Well, here we are at chapter 4! It took a bit longer than the others, but it's here nonetheless. So, as usual, I hope you enjoy and have fun!

Disclaimer: I still do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. But if anyone is willing to sell the right, I'll buy!!! JUST TELL ME WHERE!!!!!!!!!!
The next few weeks at the Rockbell residence passed without incident, partly because the Elrics found that the house was usually deserted unless there was business to be done. They enjoyed the silence that they had, using it to talk about past adventures, experiences, and most importantly, the workings of Al's new body. "I just don't get it," Al said, "I think one thin, and it does something entirely different. I don't remember having to wear clothing that would hide… what were they called again, Brother?"

Ed looked away, face turning red from the answer he knew he had to give. The days were spent a lot like this, but it still didn't help when Al asked questions like this. "Why do you always get embarrassed when I ask you that? I'm still trying to figure out how to work everything!" Ed's imagination ran wild for a split second, and he laughed and replied, "I blush because you are only supposed to get those when you are…wait, I'll show you!" Ed stood up from his chair and removed his red overcoat. "Now, watch carefully." Ed reached for the bottom of his black shirt and began to tug it off, revealing a black vest underneath. Al looked on, still not sure what Ed was doing, until he felt pressure on the inside of his pants. He suddenly started to…think…things, and he started to understand a little. Ed took off his vest, showing a well muscled chest and abs, chiseled to perfection but not like a bulging muscle builder's. al started to sweat slightly and the pressure increased. Ed walked over to Al, put his hands on his brother's white shirt, and ripped it open, immediately tracing a line with his mouth down his younger brother's chest, equally muscled and only differing a small bit. Al suddenly had the urge to tackle Ed to the ground and do things to him that he had never thought of before… And then he realized he was atop his brother, desperately trying to get his brother's pants off. Al flushed to a deep blood red with the full understanding that came. "Oh, I got it now… whoa…"

Ed smiled at his younger brother. "Now you know why I wear these pants. Unless a bullet happens to pierce them, no one could ever tell I have an… erection."

Ed looked down from his position on the ground and said, "You know, it would be a shame for this opportunity to be wasted… You're so cure when you look like you want me!" He gave his brother a devilish grin that told exactly what he meant, how he wanted to do it, and what tools he was going to use.

Al blushed even deeper, if it were possible at this point, but decided to have a little fun. Tracing a live from the top of his chest, he made his way down Ed's body. "You know, I have always wondered what it would be like to get inside these black pants of yours, but I never really had the chance to try…" Al couldn't stand to act like this, partly because it wasn't like him to act like this, and mostly because his bare-chested brother was underneath him. But he felt the increasing pressure against his pants, coupled with a strange voice in the back of his head saying, "BANG YOUR BROTHER, BANG YOUR BROTHER, BANG YOUR BROTHER!!!" Suddenly he found it harder to keep his hands out of the elastic waistband of Ed's undergarments.

"Ummm, Ed? I, I think we need to get to our room." Ed gave his signature now-I-got-you-where-I-want-you look, and said, "What's the matter, Al? Can't keep control of those new raging hormones?" Al started to think of what could be happening and why they weren't doing it, and he could hardly contain himself. The pressure from his pulsing member was almost too much too contain. "Yes, Ed. I have lost complete and utter control over them. Now if we are finished making idle chatter, get in that room and take everything off!!!" He leaped up with inhuman speed and pulled up his brother with him, half dragging him to find a dark room. He spotted a table and wasted no time in raking everything off with a sweep of his arms.

"Ed," Al said to his brother while sweeping the items from the table, "what if I told you I wanted you on this table right now?" Ed waited before he answered, mostly because he had to check and see if his arm was out of socket. "Well, Al, I'd have to retort with the following… what took you so long?" There was a flurry of movement, and both teens were on the table without a second thought. Fire a ice flowed inside of them and rushes of violent, passionate kisses were exchanged. Lust filled their eyes, both never realizing they had wanted this very moment for a vry long time.


The door to the kitchen was flung open and admitted Winry and a man, who looks like a customer, inside. Neither the boys nor Winry had a split second to react. Al, who was underneath Ed, rose so quickly that he bumped heads with him. Winry tried to push the patron out plus explain the view in front of them, not succeeding in either task all to well. The damage had been done and nothing from Winry could have changed what had been seen. When she nearly broke down the door after shooing the man away, neither of the brothers were to be found.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…" All of the euphoria from earlier melted away with Winry's unexpected return. "Ed, what are we going to do? I know Winry won't say anything, but the customer…" The man, although not a personal friend, was a constant in and out because of his daughters automail needs. He was also a loudmouth gossip leach who would spread even the most unlikely rumor with furious abandon. This was hardly a rumor, but be guaranteed that it would be the talk of the town in a few hours at least. "You know, Al, I really don't know what to do… we may be in a bit of trouble." Ed was worried, even if he didn't show it. The citizens might have liked them, but after this they would be the scourge of the town, no doubt about it. They weren't religious, but they had a habit of let their morals take control of them a little much. "We just have to make it appear that it's just a silly rumor, that's all." He also failed to mention that that would mean that he would have to return to the military and start working again. Al frowned slightly over that and said, "Yeah, but if that happens, we won't see each other as much..."

Ed walked over to him and took his hands into his. "I know Al. But I would rather make sure you were safe than have the townspeople run us out of town. Where would we go then? And we couldn't just ask Winry and Pinako to come with us, they have lived here forever. This is the best way. And it's not like I won't get to see you again, it's just..." Al put his index finger to Ed's lips. "All I want is a promise that you'll return okay. After every mission, I want a letter telling me that, promising me you will come back. Okay?" "Okay, maybe he understands a little more than I thought he did..." He looked into his eyes, taking in that stare one more time and said, "Yes, I promise."

Well there you are! I know it's kinda shorter than most, and I'm sorry for that. I promise to update as soon as possible. Well, there you go! Please read and review as always!