Finally moving this story along! I decided it would've been alright if I wrote a prelude to the Water Tribe Festival chapter, because I didn't really know how to write the Festivities chapter, and came out writing this one during my trial. After the other two chapters coming up, that will be the end of this little arc. Then, I will move on to a new arc! Cackle

Don't own, don't sue plz. Enjoy!

set 5: prelude

The years have gone and went, along with the seasons and the old aftermaths of the war. Things were different nowadays, and everyone was living under their own peaceful and united rules. There were still a few problems every now and then from rebels or close civil wars breaking out but thank the spirits that most of those days are over. The Four Nations were finally living in a Golden Era, and it was a time that everyone enjoyed and prospered from. Aang had spent most of his teenage years trying to bring back peace and harmony, and now that he had finally accomplished (or, gotten close to it anyway) his goal, everything seemed to fall into place. Except, that is, for the fact that he hadn't seen his friends in a long time. Last he heard of Toph, she was somewhere in the Earth Kingdom. Sokka was now the elected Chieftain of his tribe and Katara was still serving as the ambassador for the Water Tribes. He thought he would meet her during civil meetings but their work kept distancing them.

He still remembers how deep and blue her eyes looked like, how long her brown hair flowed and how great she was at water bending. He still remembers her laughter, her smile, her grin: everything. There were a few things fuzzy and blurry here and there, mainly because he doesn't really know what she looks like now, but he knows that she probably still looks as beautiful as she was before.

Now though, since he had some free time on his hands, he decided that he definitely wanted to see his friends and that it's been too long. As much as he enjoyed the company of his old friends, he didn't want to stick around in the Fire Nation for too long. He was packing his things for the long journey ahead of him when Iroh knocked on the door. "Come in!"

In came General Iroh, now consult to Fire Lord Zuko. He was still the plump but loveable old man that he had known throughout his journey, and he was a great help to not only himself, but to Zuko, and his country. "I see you're packing, I was about to ask you if you'd like to play a game of Pai Sho with me, but since you're leaving I guess that's out of the question." He laughed.

"I'm sorry, but I really want to see Katara, Sokka and Toph. It's been ages since I've seen them."

"Oh it's fine; I have no qualms about that. You've been separated from your friends for long enough. I do not wish to separate you from them any longer." He smiled, and then bowed to Aang whom bowed back in return. "Besides, I know how much you want to see that young woman. The water tribe girl, right?"

He nodded. It was no secret what his feelings for Katara were and Aang had spent many days and nights talking to the retired general about his feelings for her. The advice he had given him had helped him a lot, helped him overcome his sense of loneliness without her, and for that he will always be eternally grateful to him.

"Ah, I see I see. Speaking of which, I heard some interesting news that you might like to hear!" The old man took out a folded parchment from under his sleeves and handed it to Aang. "You see, I had just received this and was actually going to discuss it with you during our game of Pai Sho."

Aang opened the parchment and read what was inside. "Festivities in the Northern Water Tribe…celebrating the spirits of the Ocean and the Moon, Tui and La…" His heart jumped and his face turned red in seconds. "Wait, if they're hosting festivities for the spirits, then that means…"

That meant that, most likely, his friends would be there.

"Interesting turn of events, huh?" Iroh grinned and then winked at the young Avatar, nudging him in the ribs gently. "Zuko can't go because of meetings, so he asked me to go in his stead. Would you like to go with me?"

"Of course!" his heart was pounding loud in his eardrums and all of a sudden, memories of his friends sprung into his mind. Memories of Toph and Sokka and of Katara too…

"Finish gathering your belongings, we leave tomorrow night." he told him. "There's no doubt in my mind that your friends will be there, so not only will you enjoy the festivities, but a reunion as well." And with that, he left Aang's room, closing the door behind and went on his merry way.

Aang couldn't believe it. In only a short amount of days he'll see his friends again, he'll see her again, after so many long years of being separated! He finished packing all of his belongings and then lay down on his bed, arms tucked behind his head as he gazed up at the ceiling, trying to paint pictures of his comrades and how they looked like now.