Chapter Sixteen:

"The Valentine's Day Disaster (Finale)"

"Man, this Paopu Festival has been the best festival I have ever been to in my entire life." Wakka said, grinning toothily as he slurped two long strands of ramen noodles into his mouth.

"Wakka, this has been the only Paopu Festival you've been to in your entire life." Fran implied.

"You have a point," Wakka said, "but it's still super special awesome!"

Fran merely shrugged as she returned to devouring the remains of her bowl of freshly boiled ramen. Both she and Wakka were seated at the neighbouring ramen parlour inside of the Paopu Festival. Accompanying them were Balthier, Selphie, Yuffie, Sora and Penelope. The only four who had not returned to the rendezvous point were Tidus, Yuna, Kairi and Riku. Yuffie sat quietly, her right hand propped idly underneath her chin while her dark eyes stared absentmindedly into space. All the while, her left hand was playing with her twin pair of Chinese-style wooden chopsticks as she swished them through the abandoned bowl of ramen that had been propped before her by the elderly cook.

No matter how hard Yuffie tried, she could not bring herself to eat her purchased food for every time she peered down at the swirling concoction of boiled noodles brewed along with several chopped vegetables and various other ingredients, she was haunted by the disgruntled face of Riku, which reflected in the mixture, and the remembrance of the little boy and the thought of how he had strangely taken off and left her without an explanation would sadden her. Yuffie fished out a chopped piece of stewed pork which she had caught delicately within the claws of her chopsticks however instead of savouring the sweetened meet, the girl merely sighed disappointedly as she returned the beef to the depths of her soup, still not in the mood to eat. She was not the only one.

Beside Yuffie, Balthier and Selphie were dealing with their own issues. As he slowly consumed his own bowl of ramen, once in awhile Balthier would find himself looking up from his food to glance at Selphie. Since the moment the two had rejoined with her friends, she has neither spoken a single word to him nor has she even bought herself something to eat. Though Balthier had willingly offered to buy her a bowl of ramen with his own munny, the little girl still declined his generosity and although he would not openly admit it to her, Selphie's refusal to eat was beginning to worry him.

"Uhm…say Selphie, would you like some of my ramen noodles? I'll gladly share it with you if you like," Balthier proposed courteously as he nudged his bowl to Selphie in another bold attempt to get her to eat, "come on, it'll make you feel better, I promise. Come on."

Nevertheless, he was shot down yet again as Selphie shook her head at the proffer. "No thanks Balthier. I'm not that hungry." She replied dejectedly.

"Oh…okay. More for me then." Balthier murmured miserably as he returned to eating his ramen in silence. Next to him, Selphie mentally grimaced at herself. She felt really bad for giving Balthier the brush off like that, especially when he was being such a kind gentlemen, but if only he knew of the huge amount of guilt she was feeling for what they had done previously.

'…What have I done? All I wanted was to get even with Tidus for all the times that he teased me. I never wanted to hurt his feelings. I'll never forget the look on Tidus' face. He looked so sad. I've never once hurt someone's feelings and yet…look at what I did to Tidus. I won't be surprised if he never speaks to me again…' Selphie thought sadly.

Groaning, the girl rested her head on the table and heaved a despondent sigh while at the same time, Balthier sighed himself at the sight of her saddened state. Meanwhile on the opposite side of the table, sitting close to Fran, was Sora.

He was joined by little Penelope who was busily finishing off her own snack.

Unlike everyone else at her table who were presently eating, she was the only one not eating ramen noodles and instead sat with a smile of satisfaction as the two-year-old chewed on her hotdog, topped with tiny chips of onions and smothered in mountains of zesty ketchup and garlic sauce, courtesy of Sora himself.

Similar to Selphie, Sora had not ordered any ramen for himself for he was too distracted with fussing over how he was going to apologize to Kairi to even consider eating. Around the table, there was total silence, the only noise audible were the sounds of continuous slurping and chomping from those actually eating with the occasional belch from Wakka. It was Fran herself who acknowledged this eerie quietness amongst her and her friends and she immediately alerted Wakka about her realization, nudging him in the shoulder.

"Hey Wakka, do you hear something?" Fran inquired the carrot-haired infant.

"Don't worry, if you heard something that was just me. I kinda farted a little just now but don't worry it doesn't smell as bad as regular fart." Wakka answered nonchalantly, fanning at his behind to prove his point.

"First off, Wakka that is so gross and second, I wasn't talking about that you dork," Fran said, "I was actually talking about your friends. All I hear is silence except for you and me talking. I mean, none of them has said a word since we got back, not to mention that Kairi, Riku, Tidus and Yuna aren't here."

"You're right, that is weird," Wakka said in a low whisper, "and Selphie hasn't bragged about anything either. That is even weirder than I thought since she has the biggest mouth at this table."

Fran nodded in agreement as she turned her focus on the other five children at the table. "Hey you guys, what's wrong? Why so glum?" Fran inquired curiously. At first, no one answered. In fact, no one even listened to Fran, too preoccupied with their own internal battles.

"C'mon, someone better start talking or else I'll fart again and believe me, you wouldn't want that." Wakka spoke up haughtily with a threatening glance at his buttocks.

This time, the others looked up from their heads on the table or in their bowls and it was Yuffie who was the first to respond. "Well…I don't know another Sora, Balthier and Selphie but I'm upset about Riku," she said, "one of the bullies from our class played a horrible prank on him and now he's gone and I don't know what to do."

"Well you and I are in the same boat Yuffie," Sora interjected dismally, "because thanks to me, Kairi is really mad and I don't know what to do to get her back."

"Why? What did you do?" Yuffie asked.

"It's complicated," Sora replied, "but let's just say that I broke my promise to her, all because I had to fulfill my promise to Penelope. Aw fish sticks, I don't know what I'm gonna do to get Kairi to forgive me."

"Any suggestions from you?" Sora added questionably with a side glance at Penelope. However the little girl only tilted her head at him, blinking at his face puzzlingly as she sucked the ketchup from her thumb, and at this, Sora face-palmed.

"Well…my situation is kind of the same as Yuffie's," Selphie spoke up timidly, "although instead of the bullies doing the joking around, it was me and Balthier and instead of Riku, it was Tidus that got pranked."

"Huh? Wait; let me see if I got this right. You, Selphie Tilmitt actually pulled a prank on Tidus. You pranked the prank master?" Wakka said staring at Selphie in disbelief.

"What exactly did you guys do to pull a fast one on Tidy?" Fran asked.

"We pretended to be 'lovey-dovey' boyfriend and girlfriend to annoy Tidus," Balthier answered, indicating between himself and Selphie, "and coming to the end of the joke, Tidus might of kinda saw us…kiss,"

"Kiss? You guys kissed!" Fran said incredulously, ogling both Balthier and Selphie with her mouth agape in shock.

"Ew! Selphie and Balthier made kissy faces with each other! That's gross you guys!" Wakka said disgustedly, making a face.

"Don't be such a baby Wakka. Besides, the kiss…wasn't that bad. It was actually very nice. I liked kissing Balthier," Selphie admitted, blushing lightly as she and Balthier smiled at one another, "but that's not the point. The point is that our kissing really made Tidus mad at me and I'm worried that he might hate me forever for that. Wakka, what should I do?"

Wakka shrugged. "I don't know you guys but I do have a story that I think might help solve all of ya problems," the boy said, "now picture this scene in ya heads for a sec. Picture a little girl and a little boy sitting together in one boat. They've both been stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean where their boat had been shipwrecked for days, weeks, months even. They were also really hungry. They had no more food because they had eaten what they had in the days gone by. All that was left between them was a single bowl of ramen."

"A bowl of ramen? How can they have a bowl of cooked ramen noodles on a boat on an island in the middle of nowhere? There's no microwave." Sora interrupted inquisitively.

"The ramen was already cooked by the time they became shipwrecked. Don't ask how," Wakka replied simply, "besides the ramen had gone cold anyways but the little boy and girl didn't care about that because they were both really hungry. Anyways, since the little boy and girl both wanted the ramen, instead of splitting it amongst themselves, they decided to play each other for it so that only one of them could have it while the other person starved."

"Well that's not very nice. Haven't they heard that sharing is caring?" Yuffie said.

"Tell me about it," Wakka said, "anyways to decide who gets the ramen, the little boy and girl decided to play one round of Rock-Paper-Scissors. In the end, it was the little girl who won the bowl of ramen but the little boy got angry at her because he didn't want her to have it."

"So what did he do?" Selphie asked.

"What do you think? He stole it," Wakka answered, "when the little girl wasn't looking, the little boy snuck out of the boat and ran away with the bowl of ramen tucked underneath his shirt. The little boy decided to run off to the other side of the beach where he knew the little girl wouldn't be able to find him. And just when the little boy thought that he had gotten away with his stealing, when he had least expected it, a strange light shined out in the ocean waters just as a magical talking oyster rose out of the water and…"

"Hold on! A talking oyster…?" Balthier cut in, "Really Wakka?"

"What's wrong with that? I said it was magical." Wakka said.

"Yeah…but honestly Wakka, everybody knows that it's biologically impossible for an oyster to talk," Balthier stated intelligently, "oysters don't even move for Petty's sake."

"Yes they do," Sora said defensively, "oysters do move. You just have to be patient and stare at them very closely."

"Oysters don't move." Balthier implied arrogantly.

"Balthier, they could sing with mermaids under the sea! Who cares?" Wakka griped, "Do you guys want me to finish my story so that I could help you solve your problems or not?"

The others nodded. "So with no further interruptions," Wakka said with a glance at Balthier, "as I was saying, the magical talking oyster appeared before the little boy just as he was about to eat the bowl of ramen for himself. The oyster told the little boy that what he was doing was really wrong and that he was only hurting himself and the little girl's feelings. It told the little boy that the only way that he was going to make it on the island was if he and the little girl got along like best buddies and worked together,"

"The little boy wanted to believe the magical talking oyster but he wasn't sure if the little girl would forgive him after what he had done," Wakka continued, "so then the magical talking oyster advised the little boy that he should go all the way back to his boat and apologize to the little girl, saying that she would forgive him if he just told her that he was really sorry,"

"So taking the magical talking oyster's advice, the little boy went straight back the other side of the island and told the little girl that he was really, really sorry for stealing the bowl of ramen behind her back," Wakka went on, "and just like the magical talking oyster had said, the little girl really did forgive him for what he had done. In fact, the little girl was so happy to see the little boy again that she decided to share the ramen with him. So together, the little boy and little girl ate the ramen bowl together and they never went hungry again."

"So…the little boy and girl lived happily ever after?" Selphie asked.

"…No. Not exactly," Wakka answered, "actually the little boy and girl both got really sick from eating the ramen. They didn't know that the ramen had expired months ago so it gave them food poisoning instead."

"Eh…? That has got to be the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my entire life." Balthier said, eyeing Wakka with a deadpanned expression.

"Wakka, what was even the point of that story?" Selphie asked.

"The point of that story was…that there was no point to begin with." Wakka answered with a simple shrug. At the implication, everyone else at the table, excluding Fran and Penelope, did an anime-fall.

"So…you just made that story up on the spot and told us about it anyways thinking that it might actually help us?" Selphie said.

"Yup. Pretty much," Wakka replied, "now did anyone actually learn something from my make-believe story?"

"Y'know…as silly and random as Wakka's story was, I think it did actually help me solve my problem." Sora said honestly.

"It did?"

"It did?" Even Wakka was surprised.

"Yeah," Sora said, "from Wakka's story, I learned that I shouldn't keep secrets from my friends especially Kairi. Kairi is important to me in more ways than I'd like to admit. She's my super special friend. I should be able to share everything with her just like how the little boy and girl shared that yucky bowl of ramen. Right?"

"Whatever floats your boat Sora." Wakka said.

"I should tell Kairi about Penelope. She deserves to know the truth," Sora said confidently, "I have to find Kairi. C'mon Penelope, you'll finish your hotdog later. Wakka thanks for your advice with the story."

"No problem Sora," Wakka said with a grin, "but since you're still here. You mind telling us about this little truth about Miss Penelope over there. We kinda need to know about it too, y'know."

"Can't talk right now Wakka, I gotta find Kairi immediately before she goes home thinking that I ruined her first Valentine's Day at the Paopu Festival," Sora said anxiously, "besides I'll tell you all the whole story after I've found Kairi, I promise."

With that said, Sora took the hand of a confused Penelope, who did not have the chance to swallow the last of her hotdog as she was suddenly hauled away by the spiky-haired three-year-old in their new search for Kairi.

"Look at that, you help a kid out with a story about a magical talking oyster and he still keeps you in the dark," Wakka said sarcastically, shaking his head as he stared after Sora and Penelope, "I wonder what this whole thing with Penelope is really about. Would be cool to finally know about why Sora really brought her along, right?"

"It's funny but…I thought I was Sora's super special friend," Selphie said, "he told me that he liked me bestest just last week."

"Hate to break it to you Selphie but Sora calls everybody his super special friend," Wakka said, "why? Because he's just super special."

"Did anyone else learn something from Wakka's oyster story?" Fran asked.

"Now that I think about it, I learned something from that story too," Selphie said, "I learned never to ask Wakka for advice again. But more importantly, I learned that I shouldn't give up on a chance to be forgiven. I mean look at the little boy in the story. He thought that the little girl wouldn't forgive him because he took the ramen but the magical talking oyster talked him into apologizing and as it turned out the little girl did forgive him,"

"So…that's why I've decided to go and tell Tidus that I'm sorry for pranking him," Selphie concluded, "I know that it was my idea and I know that he'll be super mad at me now but I have to try. I can't go on the rest of my life with Tidus hating me for this one thing. Just how his friendship with Kairi is important to Sora, my friendship with Tidus is important to me so I just gotta get him to forgive me, I just got to otherwise I won't forgive myself."

"Aw don't worry Selphie; I'm sure Tidus will forgive you just like the little girl in the story forgave the little boy." Fran said encouragingly.

"He will?" Selphie inquired unsurely.

"He will, and I'll definitely make sure of that," Balthier said affirmatively, "there's no way I'm going to let Tidus walk away without hearing what you have to say first Selphie. I owe you that much since this is kinda my fault too, so whaddaya say? Shall we go?"

"Balthier…" Selphie looked at the young boy with wide green eyes that sparkled happily at his words before they were replaced with a grin of assurance. "You betcha!" Selphie said self-confidently, pumping a fist.

"Good. Let's go!" Balthier said, taking Selphie's hand as the two left.

"Bye guys. Good luck." Fran shouted behind the two kids.

"Thanks Fran and thanks for the oyster story Wakka." Selphie yelled back gratefully.

"No problem," Wakka said, "I should write that story down somewhere. That's two people I've helped so far,"

"…And then there was one more," Wakka added with a glance at Yuffie, "what about you Yuffie? Did my oyster story help you out too?"

"Uh…not really. To be honest I kind of dozed off during your story," Yuffie said kiddingly, "I was thinking about Riku too much but I guess if there is one thing that I've learnt from your story, I guess it'll have to be this. The same way how the little boy was able to accept the magical talking oyster for how it was then…it shouldn't matter to me how Riku looked after drinking that macadamia nut smoothie. I like him just the way he is."

"Wait…did you just say, macadamia nut smoothie? I thought Riku said he doesn't like macadamia nuts because he's allergic to them." Fran said.

"Riku is allergic to macadamia nuts?" Yuffie asked.

"Yeah, that's why he can't eat 'em because he gets these really itchy red rashes all over his skin whenever he does. I think he called them hives or something." Wakka answered.

"Hives from an allergy? That's why he ran away from me because of allergy hives?" Yuffie said, shaking her head incredulously, "Well now I really need to find Riku and tell him his allergy is no big deal to me. In fact he's not the only one with an allergy but…I'll tell you guys that later. I gotta find Riku, wherever he is. See you two later."

With a final wave to Wakka and Fran, Yuffie took her own path and ventured off to locate Riku.

"Bye Yuffie. Hope you find him." Wakka called after the little girl, waving to her in return, "Wow! Three good advices in a row. That's a new record."

"Make that four because your oyster story helped me out too." Fran said.

"Really, how?" Wakka asked.

"I was having some trouble deciding whether or not I wanted to eat another bowl of ramen," Fran replied cutely with a giggle, "but thanks to your oyster story, it's made me hungry again for noodles. You're welcome to share it with me if you want."

"If you're buying then sure. I'm out of munny." Wakka said.

"'Kay, this one is on me. Just don't try to run away with it after I've bought it, okay?" Fran said, winking at the hint she made in her statement. She was rewarded with a playful shove from Wakka who laughed at her point.

"Don't worry; I'm pretty sure the magical talking oyster in my tummy will stop me anyway." The carrot-head said, licking his lips as he patted his belly.

"C'mon Tidus, say something. You haven't said a word to me since you had that talk with Selphie and Balthier minutes ago. Is everything alright?" Yuna asked looking at Tidus in concern. The two children were currently occupying one of the benches at the entrance into the Paopu Festival, idly observing the hordes of villagers that continuously came through the gates to enjoy the festival at that time of the day. Though it was Yuna who had mostly been doing the watching, while munching on a stick of cotton candy and slurping on a cup of banana-mango smoothie. Tidus had been mostly quiet every since their past encounter with Selphie and Balthier which was very uncharacteristic of him.

"Sure Yuna. Everything is just perfectly peachy." Tidus grumbled crossly.

"No it's not. You're lying to me again, aren't you?" Yuna said.

"Okay I'm lying then," Tidus grunted complacently, "but what do you expect Yuna? I'm really upset. I mean of all the things that Selphie could have done to get back at me in a prank why did it have be playing lovey-dovey with someone and then kissing them? Why did Selphie have to kiss Balthier and to make matters worse, why did she have to like it?"

"What does it matter? It's just one tiny little kiss. What's the harm in that?" Yuna said as she finished off the remains of her cotton candy stick, tossing into the nearest garbage bin before moving on to her smoothie.

"One tiny little kiss? It wasn't just a tiny little kiss! It was a kiss with Balthier!" Tidus said.


"So? Balthier kissed Selphie so now that makes them like boyfriend and girlfriend, now right?" Tidus implied questioningly, "My big brother told me that when a guy and girl kiss, that makes them a couple. Can you believe it? Selphie and Balthier as a couple? Next thing you know, they'll be getting married in a big house and have millions of babies together."

"Tidus, there is no way that's going to happen. Not now at least," Yuna said, "I mean Selphie and Balthier are still babies themselves so there is no way they're going to do all of that stuff after one kiss. Quit overreacting."

"You're not understanding Yuna. Selphie and Balthier kissing changes everything between us now," Tidus said hysterically, "I won't be able to look Balthier in the face anymore because now every time I see him I just see him kissing Selphie…my Selphie. I can't believe he got to kiss Selphie before I did."

"Before you did? You mean the only reason that you're angry at Selphie and Balthier is because Balthier got to have Selphie's first kiss instead of you? Is that why you're so upset?" Yuna said staring at the blonde-haired boy dubiously.

"I…didn't say it…in those words." Tidus said embarrassedly.

"Yes, you just did dummy," Yuna remarked snappily, "I knew it! I knew there was something more to your friendship with Selphie. You like-like her."

"No I…" Tidus started but Yuna immediately silenced him.

"Admit it Tidus because I won't accept anymore of your lies," Yuna interrupted angrily, "admit that even though you asked me to the Paopu Festival, deep down…really deep down, you wanted to go with Selphie, am I right?"

"…No, that's not…" Tidus began again but for the second time, Yuna cut him off as she continued with her babbling.

"Come to think of it, now I understand why you got angry when Selphie showed up here at the festival with Balthier in the first place," Yuna said, eyes widening in realization like a scientist on the brink of a great discovery, "you wanted to keep Selphie without a date to the festival because you had hoped that in the end, she would ask you herself. That's why you didn't ask her yourself,"

"But when Selphie was asked out by Balthier instead, that just spoiled your plans, am I right? Tell me I'm right because I know I'm right." Yuna concluded with a confident smirk.

"No you're wrong," Tidus snorted, "to tell you the truth Yuna, you're the one I wanted to come with today but…I wanted to enjoy this day with you without Selphie being here especially in the arms of another boy."

"And why is that such a problem? Why is Selphie being with another boy so bad for you?" Yuna asked.

"Because I don't like it when I see Selphie being happy with another boy who's not me!" Tidus admitted loudly,"…I just don't like it…because it makes me feel angry…and it makes me think …why can't Selphie be happy like that with me…why can't she smile like that with me…why can't she laugh and have fun when she's…with me?"

"…And the reason why you don't like Selphie being happy with other boys is because…even though you would never admit it, Selphie is the girl that you really like, right?" Yuna implied pryingly.

"You just said that I would never admit it," Tidus replied immaturely, "so why should I tell you how I feel about Selphie?"

"Ugh! This is frustrating," Yuna griped, "maybe the reason why Selphie seems happy around other boys instead of you is because you always act like this. You're never completely sincere about how you feel towards Selphie, maybe that's it."

"Whatever." Tidus grunted stubbornly.

"Humph! Whatever indeed." Yuna retorted exasperatedly as she returned to her smoothie.

"TIDUS!" A voice yelled from across the grounds. Both Yuna and Tidus almost jumped out of their skins as they both turned their heads towards the newcomer. As it turned out the person was actually Selphie who was sprinting across the grass towards the two of them with Balthier following at her side.

"Selphie?" Tidus blanched as he acknowledged the brown-haired three-year-old. "What are you doing here…?" Tidus began to question however when he remembered that he was supposed to be angry at the girl, he immediately changed his approach as he instead frowned at Selphie. "I mean what do you want Selphish? Here to tease me some more about your perfect prank?" Tidus said furiously.

Selphie winced at the anger in Tidus' voice but nonetheless, she regained her confidence as she looked at Tidus firmly. "No. I came here so that we can talk," Selphie said straight-forwardly, "I really want to talk to you now Tidus."

"Well that's too bad because I don't want to talk to you now," Tidus replied, folding his arms irately, "try back with me in the next billion gazillion years when I'm mummified and don't have to talk to you anymore. Humph!"

"Oh come on Tidy, don't be like that. I really want you to hear me out," Selphie said, "I came here to tell you that I'm really, really, really times infinity sorry for what I did to you earlier. I'm sorry that me and Balthier kissed and I hope that…you can forgive me, please with sugary strawberries on top?"

"Hah! If you think that I'm actually going to accept your apology after you said that then forget it," Tidus snapped, "because an apology from you means nothing to me at this point. Sorry Selphish but I don't forgive you."

"What? But…But I said I was sorry about three times multiplied by infinity." Selphie said.

"So? I don't care. Nothing is forgiven," Tidus huffed harshly, "you really hurt my feelings this time Selphie so goodbye."

At his rude words and refusal to forgive her, Selphie cupped her face in her hands and started to cry. Tidus did nothing more but turn his nose up at her. Balthier, on the other hand, stared from the weeping Selphie to the stubborn hearted Tidus and scowled.

"You have got to be kidding me? You're telling me that you won't forgive a girl who's been like your best friend since forever just because she kissed someone. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Balthier spoke up irritably, "and what about you Tidus? Hurt your feelings my butt. Tidus you've teased and pranked Selphie so many times that I can barely count them on my fingers and toes."

"You can barely count." Tidus retorted audaciously.

"My point is Tidus that it was just one kiss," Balthier said, "it's not Selphie's fault that she shared her first kiss with me instead of you. No need to take your anger out on her."

"What? That's not true." Tidus said.

"You have to admit that there is some truth to it." Yuna interposed.

"You stay out of this Yuna! This is between boys alone." Tidus said as he glared at Balthier, who merely rolled his eyes at him.

"Admit it Tidus. The only reason why you're so angry is because I got to make kissy lips with Selphie and you didn't and now you're jealous." Balthier goaded.

"You…you monkey-butt! Take that back right now!" Tidus shouted huffily.

"No I will not," Balthier replied spitefully, "and who are you calling monkey-butt, you baboon-face!"

"I said…TAKE IT BACK!" Tidus shouted, pushing Balthier.

"MAKE ME!" Balthier yelled back, returning the gesture as he shoved Tidus.

"This isn't going to end well." Yuna pointed out to Selphie. She was indeed correct. Pretty soon a fight broke out between Balthier and Tidus as the two boys continued to shove at each other, either one of them pushing the other harder than the next. And like any other small fights, it's always ends up turning extremely bad with someone innocent getting hurt. Unfortunately for both Balthier and Tidus, that person just happened to be Selphie. The next thing Tidus knew, he was practically thrown backwards by Balthier who suddenly pushed him so hard, he was knocked into Yuna who in turn sent her unfinished cup of banana-smoothie flying into the air. What made the situation even worse was that unfortunately for all three of them, the beverage landed directly on Selphie. Now the three-year-old stood with the upper part of her body completely drenched in the fruity concoction, different shades of yellow and green staining her kimono dress.

"Selphie!" yelled Balthier,

"My…my kimono! It's ruined!" Selphie shrieked.

"See what you've done. If you hadn't been acting like such a baboon-face, none of this would have happened." Balthier said snappily turning to glower at Tidus.

"Me? How is this my fault? You're the one who pushed me into her!" Tidus said angrily.

"Oh this is SO your fault Tidus," Balthier yelled, "gosh, you are the most annoying person I've ever met. No wonder Selphie doesn't like you."

"That's not true. Selphie does like me, more than you." Tidus said.

"Yeah right, if Selphie liked you then why did she ask me to the Paopu Festival instead of you and why did she make kissy lips with me instead of you," Balthier said maliciously, "face it Tidus, you're definitely at the bottom of the list of things that Selphie likes and I don't blame her. Tidus, out of all the babies in our class, you are the one I like least. You're stupid, you're infuriating, you're rude and to be quite frank, I don't find your jokes and pranks funny at all. As a matter of fact, I don't like any of them. They're just as annoying as you are especially that one where you pull down your diaper and parade around shaking your buttocks in everyone's face."

"You mean Butt-man?" Tidus said.

"Yes! That's the one and I don't like it. It's the most annoying just like the person who does it," Balthier said insultingly, "right Selphie?"

As he spoke, Balthier turned to Selphie for her to add her two cents to his Tidus bashing moment however…to his surprise, Selphie shook her head.

"That's…not true." Selphie answered.


"Balthier, how could you say something so mean about Tidus," Selphie said, "I mean yes he's not perfect. Yes, he is not the sharpest bulb in the chandelier and yes he can be super annoying sometimes but…"

"Most of the time, Tidus isn't that bad to get along with," Selphie said smiling thoughtfully, "in fact Tidus is the most hyperactive, fun-loving, adventure-loving person I have ever met. There is never anything dull about Tidus. He's always coming up with new and cool ways to make people laugh. He's really great at sports. Definitely my first pick to be on my team for a game of Blitzball and for your information, Balthier, I happen to like Tidus' Butt-man jokes."

"You do?" Balthier said in shock.

"Hah! I knew you liked Butt-man because everybody likes Butt-man." Tidus said smirking proudly.

"But more importantly, even though he and I may not see eye to eye every time and even though we may fight and tease each other sometimes, truth is I think that Tidus is a great person," Selphie said friendlily, "He may not show it all the time but he really is and I am more than proud to call him one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world,"

"So…don't you dare insult him while I'm around Mr. Balthier because the only one allowed to pick on Tidus is me, got that buddy!" Selphie said, poking Balthier firmly in the chest.

"Wow…thanks Selphie." Tidus said grinning at Selphie appreciatively.

"You're welcome Tidus. Y'know I always have your back." Selphie said beaming at Tidus as she good-naturedly punched his shoulder.

Balthier, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded by the change in sides. "Always have his back? What about my back?" he said tetchily, "Selphie I can't believe you bailed on me to defend Tidus after all that we went through to get back at him for the times that he pranked us. How could you leave me hanging? I can't believe that you would do this to me after I helped you today."

"Well I'm sorry Balthier. I may not get along with Tidus most of the time but he is still my friend," Selphie replied honestly, "and I'm not the type of girl to stand by and watch someone else insult her friends."

"Oh? But you're the type of the girl who'd rather use another guy to get back at one she's mad at?" Balthier accused.

"Uhm…is that a trick question?"Selphie said, laughing nervously.

"That's Selphie for you. Typical Selphie Dimwit…I mean Tilmitt." Yuna spoke up crudely.

"What did you call me Yuna?" Selphie said turning to frown at Yuna, taken aback.

"You heard me. That's just like you Selphie," Yuna said brusquely, "using Balthier to get back at Tidus and not even thinking about how it's going to affect him in the end. You're so selfish Selphie. No wonder Tidus calls you Selphish."

"Hey I call Selphie that for a different reason," Tidus pointed out, "as for you Yuna, how dare you talk to Selphie that way? That's the meanest thing that I've ever heard you say. Selphie may get on my nerves sometimes but I know her well enough to say that she is the sweetest, friendliest and totally the most unselfish person that I know,"

"And no one, not even you Yuna, is allowed to call her something that she's not," Tidus said, "she has me for that."

"Wow! You really mean that Tidy?" Selphie said, eyes twinkling at Tidus admirably.

"You bet I do." Tidus said, flashing Selphie a thumbs up.

Conversely, Balthier rolled his eyes at the two other children while Yuna, in turn, sucked her teeth. "Well…it seems that we've reached a disagreement here," Balthier said, "I want to insult Tidus but Selphie doesn't want me to and Yuna wants to make fun of Selphie but Tidus won't let her either."

"Come on Balthier. Let's leave these two alone to themselves," Yuna suggested with a frown in Tidus and Selphie's direction as she turned and started walking off, "obviously they don't need us anymore to toy with after all, they've got each other now."

"Right behind ya," Balthier said in agreement as he followed after Yuna, "let's leave these two lovebirds alone and go grab a burger or something."

"Fine with me." Yuna said.

"Hey! Who are you guys calling lovebirds?" Both Selphie and Tidus yelled simultaneously, both red in the face at the implication as they watched their previous dates leave them behind.

After both Balthier and Yuna had abandoned them, Tidus and Selphie still remained at the entrance admiring the greenery and the fountain from one of the benches

"Man, what a day this turned out to be," Selphie said, "this is definitely a Valentine's Day I'll never forget for a long time."

"Me too," Tidus said, "sorry I made you lose your boyfriend."

"Same for you and Yuna," Selphie said, "and Balthier isn't my boyfriend. We just kissed a little, that's all."

"Right…I still can't believe you kissed him. I mean seriously." Tidus said.

"You're never going to stop teasing me about this, aren't you Tidy?" Selphie said.

"I dunno. Maybe…or not." Tidus said teasingly.

"I figured just as much." Selphie said with a smirk.

"But what was it like? Y'know…being kissed."Tidus inquired curiously.

"I'm not sure," Selphie replied, "at first it was really weird. But then as I got into it and I realized what I was supposed to do, it felt nice. It's definitely something I'd like to do again. I kinda like it."

"You would because it's you," Tidus said knowingly, "so…exactly how do you kiss a person?"

"I dunno. It's nothing complicated. Even a trained monkey like you could do it Tidus," Selphie said, "no offense."

"None taken Selphish," Tidus said, "so what do you do?"

"Easy. All you have to do is just pucker your lips, lean in your face and press your lips to the lips of the person you want to kiss. It's that simple." Selphie said.

"Oh," Tidus said, "you mean…like…this?"

As he spoke, Tidus suddenly leaned in and planted his lips to Selphie's. Though the kiss was brief…it was still enough to shock Selphie, who now sat staring at Tidus totally stupefied as he leaned back, eyeing her innocently.

"Tidus…did you just…kiss me?" Selphie said, blushing profoundly.

"…No…No I didn't." Tidus said, trying to hide his own flushing cheeks.

"Yes you did! You kissed me just now." Selphie said.

"Okay so I did," Tidus confessed, "So…how was it then?"

"Was it as nice as Balthier's kiss?" he added shyly.

"Nope. It was…kinda better." Selphie said, smiling at Tidus. This in turn made him blush even more but nonetheless he smiled proudly.

"So…does this mean what I think it means?" Selphie asked.

"Means what?" Tidus asked confusedly.

"That…you like-like me?" Selphie inquired.

"Like-like you? What makes you think that?" Tidus said.

"Because you kissed me all by yourself," Selphie said, "admit it Tidy, you like me."

"N-No I don't."

"Yes you do, admit it," Selphie said persistently, "or would you like to prove it better with another kiss?"

Selphie puckered her lips and leaned into Tidus for a kiss but this time, Tidus completely freaked at the request, shrinking back into his seat as Selphie edged closer to him. "Uh…gotta go!" Tidus chirped as he bounded from his seat and sped off before Selphie could have stopped him.

"Tidus…GET BACK HERE! I know you like me! So just admit it!" Selphie yelled after the fleeing blonde before chasing after him, "TIDUS!"

As the forms of Selphie and Tidus disappeared amongst the stalls, unbeknownst to them, they had been watched by Yuna and Balthier who were previously observing them quietly from behind the trees in the park.

"I can't believe that that plan actually worked." Balthier said.

"Told you that our plan would get them together." Yuna said with a broad smile.

"I always knew those two like-liked each other," Balthier said, "they just needed a little push. Good thing we gave them the full shove."

"Yup. Too bad it cost us our dates to the festival." Yuna said.

"Not really. We still have each other for company," Balthier said, "so want to grab that burger I talked about?"

"Throw in an orange soda and you have a date." Yuna said gladly.

"The nerve of that Sora. I can't believe that he chose Penelope over me." Kairi grumbled in annoyance. She was standing on the outside of the gates leading into the Haunted Mansion inside of the festival amusement park grounds. All around her, the excited screams and wails of frightened children echoed from inside of the unknown dark corridors of the mysterious mansion. Nonetheless, Kairi gave no attention to that matter. She was too preoccupied arguing with herself about her own issues.

"I mean what is so important about her promise that makes mine less important?" Kairi murmured angrily to herself, her face pouting as she remembered what Sora had done to her concerning the matter of her and Penelope, and the very thought of the incident sent mixed feelings of both anger and resentment towards the said spiky-haired boy through her. "What hurts even more is that he won't tell me exactly what it is." Kairi said sadly. Sighing, she dusted herself off before starting her way back to the festival entrance. She might as well return home considering that she no longer had her date nor her friend. However just as Kairi was about to leave, she was suddenly approached by another figure whose face she could not make out due to the paper bag the individual used to conceal their identity.

"Kairi?" the mysterious figure spoke to the little girl, touching her lightly on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry but my mommy and daddy told me never to talk to strangers." Kairi replied in contempt, shrugging off the stranger's hand as she turned to walk away. However, for a second time, the girl was stopped by the stranger as he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

"No Kairi. I'm no stranger, it's me…Riku." The stranger said as he alas removed the bag he had used to mask his face.

Surely enough, the figure turned out to be Riku…although he did not exactly appear to be the Riku that Kairi knew from memory. This particular version of Riku had a face that was both swollen and covered in multiple reddening blotches that painted his fragile skin in irritating itchiness.

"What? Riku? What happened to your face?" Kairi said blinking wildly at Riku. She was a little too surprised at his current condition because she negligently poked one of the boy's hives, forcing Riku to recoil, his tiny hands tingling in a forceful attempt to fight the incessant burning urge to scratch the spot.

When he had managed to shake off the itch and regain his posture, Riku turned back to Kairi and looked at her squarely. "Remember when I told everybody how I'm allergic to macadamia nuts?" he said. Kairi nodded in reply. "Yeah, well this is what happens when I eat macadamia nuts." Riku pointed out, gesturing at his face.

"But why did you eat it? Didn't you know that this would happen to you?" Kairi said.

"I did but this wasn't my fault," Riku explained, "one of the bullies tricked me. Cassidy tricked me into drinking a macadamia nut smoothie. And before you ask me how I could have fallen for that, he didn't tell me what it was until after I had drank it. Man I can't believe Cassidy would do such a thing. He totally embarrassed me in front of everyone especially Yuffie."

"Yuffie? What did she have to say about it?" Kairi inquired.

"I don't know. I left before she could even say anything." Riku answered, biting his lip sheepishly.

"You left her alone?" Kairi reiterated, staring at Riku in disbelief at his actions, "Riku!"

"I know it was a stupid thing to do but I had to, I mean look at me Kairi I'm a walking, talking blob of itchiness. If I were to ever show my face to Yuffie again like this it'll be humiliating. I'm sure she'll laugh at me." Riku groaned in humiliation.

"Now come on Riku, we both know that Yuffie isn't like that. She's nice and would never do something like that." Kairi said reassuringly.

"I know that," Riku said. "but it's still…too embarrassing."

"But forget about me, why are you here?" Riku added, now eyeing Kairi suspiciously, "What happened to Sora and Penelope? Aren't you supposed to be with them?"

"I was," Kairi replied indifferently, "but then I decided to leave those two alone?"

"What! Why?" Riku questioned.

"Because they would have a lot more fun with each other if I weren't there." Kairi groused.

"Aw Kairi, what happened for you to think that?" Riku asked.

"What do you think? Sora was paying more attention to Penelope," Kairi answered, "for the entire Paopu Festival, Sora made us do everything that Penelope wanted to do, wading on her hand and foot. He didn't even listen to one word that I said all evening. Heck he didn't even fulfill the promise that he made to me about the two of us riding the Tunnel of Love together. Everything he did was all for the sake of his precious little Penelope. Humph!"

"Do you have any idea how bratty you sound now? Nonetheless I understand your reasons for being upset with Sora," Riku said, "but in his defense, did Sora by any chance happen to tell you exactly why he's doing all that stuff for Penelope?"

"Umm no, not really," Kairi replied snippily, "not like it would have made a difference. I'm sure that whatever reason it was, it wasn't that important."

"What if I told you that it was," Riku said, "tell me Kairi, the whole time you were with Sora and Penelope, did you notice that every time he talked to her, he would only do it using sign language."

"Sign language? What's sign language?" Kairi asked confusedly.

"Y'know talking to people using your hands with different gestures and stuff," Riku clarified, "I don't know that much about it but Sora told me that people use sign language to take to people who can't talk or can't hear."


"So do you know why Sora only kept using sign language to talk to Penelope?" Riku said.

"No. Riku you're not making any sense. Where are you going with this?" Kairi asked, "Do you know something about Penelope that I don't?"

"Actually I do and when I tell you about it, you're gonna be more mad at yourself than you were with Sora and Penelope. Speaking of Penelope, how much do you know about her?" Riku inquired curiously.

"Nothing much. Only that she's Miss Utamori's niece and that she lives with her mommy and daddy in the Fate Isles," Kairi responded with a shrug, "I also know that she's annoying and that I don't like her for ruining my first time at the Paopu Festival."

"Did you know that she's deaf meaning that she can't hear anything?" Riku said, "Even if you yell in her ears really, really loud she still wouldn't hear a thing you said."

"…Penelope can't…hear?" Kairi repeated slowly with wide eyes.

"That's right. Now you know why Miss Utamori chose Sora to take her to the festival," Riku went on, "because Sora is the only one in our kindergarten class who knows and can actually do sign language. Sora's grandma is deaf too so Sora's mommy taught him how to do it so that he can talk to her so that's how he knows about it. Understand now?"

"So…what? So what if Penelope can't hear. I still don't like her because she took all of Sora's attention off of me. I was his real date not her." Kairi said, pouting childishly.

Riku shook his head at the remark. "Yup. I was right before. You definitely sound like a selfish brat Kairi," the lavender-haired boy said with a sigh, "if it makes you feel better about yourself did you also know that, unlike you who probably has a chance to go to the Paopu Festival practically every year until pigs learn to fly, Penelope doesn't have that choice. Did you know that today will be Penelope's first and last time getting a chance to enjoy the Paopu Festival?"

"…Oh? How come?" Kairi asked.

"Because…not only is she never gonna come back to Destiny Islands again but this Paopu Festival is the last thing she is going to get to experience before she takes her operation in the next month."Riku replied gravely.

"Operation? For what?" Kairi questioned.

"Her heart," Riku answered grimly, "even though she might not look or act like it but…Penelope was born with a weak heart and…even though she smiles and laughs and everything, she's also very sick. The doctors said that she is in desperate need of medical care including this important operation otherwise…she might not live to see her third birthday,"

"That's another reason why she and her family came to Destiny Island to see Miss Utamori because she had offered to help Penelope's mommy and daddy pay for the operation," Riku continued, "it's open heart surgery, something that only the best of the best doctors can do so it's gonna cost a lot of munny."

"…Open…heart surgery?" Kairi whispered, cupping her mouth in astonishment, "But…isn't that…when the doctors cut open your…"

"Yup and Penelope is gonna have to face that in the next month. She's already really scared about doing it." Riku said sadly.

"Who wouldn't be? My auntie had to do a surgery to take out her tonsils once. It sounded like a really scary thing to do. First they give you a shot to make you fall asleep so you're not even awake while they're cutting you open. But at least my aunt was taking out her tonsils in her mouth; Penelope is getting her heart hacked open. I can't believe that…she has to do all that in a month." Kairi said in shock .

"That's why Sora is doing this," Riku continued, "he knows how scared Penelope is about having to take her operation. That's why he's trying his best to make this the best Valentine's Day she ever had at the Paopu Festival. That way she could focus on something else other than her operation and not be so scared anymore. He's trying to make her have fun because he knows how much she's shaking in fear on the inside."

"Riku…how…how do you know about all of this?" Kairi asked.

"I was at Sora's house when I overheard some of the news from his mom," Riku explained, "after that I asked Sora about it himself and he just blurted out everything to me about Penelope…about her surgery…everything. Poor guy can't keep a secret if he tried,"

"To tell you the truth Kairi, no one else but Sora is supposed to know about this," Riku said, "Sora told me that Penelope's mommy told him to keep this stuff about Penelope's operation a secret because she didn't want anyone else including us, his friends, making a big fuss over her. She's been used to that since she was born and all that Penelope wanted now was to live a little. Her mommy and daddy always kept her inside the house because they were afraid that something might go wrong with her heart if she went outside. They didn't even want her to come to the Paopu Festival in the first place saying that it's too risky for her heart even though Penelope really wanted to be here. It was actually Miss Utamori who convinced them that it was okay to let Penelope go to the festival and told them that Sora would take care of everything,"

"Y'see Kairi. All Penelope wanted to do today was have fun amongst other kids that she could call her buddies because she's never had that before. Without any worries or fuss to bother her, she'll just have more plain old fun and feel what it's like to be an ordinary kid for once in her life," Riku said, "and all Sora wanted to do was make that happen because that's the type of kindhearted person that Sora is,"

"And to think that you made a big fuss over not getting to ride on the Tunnel of Love once when Penelope will never get this kind of opportunity again, am I right or am I right?" Riku said, overlooking Kairi shamefully.

"…I…I didn't know…about all of that." Kairi whispered guiltily.

"I know you didn't," Riku said, "and now that you do, how do you feel about yourself now?"

"I feel…like a big bad dummy," Kairi said unhappily, "I can't believe that I acted that way towards Sora…towards Penelope. All the time I was yelling about her ruining my first time, I must have ruined hers. I'm such a brat."

"…I'm sorry Riku. I'm really, really sorry. I've been a bag girl." Kairi cried apologetically.

"Yes you have," Riku remarked honestly, "but don't tell me sorry. Talk to Sora and Penelope, they're the ones who deserve your apologies."

"I know." Kairi said. "…And you're coming with me," she added swiftly as she grabbed Riku's arm, pulling him along with her, "hopefully when I find Sora and Penelope, you'll find Yuffie too."

"What…? Ah come on Kairi, let's talk this out, I really don't have to see Yuffie again, do I?" Riku whined.

"Yes you do. You are going to find Yuffie and apologize to her right this minute, mister." Kairi answered commandingly.

"…But…my face…" Riku started but Kairi cut him off.

"It doesn't matter. I told you Yuffie doesn't care about that, she likes you for who you are underneath the hives," Kairi said, "and right now she must be looking for you, madder at you for leaving her than I was with Sora and Penelope so get a move on."

"…Wait…Kairi…!" Riku started but he was interrupted yet again…only this time, it was not Kairi.

"...Well, well, well, isn't it the lovely Kairi and pizza-face."

Immediately both Riku and Kairi spun around at the voice and either of them frowned as they were met with the sneering face of Cassidy.

"Oh great, it's you Cassidy," Kairi grumbled irately, "what do you want anyways? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your date or your other two partners-in-crime?"

"As much as I'd love to cause havoc at this place, I can't," Cassidy snorted, "stupid Butch and Mitchell still have their dates and both are having so much fun that they don't even want me to join them. How lame is that? So since those two losers aren't free I thought I'd check up on you two losers."

"Beat it Cassidy, we don't have time to deal with you right now." Riku said.

"Put a sock in it pizza-face!" Cassidy snapped, glaring at Riku bitterly "Y'know it really sucked when Paine bailed on me. Some chicks just don't know how to appreciate a good boy when they have one. Lucky for me, I found me a substitute right here,"

As he spoke, Cassidy sauntered across the grass until he stood directly in front of Kairi, his own big body towering over hers dominantly as he licked his lips at her mischievously. "How bout it Kairi baby, wanna be my new gal?" Cassidy said suggestively, puckering his lips at Kairi and blowing her a playful kiss as he took hold of her arm.

Kairi, in turn, internally grimaced at the large bully. "No way! Not even if you paid me in gummy bears, I won't do it," Kairi retorted disdainfully, trying as she could to pry Cassidy's fingers off of her, "now let me go!"

"Like I will. Listen you little squirt, you're gonna be my date whether you like it or not." Cassidy hissed at Kairi threateningly, his grip around her arm tightening forcefully until it practically hurt.

"Ouch! Quit it Cassidy, you're hurting me!" Kairi cried, tears falling from her face as Cassidy held up her arm in a painful position.

"Stop that Cassidy! Leave Kairi alone or else!" Riku yelled angrily, glaring daggers at Cassidy.

"Or else…what? Don't tell me you actually plan to fight me, right?" Cassidy snapped condescendingly, lowering his glance to glare directly back at the lavender-haired boy.

"Maybe. If it means protecting Kairi then maybe I will," Riku answered boldly, his courage not even the slightest bit intimated by the larger child, "I'm not afraid of you at all."

"Dem's fighting words. I'm telling ya Rika ya barking up the wrong tree," Cassidy sneered, "try to fight me and I'll…I'll give you another helping of this little sucker."

As he spoke, Cassidy pulled out something from inside the large pocket of his kimono. It was another cup of the horrible macadamia nut smoothie. Riku's face completely paled at the sight of the beverage and he actually retreated slightly.

"…Oh no. You didn't." Riku said fearfully.

"I sure did. Cost me my last munny but it was worth it," Cassidy said, a wicked smirk smacked across his lips at the look of uttermost terror written on Riku's face "now I get to watch you squirm Riku. How does it feel knowing that I have both your friend and your main weakness? But don't let me tell you how it is. Here, why don't you have another TASTE!"

Without warning, Cassidy removed the lid of the cup as he suddenly flung the beverage straight at Riku's face.

"RIKU!" Kairi screamed. Riku himself staggered backwards, falling flat on his back in the process. The poor four-year-old could have done nothing but stare helplessly as the plastic cup released an onslaught of the allergic nutty mixture, it's brown continents raining around him.

However…before any of the concoction could have splattered Riku's face, something…or someone unexpectedly appeared before him, shielding him from the impact and instead taking it upon themselves. Riku's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he looked up into the face of none other than Yuffie. Apparently, the little girl had courageously forced herself been the smoothie drink and Riku and had taken the assault onto herself; for now she stood with her own body covered from head to toe with the brew.

"Yuffie? Yuffie is that you? Are you alright?" Riku said, eyes wild as he quickly went rushing to the young child's aid.

"Yeah it's me…and I'm soaked." Yuffie replied, making a face as she tried to shake off the nasty drink that oozed down her face like oil. Riku breathed a sigh, smiling in relief.

"Ewww…now I smell like macadamia nuts," Yuffie said grossly as she sniffed at her fingers only to recoil, face screwed in repugnance. She then turned to glare at Cassidy, looking him over with an mad stare. "I have to admit I'm disappointed in you Cassidy, I thought you were nicer than this. Obviously I was wrong. I mean what were you thinking throwing that stuff at Riku when you know that he's allergic to it? Now thanks to you my favourite kimono is ruined. Thanks a lot you big jerk." Yuffie scolded furiously. "…Yuck! Some of this stuff even got in my mouth!" she added distastefully as she spat a macadamia nut from her mouth. Cassidy winced at the insult he had just received from his crush, his fingers trembling frenetically as he tried as he might to clear his name in his present situation.

"Aw man Yuffie I'm so sorry babe. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was aiming at that dork over there," Cassidy said regrettably, though he mentally glowered at Riku. "I really hope you don't hate me after what I…OUCH!" Cassidy was almost knocked off of his feet as something round and…green collided with his face from out of the blue. Upon closer inspection, the bully realized that the object was a green tennis ball.

"HEY! Who threw that?" Cassidy shouted madly, scanning the area to discover the culprit. He did not have to look far because from behind one of the stalls, which was ironically a game stall where challengers had to knock down the cans with tennis balls, stepped out both Sora and Penelope. Either one of them held a tennis ball in their clutches.

"We did. Want some more?" Sora answered the bully daringly, racing another tennis ball threateningly. He then turned to his side, grinning goofily down at the little girl next to him who in turn giggled. "Great throw Penelope. For that you get a free trial at winning your first game of Smack-A-Dummy." Sora said laughingly, signing out his words to little Penelope as he gladly handed her his tennis ball which she accepted, bouncing on her feet enthusiastically.

"HEY you there PORCUPINE-HEAD, you better stop hitting me with those balls or else!" Cassidy shouted cantankerously, cheeks flushed in fury as he stomped his feet at both Sora and Penelope.

"Or else what? I don't think you're in the position to be giving the orders Cass," Sora replied unflappably, "especially when we have you outnumbered and outmatched. Now let go of Kairi…or you'll be sorry."

"What? Are you gonna hit me with a ball again? Please I could take a million shots from those especially if they're thrown by a kid who throws like a girl like YOU." Cassidy mocked, sticking his tongue out at Sora tauntingly.

Sora only cracked a devious smirk at Cassidy."Oh I won't be the one hitting you Cass," Sora sniggered, "she will." He pointed to Penelope, who consecutively, held up both tennis balls, readying them to fire.

It was then when Cassidy made his first mistake. The bully held his belly as he rolled back, guffawing scandalously. "Oh I'm shaking in my diapers," Cassidy mouthed mockingly, "besides what's a little snot like that gonna do? She can't throw nothing, ya hear, nothing."

"Is that so?" Sora said, quirking a brow at Cassidy as he shook his head at his overall stupidity. The spiky-haired brunette then glanced down at Penelope as he gave her the word. "Penelope, he's all yours," Sora said, "let it rip and don't forget to aim for the head. That's where all the damage is done so you can score extra points by hitting the dummy."

"I am NOT A DUMMY!" Cassidy yelled crankily, "That's it…I'm gonna…" But before Cassidy could have made anymore harsh implications or any sudden moves at retaliation, he was stopped dead in his tracks and put in his place as another tennis ball collided sharply with his thick skull. It was sequentially followed by another…and another until he was practically being bombarded by giant green balls.

"OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! OUUUUUCH!" Cassidy screamed against the assault, trying as he might to shield his face from the oncoming barrage but to no avail.

All the while, both Riku and Yuffie observed the scene from a close distance, either children finding it hard to contain their amusement at the sight of Cassidy trying to dodge the flying tennis balls…and failing multiple times.

They were not the only ones. Kairi, who had finally been released from Cassidy's custody, also stood back watching the bully with a smirk of pure satisfaction.

Conversely, Sora didn't even hide his hilarity as he stood laughing his butt off, in addition to handing Penelope her ammo as she aimed yet another ball at Cassidy's head. When he grew tired of the torture, Cassidy gave into the growing pain in his head and the grazes on his face as she flayed his arms in defeat.

"Okay! I surrender!" The boy screamed. Satisfied, Sora patted Penelope on the back and the little girl ceased her hurling and stood looking at Cassidy harmlessly. Cassidy flinched as he touched his hand to his forehead which throbbed from the past infliction. He was almost tempted to enact his revenge and strangle Sora and his friends for what they did to him. However when Sora slyly raised up another tennis ball to hand over to Penelope, the bully immediately reconsidered as he turned and hightailed away before he was hit again, screaming all the way out of the park.

"I may throw like a girl but at least I don't scream like one." Sora shouted after Cassidy, snickering amusedly. "Way to go Penelope! You defeated the big dummy all by yourself. High five!" he added grinning from ear to ear as he and Penelope slapped each other high fives at their successful attack.

"Sora! Penelope!" shouted Riku as he approached the two other kids alongside Yuffie and Kairi.

"Yo! Are you guys okay? That big dummy didn't hurt you, did he?" Sora asked, looking at his friends in concern.

"Nope we're fine. Thanks to you." Riku replied, grinning.

"Don't thank me, thank Penelope, she deserves most of the credit." Sora said modestly, smiling at the small child.

"Can you tell her that I also said thanks to her too?" Riku said, also smiling at Penelope who responded with a cute toothy smile after Sora sighed out his words to her.

"Yuffie, are you sure that you're alright?" Riku said, now turning his attention to the dark-haired girl.

"I'm fine. I just feel a little…sticky, that's all," Yuffie answered reassuringly, "thanks for being so sweet Riku."

"Y-You're welcome Yuff…" Riku started with a blushing smile however when he remembered that his features were still puffed-up and abrasive, he shook his head wildly, trying to hide his face with his tiny hands. "I mean don't look at me," Riku bleated, "I look ridiculous like this. Just look at my face, I'm one big puff-faced scratchy mess."

"Oh Riku, it's okay. I don't find your allergy to be bad at all. There's nothing embarrassing about getting hives and swelling from macadamia nuts." Yuffie assured calmly.

"There…isn't?" Riku peeked coyly at Yuffie between one of his fingers.

"Nuh uh," Yuffie replied with a sweet smile as she took Riku's hand in hers, "as a matter of fact, you're not the only one allergic to macadamia nuts. See." Gently, Yuffie removed Riku's hand from his face and forced him to look at her. When Riku opened his eyes and stared into the girl's face, he was met with a surprise. Covering her face, just as itchy and red as his, were…hives.

"I have hives too and I'm pretty sure my face is gonna swell up soon too," Yuffie said almost enthusiastically, "I'm allergic to macadamia nuts too so you're not alone. So you don't have to run away from me anymore."

"I'm…I'm really sorry about that Yuffie. I shouldn't have done that. I just didn't want you to see me like this." Riku apologized.

"Why? What's the big deal about a little allergy?" Yuffie inquired confusedly.

"It's not the allergy; it's just how I'll look when you look at me. I didn't want you to think I look…weird," Riku said, cheeks burning shamefully "y'see I…kinda really like you Yuffie. I think that you're really fun to be with and I didn't want you to think that I'm too weird or else you wouldn't want to be my friend again."

"Aw Riku, how could you think that I'd do something like that. Trust me, I may be goofy sometimes but the last thing I am is mean," Yuffie said, "I would never stop wanting to be your friend and no allergy is gonna do that. Besides, I…like you too Riku."

"…You…do?" Riku's jaw dropped.

"Definitely," Yuffie replied positively as she did something she had never done before, and kissed Riku on his cheek, "I think you're fun to be with too so don't worry about it. Besides at least now we have something in common, right buddy?"

"Right," Riku squeaked demurely, hardly able to hold back the deep flush that was changing his skin tone at the unexpected kiss, "but…to be honest macadamia nuts aren't the only things I'm allergic too. I'm allergy to a whole bunch of other stuff too."

"Join the club. You wouldn't believe the amount of allergies I got. Some of them I even got shots for in the butt. You should see the scars." Yuffie said.

"Maybe you could tell me your stories and I could tell you some of mine like the time I had to take my tetanus shot. Now that was brutal." Riku said as he rubbed his shoulder, remembering the horrible injection.

"Oooh cool." Yuffie squealed animatedly, more than thrilled to share her stories with her newest best friend. Next to her, Sora and Kairi both smiled.

"Being forgiven is a nice feeling." Kairi said.

"Yeah. Even if two people fight, things are always better if they just make up and tell each other that they're sorry." Sora said happily.

"…Yeah." Kairi sighed.

"Umm…Kairi? There's something that I have to tell you. It's about Penelope," Sora said, glancing at Kairi nervously, "even though I'm not supposed to tell anyone, you're my friend and I really don't want you to be mad at me anymore and I'm sure you'll understand everything if I just told you the truth. You see, Penelope is…"

"It's okay Sora. I know about Penelope." Kairi interrupted reasonably.

"What…? You do? How?" Sora said in surprise.

"Riku. He told me everything before you and Penelope found us." Kairi explained.

"WHAT! You told her before I did." Sora said, staring at Riku incredulously.

"What…? She was really mad at you so I had to tell her everything to save your butt." Riku said with an innocent shrug.

"…Yeah…about that," Sora said, "Kairi I'm really sorry that I couldn't fulfill your promise. It's just that Penelope is…"

"I know."

"…And I had promised Miss Utamori that I would…"

"Sora, I said it's okay. I'm not mad at you anymore," Kairi assured calmly, "in fact I'm the one who should be apologizing. I acted like such a brat today. I can't believe I put my own wants over the wants of a kid who's sick. I'm sorry Sora. I'm really, really, REALLY sorry."

"It's alright. I forgive you," Sora said with a light smile, "besides if you ask me we both kinda did the wrong thing today."

"Agreed," Kairi said, "and I'm sorry to you too Penelope. Sora, do you mind telling her for me. I know that's she also…y'know. Tell her that I'm really sorry for how I acted towards her and that I'm sorry that I ruined her first time at the Paopu Festival."

Sora nodded as he signed out Kairi's words to Penelope. In turn, the little girl shook her head as she raised her little fingers and signed back her own thoughts for Sora to tell Kairi.

"What did she say?" Kairi asked.

"She says that it's nothing. She says that she…understands and that you didn't ruin her first time at the Paopu Festival," Sora translated, "she says that in fact you made it better for her because you didn't mind doing all the stuff that she wanted to do. She thought it was very nice of you and that she would like to thank both you and me for making her first time at the Paopu Festival, the best she ever had."

"Really? Aww thank you Penelope." Kairi said, smiling at the girl. Though she did not fully understand what the red-head was telling her, Penelope did however understand the gratitude in her smile and this made her smile as well. It was then that Kairi finally realized how truly adorable the little girl was despite the future troubles she was going to face and that made both like and respect her a lot more as a friend.

Penelope then signed out something else to Sora, which made him chuckle softly."…Oh and she also says to tell you that she thinks your dress is very pretty." Sora added as another compliment from the little girl .

"Thank you Penelope. Yours is pretty too." Kairi cooed appreciatively, pinching Penelope's cheeks brightly making her laugh delightfully. Sora only grinned his traditional goofy grin at the scene along with Yuffie and Riku.

"Well that's it. All's well that ends well." Kairi quoted cheerfully.

"Yup. Yuffie forgave Riku and Kairi isn't mad at me anymore so…it's a happy ending, right?" Sora said.

"Not yet, we still need to find the others." Riku pointed out.

"No need to. There they are, right on time." Yuffie said joyfully as she gestured in the direction where the remaining four members of their clique were heading towards them-Fran and Wakka coming from the right while Tidus and Selphie came from the left.

"Yo everybody!" Sora called excitedly, waving to his buddies.

"All seems well with you guys. What did we miss?" Wakka asked, grinning widely.

"A lot. Penelope pummeled Cassidy all by herself and Kairi's not mad at me anymore." Sora answered contentedly.

"And Yuffie and I found out that we're both allergic to the same thing." Riku added, pointing between himself and Yuffie.

"Go figure." Yuffie said ironically.

"Awesome. Fran and I ate ramen till out tummies burst." Wakka boasted with a satisfied pat on his bulging belly.

"It was really good." Fran included perkily.

"What about you Tidus? Hey what happened to Yuna? I thought she was with you?" Yuffie inquired, noticing that the former brunette-haired girl was not accompanying the blonde boy.

"Yeah and come to think of it, where's Balthier Selphie?" Riku said inquisitively, making the same realization.

"Ooh they both left so it was just me and Tidus." Selphie answered.

"You and Tidus? Together? Alone? Okay what argument did you too get into this time?" Wakka asked knowingly.

"Oh no argument this Wakka. Just kisses?" Selphie replied, giggling blushingly.

"Kisses? Who got kisses?" Sora asked curiously.

"Selphie did. She got kissed by Balthier." Fran answered.

"WHAT?" exclaimed Riku, Kairi and Sora simultaneously; all three of them gaping Selphie.

"It wasn't just Balthier. Tidus kissed me too." Selphie confirmed giddily.

"WHAAAAAAT!" Now all and sundry were gawking at Tidus in total shock.

"You didn't." Wakka said, mouth agape.

"I…didn't." Tidus lied uneasily.

"He did. Just admit it Tidy, you know you want too." Selphie teased, puckering her lips at the blonde-haired boy.

"Oh brother." Tidus groaned, smacking his forehead. Everybody else just stood looking totally deadpanned.

"Okay, I'm confused." Riku said.

"Me too. Will someone please fill us in on everything?" Wakka said, "Cause I want to know how Yuffie got those hives. I still have to know what this big thing about Penelope is…and I definitely want to know how Tidus ended up kissing Selphie. This I just gotta hear."

"It's a long story." Tidus groaned.

"A long, LONG story." Riku added lightly.

"We'll…fill you guys in on all the details later. Right now I'm starving." Yuffie said, rubbing her grumbling stomach, now regretting that she didn't eat her ramen previously.

"Oh yeah, we never got to have our ramen." Selphie stated.

"Let's all head over to the ramen shop for some home-cooked noodles and pork." Yuffie cheered.

"YAY! More ramen!" Fran said optimistically.

"You guys are going to love it. It tastes AWESOME!" Wakka said.

"He would know. He already had ten bowls before we met you guys." Fran pointed out.

"Soon to be eleven. I'm going for the world record!" Wakka whooped excitedly.

"Hey Tidus, maybe you and I could share a bowl. We could be like Lady and the Tramp and meet in the middle for another smooch." Selphie said blowing Tidus a small kiss.

"...I'm not ya boyfriend!" Tidus screamed hysterically as she suddenly ran off before anyone else, especially Selphie, could have stopped him.

"Aww. It's so cute when they run and play hard to get." Selphie sighed dreamily, "Wait for me Tidy-poo!"

Selphie then skipped off to chase after her beloved blonde-haired prey. She was soon followed after by everyone else in the group… excluding Sora and Kairi.

"Aren't you two coming?" Wakka inquired, glancing back at the two.

"Why don't you guys go on ahead? There's something that Kairi and I have to do. We'll catch up with you guys later." Sora said. He then stooped down to meet Penelope. "Penelope can you go with Fran, I would like to do something very special with Kairi, understand?" Sora signed with a sly wink at the little girl, who bobbed her head understandably as she trotted over to stand next to Fran. With that said and done, Sora took hold of Kairi's arm as he led her away from the group.

"Let's go." Sora said.

"What?" Wakka eyeballed Sora with a bewildered expression.

"See you guys later." Kairi called back as she went off with Sora.

"Sora…? Kairi…?" Wakka called after the two kids however by the time they heard him, they were already too far to answer. Wakka heaved an exasperated sigh as he passed his hand over his face. "And once again, he leaves us in the dark." Wakka murmured.

"C'mon Mr. Rumbly-Tummy. Let's go get our ramen." Fran said cheerily, putting her hands on Wakka's back and leading him off with everybody else towards the ramen parlour with Penelope following in toe.

"Wow! This is even greater than I thought it would be. Everything is so pink and pretty!" Kairi complimented flippantly.

"Lucky for us it was still open." Sora said.

The two were currently seated together inside the timber boat within the walls of the Tunnel of Love. All around them, miniature-sized heart-shaped lights illuminated the uncharted path beyond, highlighting Kairi's overenthusiastic smile as she hugged Sora's arms, her deep blue eyes travelling all around the inner wonderland tunnel, festooned in bubbly pink brilliance and falling on the different well-sculptured monuments, such as the statue of the couple from the Paopu Fruit legend, all mirroring the very spirit of Valentine's Day. Both she and Sora also put their heads together as they listened to the slow humming of the romantic music playing masterfully in the background along with the rowing of the boat as it sliced through the gushing pink waters on its continuous voyage.

"Sora, I really appreciate all of this. Thank you so much." Kairi said, smiling at Sora appreciatively.

"No problem Kairi. What are friends for? Besides a promise is a promise." Sora quoted with pleasure.

Kairi nodded. "…Hey Sora?" she said again.

"Hmn?" Sora looked at Kairi closely. Their faces were barely inches from each other and despite herself, Kairi reddened at their close contact. "I'm really happy that you were my date to the Paopu Festival," Kairi said, sighing happily as she rested her head against Sora's shoulder. "This is the best Valentine's Day I ever had." Kairi added contentedly. She then reached up and quickly pecked Sora on the cheek, face going totally red as she returned her head to the boy's shoulder before he could say another word. At first, Sora was totally staggered by the sudden gesture from the red-haired girl as his fingers languorously traced the spot on his right cheek where Kairi had just kissed him. However, ultimately his previous look of surprise melted into a broad smile of happiness.

Sora then beamed toothily as he wrapped his arms around Kairi, his chin now resting on top of her head, breathing in her hair. "Mine too Kairi," he whispered joyfully, "mine too.".

Mistress: Hallelujah! It's finally done. Finally I've completed my suggestion fusion revolution chapter. Sorry it took almost three years to finish it but nonetheless. Here it is. The last part of "The Valentine's Day Disaster" of Kingdom Hearts: Chest of Memories. Sorry that it took forever to complete but the good news is that it's done at last. I hope you guys enjoyed this last part (for those of you who still read this fic after its long period of hiatus) and as for my friend and fellow writer, Kyle XY, I hope you off all liked it the most.
Well that's it for now. Nothing more to say than...I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and I hope that you please review! (if not, then I'll be saddened because I seriously worked my ass off to complete this last bit especially after the long writer's block so c'mon I deserve some praises, right?)

Once more, please review and lemme know what you thought about the chapter. Until next time, kiddies. Have lots of fun in the sun!