it was too late to go back, he started his scooter to go on a drive along the beach. The lamps along the road shone brightly in the deep blue sky. With the background of the ocean, it looked like the ocean shone with bright star fish.

Without much notice, he drove directly to where she lay, fast asleep. As a routine, he got off his bike, parked it, put his helmet in the compartment and started up the stairs. It was a vigorous exercise to walk up those stairs. Today, he felt a pull and a crash. His head sprung up and he sprinted up the stairs. …Saya! He stumbled occasionally up the stairs. Frantic thoughts swirled around his head in attempts for that sound. What if some stupid punks broke it? What is Saya was killing them? What if this was a repeat of Vietnam? These probable thoughts started to mush into this logic thoughts.

Panting hard, he struggles on harder. The door was still sealed. With much effort from his tired bones, the door opens painfully slow. The only source of light inside the sleeping chamber was the moon coming through the door. The candles were melted and had crystallized all over the floor. His foots prints could be heard from the echoing around the home. His eyes searched for a vague form in the bed. He gulped and closed his eyes. He prayed to god, that Saya wasn't stolen or taken away. Saya…her haunting figure was constantly in his dreams. Unless he saw her, he would never be able to sleep.

"K – Kai?" whispered the voice among the darkness. He failed to notice, that indeed, she was disturbed in her sleep. The hands of blood smeared the walls and drew puddles on the floor. The wide eyed dead looked in shock. Nothing was left alive. All of them were male around his age. You could smell faintly the beers that lead them to their death.

A pale limb rose from the bed, it's arm beckoned him closer. He attentively walked toward the bed, almost like he mesmerized he didn't care about the grueling scene in front of him. "Saya" he chocked out. Fiddling around in his pants, he looked for a match to light the very little candle beside her bed. Once he found it, the light enflamed the room. With the light, he saw the full extent of Saya's killing had lead to. "Gomen Kai, I was just so…hungry" came the voice, just barely above a whisper. The top half of the boys body was already gone. It must have happen in that short period of time.

A soft sob broke his attention. Saya, who never really wanted to cry, had tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm a monster. I ATE their FLESH! I – I – I didn't even know I did it. It was like, a fog covered me, and let out the OTHER Saya. The Diva Saya. I – I –I don't even know what to do…I'm so tired and I want it to stop" she said in one breath. Her reality sunk in faster than he thought it would. His face distorted into anger. "Saya just stop!" he yelled at her. She looked up at him, with the tears still in her eyes. He sat on her bed and grabbed her hand, squeezing tight. "You are NOT a monster! You are MY Saya. The girl that I grew up with. The girl that can do so much at the same time. The girl that can be strong like steel yet soft like wool. You are my Saya and I LOVE YOU!" he shouted.

His eyes snapped open. He said it. He confessed it. His darkest secret that he held dear to him since he saw her. Since he saw her, that day he thought she died. His heart had leaped in joy. He discarded it as a longing of hope and happiness that she came back. Until, it came every time they spent time together, or a single touch would spark something within him. Something deep and raw, not like when he went out with other girls. Those were mutual likings and nothing at all.

"Kai….Arigatou" she whispered. At that time, the candle blew out and she pulled him down to her face. He gave a yelp of surprise at her aggression. In that instant, their lips met. It was a simple kiss, but it meant so much to him. It was what he was longing for. They pulled apart and she fell softly back into her bed. "Good night Kai, I'll see you in a little while." She closed her eyes and only the soft breath was heard.

Kai got up, in a daze and walked out. He closed the door and started his long trek down the stairs again. She kissed me…

So, that was her last tyme kiss. His night got better. The wind picked up the speed and raced down the stairs with more than a smile on his face.

Wait for me Saya! Wait for me!

(I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts
I'm hunting on the night, the salve to my dreams an illustrated seen descends in the sleep
We're playing for the fights emotional games
I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame

A never ending dream a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you
Tonight I want to hide my feelings too
As you do and I want to be with you (X2)

-A neverending Dream, Cascada

Yay! Merry Christmas! Please Review! Thank you soo much!

Ja! Meri Kurisumasu!!