Voldemort's Christmas

Christmas, a magical time of year for every one, tall and small. Wherever you go, you hear the happy sounds of children playing in the snow (A/N: I remember snow… ::sigh::), see the colourful lights and decorations of an overly-commercialized holiday, and hear the happy, cooperative last-minute Christmas shoppers. Well, okay, maybe not, but it's still a great time of year. In fact, it can warm the coldest of hearts. Don't believe me? Come on, people, have you never read The Grinch?!? Oh fine, I'll give you another example. Prepare yourselves for: Voldemort's Christmas!!

Our story begins on Christmas Eve,

In a very secret evil place

Our favourite overlord wannabe,

Has excitement written on his face.

"All Death Eaters must leave at once!"

He yelled around the room.

They disapparated without question,

Something evil they did assume.

The very minute the room was clear,

He placed upon his head,

A festive little Santa hat,

All fuzzy, white, and red.

He moved into the kitchen,

Placing cookies on a dish.

He poured a glass of ice-cold milk,

To honour Santa's wish.

Then, with a squeal of girlish joy,

He scrambled off to bed,

Turned off the lights in a panic,

Pulled the covers o'er his head.

And when the morning sun appeared,

O'er the crisp, new snow,

Bounding down the hallway,

Did our favourite dark lord go!

The cookies and milk had disappeared!!

Voldie sprinted to the tree,

Which he'd hidden in the corner,

So his minions wouldn't see.

Passing by the lair at that moment in time,

Was a man called Severus Snape.

He heard something that Christmas morn,

That set his mouth agape.

"Santa was here! Santa was here!

And he brought me lots of stuff!

Some pieces of coal, a paper clip,

And lots of dryer fluff!"

Snape was rooted to the ground,

With a slightly twitching eye.

T'was at that moment he decided,

To become a spy.


A/N: Squee! I feel like the Ghost Writer… Anyways, this little idea sprang up this morning at school while I was talking with my friends, and it makes me happy-squee, so I decided to type it up in poem form and post it. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and by the way, I WILL update Lost at some point, but it's very unlikely that it'll be before Christmas. Bye!