Disclamer: i do not own any of the characters thus far except for Rocky, so leave of my pup, other than that no worries not mine have fun and enjoy.

ME: This is my first try to bare with me as i go through the prosess, if you like it then review me and let me know so i continue or i'll just end up deserting it. thanks and enjoy :)

The night was dark outside the only light from the moon and stars and a few city light posts. Inside the house though it was warm and lit up so that the girl with the long black hair and dark brown eyes could see as she went through the house she shared with her younger brother and their male German shepherd Rocky.

Her brother Souta was in his room asleep dreaming away of things that only 15 year old males dream of if they dream at all. While Rocky, the very faithful dog, was sleeping away with his usual one eye open in front of the fireplace. The girl however, called Kagome by those that know her, was walking around the house cleaning up after a hard day at work.

She picked up one of her favorite cups and almost dropped it as the lightning and thunder boomed through the house startling her and causing Rocky to lift his head and growl at the interruption of his sleep.

Kagome tugged her tank top back into place and put the cup in the sink for her to do the next day. She started walking through the house towards her room so that she could get a decent night sleep when lighting stuck and thunder crashed and the power suddenly went out.

She jumped as the thunder hit but relaxed when the initial shock was over. Then she went over to one of her cabinets to get a candle and lit it so that she had light to see by.

'I may not be able to sleep well if the weather keeps up like this,' she thought to herself as the lighting and thunder came again. The thunder hit again but without the lightning, 'that doesn't make sense,' she thought and heard it again. She suddenly realized it wasn't thunder but someone banging on the door that she was hearing.

She ran towards the door holding the candle and protecting it from the air keeping it lit. She grabbed onto the handle just as the door was thrown open the wind and rain coming right into her face and blowing out the candle. She put an arm up shielding her face as a stranger walked in with another person over his shoulder.

The stranger had long silver hair and golden eyes that sparkled and shone with determination. His fingers harbored claws that looked dangerous and deadly to her as she swept her eyes over him. He had a great body; good shoulders and a slim waist, long legs and strong arms. There was blood all over him and he was tousled his clothes out of place and his hair was messed up and out of place.

"Get out of my way bitch he needs help and stop staring at me!" he told her in a slightly panicked state.

"Is he okay do you need help with him?" she asked a little out of whack.

"Just get out of my way what the fuck part of that don't you understand?" he yelled.

"Follow me we'll go into the kitchen I have a first aid kit there and some supplies that may help your friend if you'll let me get close enough to him to help," she told him and started walking towards the kitchen.

He cocked his head to the side and looked at her strangely but followed after her realizing she was willing to help and was going to whether he said so or not. They walked through the house and into the kitchen, he laid his bundle down on the table face up and started pulling off his clothes while she grabbed some gauze and started wrapping it around a wound on his shoulder around his arm.

"Why are you helping me and why aren't you scared of me?" the stranger asked her as he started bandaging a chest wound that could be the death of the young man.

"Well why should I be scared, you come in here and kick my door open so that you can get your friend in here to bandage him up because he may die if you don't take care of him. That to me says that you care about him," she pointed out to him.

He shook his head at her and continued his bandaging not saying anything. The silence stretched on bothering her and making her slightly uncomfortable, here she was with two strange men all alone with a dog and a 15 year old brother, and the best part was that they were both sleeping and didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

"Um…miss I can't see very well there isn't much light is it possible that you have some lanterns or candles around?" the stranger asked Kagome bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Light….? Oh right light! Yes I have some candles just give me a few minutes and I'll have the room lit for you," she said gathering her thoughts and dashing into the living room to get into the cabinet with her candles.

'Silly girl, silly girl with really nice long legs,' the stranger thought to himself before he quickly shook his head and went back to work trying to save his friend.

She came back a few minutes later with a basket of candles and a lighter. She put the basket down on the kitchen counter and started pulling the candles one by one and lighting them, then placing them strategically around the room so that the light was somewhat even.

"Is that better?" she asked trying to see how well his friends' wounds were doing and how he was holding up.

"Mmm," he nodded and frowned as he tried to concentrate.

"Kagome Higurashi," she said finishing the last candles.

"What the hell are you talking about now?" he asked her turning around to glare at her even though her back was turned to him.

"Well you called me miss before, my name is Kagome Higurashi, so you may call me Kagome while you're stuck here with your friend," she informed him bluntly.

"Oh well thanks…," he said not sure what to say.

"And…?" she asked.

"And what?" he asked her.

"And your name is…..what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Inuyasha."

ME: if you like it please review me or i won't continue to write it, so please let me know! thanks a ton