Title: An engagement accepted
Author: thecoolestgirlalive
Assisted: Jeff91
Rated: T
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM
Summary: What happens if Elizabeth accepted Yuuri's offer to become Wolfram's fiancé? What happens if Yuuri finally comes to realize his feelings for the blonde soldier?
Warnings: Contain parts of Episode 45 and rude languages.
Author's notes: Ok, I know most of chapter one would be based on exactly what happened in episode 45. However I have changed the part after the duel and that would be where my real story starts. Please forgive me if I wrote too much on the anime but it's part of my story so I'm slightly changing the story. I hope you would still read on.
Chapter 1: Goodbye Wolfram
Yuuri watched eyes wide as she glowed red. He still couldn't believe Elizabeth tricked him just to see her childhood brother. What was worst, he couldn't believe that Wolfram proposed to her! Slapping her cheek for no reason, I mean what was that all about?!
She grew angrier as she summoned her magic powers, calling for her secret technique. She blabbed about her secret technique skills and it made Yuuri scared out of his wits and fell to the ground. He had never heard that kind of technique before. It was new. As the magic grew stronger and she was about to release it, a sword appeared between Elizabeth and Yuuri. Both were shocked when they saw Wolfram standing in the middle of them both, eyes narrowed, glaring at Elizabeth.
"I do not plan to interfere with the match…" Wolfram started. Yuuri could feel his anger in those words and somehow felt uncomfortable. Although Wolfram's back was facing him, he could feel the blonde's eyes burning. The next words snapped Yuuri out of his thoughts.
"But, at the moment, I am Yuuri's subject…" Elizabeth looked at her childhood brother in shock. What got both Yuuri and her attention were his next words. "I must protect this wimp." Elizabeth felt tears welling up in her eyes but stood strong. The glare Wolfram gave her told her everything. His love for Yuuri was strong and she knew it. She stared into his eyes, searching, trying to find something that showed what he felt for her, but to no avail. She then knew that Wolfram had no feelings towards her. She narrowed her eyes in pain.
"It's all lies. The truth is that you saved His Majesty because you like him, right?" she began. Saying those was like speaking with ten daggers down your throat. She didn't stop or wait for an answer. "If so, then you should just have to say it clearly!" she shouted. No reaction. Wolfram just stood there. He didn't move, he didn't flinch or frown. He was standing staring at her like a statue. Elizabeth felt her heart tearing apart and she couldn't bear to look at him. Her hands were shaking.
Yuuri, still on the floor, looked at Elizabeth then to Wolfram. He didn't sense any sign of guilt or pain in his fiancé. Had Wolfram really forgotten about his proposal?
"Elizabeth came because you ditched her." Yuuri told Wolfram during their hard training the night before. Wolfram ignored his words.
"That's not related. She's just a childhood friend!" he said impatiently. All Wolf wanted to do was to prepare Yuuri for the duel the next day. Yuuri wasn't buying it and shouted back.
"Then why did you slap her cheek?!" Wolfram just stared at him. Yuuri was sweating. Probably by the training. Wolfram was silent for a while trying to come up with something. However he came up empty.
"I've forgotten." He replied simply. Yuuri was shocked.
"Forgotten?" He looked slightly away from Wolfram and lowered his voice. "I think you like that girl." All he received was a cold death glare from his fiancé.
Yuuri was drifted back to reality when he heard a sharp cry. It was Elizabeth. She charged up to Wolfram and swung her sword. Wolfram dodged it as if he suspected her to charge at him. They were fighting…for love! Yuuri watched silently as the two blonde fought with each other. Her cries were dreadfully painful and Wolfram didn't seem to care. It hurt Yuuri to see her like this. He heard Cheri-sama just barely at her seat.
"You really loved Wolfram, didn't you?" she said. Yuuri turned his attention back to Wolfram and Elizabeth and felt he needed to end this. Fast.
Elizabeth panted hard. She couldn't seem to touch Wolfram, not that she wanted to. Her heart couldn't take the pain. Her only love was engaged to the Maou and he had forgotten about her. She then remembered their little dinner when Wolfram chose Yuuri not her. She was numb and she couldn't believe her ears. Wolfram chose the Maou, a man, not her, a woman! She blamed the maou himself for erasing his memory of her but now she realized that no matter what she did, Wolfram would never remember her. Somehow she felt like this had nothing to do with the heika since he wanted to withdraw from the fight.
"Even though I've always loved you, even though you were my very own Onii-sama…" Wolfram's eyes widened when she began her sentence. A memory of him slapping her cheek came to him. His was snapped out of his thought when she called him.
"This is the end…" she said. Wolfram relaxed a little. 'She's finally going to stop this nonsense.' He thought to himself proudly. But then he denied his thought when he caught the sight of fire on her sword. He then knew she was going to kill him.
"If you will not be mine, I'd rather…" Yuuri too knew what she was going to do. He silently told them to stop but no one heard him. If he didn't do something right then, he knew Wolf would die. He talked more but stopped when he realized no one was actually paying attention. The fire-lion roared and charged at Wolfram. Yuuri reacted and leaped into the air. Just in time to blocked Wolf and changed into the Maou, the magistrate of love. He looked towards Wolfram ready to speak with him. Wolf's eyes told the Maou that he was surprisingly shocked. He shrugged it off and started his speech. "You, regardless of how that matter happened during your childhood, to break off an engagement with a young lady is sinful beyond all else." Wolfram was stunned.
The maou turned to Elizabeth. "Also, you over there, your feelings are quite natural. However, drowning in your feelings and causing a disturbance is an obvious crime." He then turned to look at both of them. "Therefore, I declare judgment on both parties. The two of you, I order you to go on a date!"
Elizabeth and Wolfram both have the same expression on their face. Both shocked at what the Maou had said. Wolfram the most. He knew the Maou was controlling all this not Yuuri but, the Maou was also a part of Yuuri right? Yuuri wanted Wolfram to go on a date with a girl he always treated as a sister? His thoughts were gone as he heard his mother clapping. She was happy? Wasn't she the one that wanted her little baby to marry the heika? Why was she so happy? He didn't understand anything anymore. He saw Elizabeth kneeling before the majesty but he was just too shocked to do anything. He was frozen and no one seemed to care. He found himself moving when the Maou was gone and Yuuri fell to the ground. "Yuuri!" was all he could say.
Minutes passed and Wolfram heard groaning. He knew Yuuri had come to but couldn't seem to turn his head. His back was facing both Elizabeth and Yuuri. He heard Yuuri gasped and smiled to himself. 'That wimp…' was all he could think of. His smile disappeared when Yuuri seemed cheerful. "I probably lost right?" Wolfram heard. He narrowed his eyes when he heard the next words.
(Ok, now is where my story starts! ENJOY!)
"From now on, you are officially Wolfram's fiancée. I'll leave him to you." Wolfram felt his heart squeeze. He knew those words hurt him. He knew Yuuri never thought of him as his fiancé and was willing to give him to someone else, no matter if Yuuri wanted to marry Elizabeth before Wolfram destroyed their dinner. He heard Elizabeth gasp and knew she was happy. Wolfram however wasn't. 'Yuuri you wimp… You idiot…You cheater!' he kept repeating in his head.
Elizabeth was so happy, her heart was pounding really fast and she felt butterflies in her tummy. She never knew the heika was soft and kind. She bowed down and tears flowed down her eyes. "Oh, thank you HEIKA. Thank you!" Yuuri chuckled nervously and waved his hands around.
"Now that's settled, Wolfram. Would you do the honors of showing the young lady here to her ro-" Yuuri stopped in mid-sentenced when he saw Wolfram's back still facing them. He frowned at the sight of this.
"Now, now Wolfram. Why don't you show some respect to your future wife?" Wolfram stiffened at those words but did nothing. Yuuri growled loud enough for Elizabeth to hear.
"Heika, please do not worry about my room for a while. I've already seen my room since I've slept in it last night." Yuuri gave another innocent nervous chuckle and scratched his head.
"Well then, I guess both of you need some time together, you know, romance…" Yuuri drifted off planning the new fiancé's outing or date as he called it. Elizabeth was extremely happy to have her onii-chan back. They settled on a little grassland just outside the castle just in case they were ambushed.
"Then it's settled! Right, Wolfram. Prepare the horses!" Yuuri turned towards Wolfram. The prince didn't move, hands still on his hips and not facing them. It was as if he wasn't there or he was a statue.
"Wolfram von Bielefelt!" Yuuri shouted. Wolfram whirled around angrily and that was when Yuuri saw it. His emerald eyes, those beautiful eyes were darker and filled with emotions.
"What the hell do you want?" Wolfram yelled. Elizabeth gasped and stood up.
"Onii-chan?" she asked. Wolfram gritted his teeth at those words and glared at her.
"My name is Wolfram von Bielefelt!" he tried to say through his teeth. Elizabeth hugged herself. Never in her life has she seen Wolfram so angry like this. Yuuri saw her respond and frowned. He stood up and smiled warmly at Elizabeth. Before he was able to speak, Greta came out of no where.
"Yuuri! Are you ok?" Yuuri hugged his adopted daughter and nodded. An idea popped into his head.
"Say, Elizabeth. Would you accompany Greta for a while? Both of you should get to know each other." Elizabeth bowed and kneeled down coming face-to-face with Greta. Both girls started talking while Yuuri walked towards a fuming Wolfram.
"Wolfram. That's no way to treat your-" He didn't have time to finish. Wolfram squeezed his eyes shut.
"She's not my FIANCE!" Elizabeth, Greta and Yuuri looked towards Wolfram in shock. Elizabeth felt her heart sink.
"Onii-chan…" she whispered. Yuuri frowned at this and grabbed Wolfram's hand.
"Yes she is. She's your future wife because I say so… Now treat her like it or deal with me." Wolfram had never seen Yuuri like this. Wolfram felt something stabbing his throat and his vision became blurry. He knew he was crying as he felt tears rolling down his cheek.
"That's just it, isn't it…" he painfully forced the words out. Yuuri stared at him in confusion. Wolfram squeezed his fist until he felt his fingernails biting into his palm, making it bleed.
"You've always wanted something like this to happen, didn't you?!" Yuuri tensed at the sudden attack.
"Wolf?" Wolfram was panting hard. Although Wolfram was hiding part of his feelings in his heart, Yuuri could tell that the fiery blonde was seriously hurt…by him.
"All this time… You were thinking of a way to get rid of me, weren't you? Well now that Elizabeth is here, you've finally managed to." Yuuri was speechless.
"Wolfram…It's not that. It's just that it'll be better to…"
"To date and marry a girl? Yes it is better since we can have children, but… Have you ever thought of anyone but yourself? Oh wait… you have! You've thought of everyone here in Shin Makoku! Everyone, but me…" his last words were soft, barely audible. Yuuri felt guilty. He couldn't deny the truth in it.
"Wolfram. It's not that I don't care for you. It's just… An engagement is kind of a serious relationship between two people, you know. I don't… I'm not ready for-"
"You're not ready…Heika?" Yuuri felt a sharp pain stabbing through his heart when Wolfram said that. Heika? What was that about?
"What's with the Heika?" Yuuri asked. Wolfram felt irritated at the sentence. Before he could retort, Greta answered for him.
"Wolfram cannot call you Yuuri anymore because he's… not your…" she faltered. She couldn't say it. Yes, she was happy for Elizabeth and Wolfram. But seeing the look on Wolfram's face, her heart filled with sorrow for him.
"Wolfram, please don't cry. I'll be here always!" she said, trying to make his father smile. However, all she received as he faced her was a sad, empty smile. She felt hurt.
"Thanks, Greta. But not everyone would be here for me." Wolfram bowed to Yuuri and walked towards Elizabeth.
"Come. Let's go out like you wanted." Elizabeth smiled happily at Wolfram's sudden change and hugged him. Wolf wiped his tears and hugged her back. He took one last look at Yuuri and bowed again.
"Heika, I will return shortly. Please take care of my Greta for me and I hope you will someday find a nice, suitable girl to be your bride." he said cheerfully. It may seem cheery, but Yuuri could feel the pain masked behind the words. As he watched Wolfram and Elizabeth walk off, he receive one last message from the blonde prince.
Yuuri, the Wolfram von Bielefelt you once knew and shattered is gone. Enjoy yourself, your majesty.
"Wolfram…" was all Yuuri could say.