Firstly, I'd like to address "Reevy Maymor" the character. I've got multiple reviews asking me if she's "good or bad"; careful guys, don't overanalyze a story or expect everything to be set in stone. Lol. Reevy was just an extra character I needed, basically; I suppose you could say she's like Professor Snape (I don't own) from Harry Potter (I don't own), idk I've only seen the movies. It's like, she likes Hilary, she's just hard on her….uh…idk. lol. No worries. Or she likes Hilary (as a friend, guys, not in some weird way), but just doesn't want her to know why, because she's proud or something. Lol. Anywaysss….

Heyy ppls. This is it, finally, the final chapter! It pretty much sucks tho! Lol. Bad grammar, plot, story, bad author (me), OOCness, shit, Hilary and Kai are too over emotional, etc. etc. I had writers block again when I wrote the first half. Lol. Um… I really want to thank everyone who has stuck by me through this whole story, without you, it would've deff been deleted. Actually, im sad for it to go too. Lol. But, I've still got "Remembering You" and a KaiHil story from me is in the making (don't get your hopes up, it's pretty lousy, like all my stories), and for a hint, the genre is Supernatural. Lol. Anyways, let's get this started.

Ray: Moonlight Serenity doesn't own beyblade, Nelly Furtado, "I'm like a bird," and anything else from previous chapters she's disclaimed; she does own her OCs (you should know who they are by now), and things she's claimed in previous chapters.

Mariah: This chapter is dedicated to all of Moonlight Serenity's totally wicked awesome reviewers! She apologizes this was a horrible ending.

Kai: On with the final chapter! On with the fic!


Nani: What?

Aishiteru: I love you.

Another Thing:

:"This": just means it's music in the background, Hilary's not really singing it.


Stage Name: Hiromi Tachibana


By this time the law enforcements had gathered around them, Cindy, Lawrence, and Reevy as well, just…watching.

"She…" Cindy whispered, tears spilling over her pale cheeks.

"Dammit." Lawrence muttered. Everyone was so focused on the falling tears that only two people heard the faint noise.

"Nani?" Reevy whispered. Kai glanced at his girlfriend, who'd just been taken from his grasp and put on a stretcher, a blanket being drawn over her head.

"Reevy, what is it?" Cindy asked. The noise occurred again. It was a cough. Cindy's eyes widened. "She's…breathing…" The blanket was drawn from her face, only to see her coughing up blood, scrunching her face, and trying to fill her air with lungs despite her lack of consciousness, but only seeming to fail miserably. Hilary's body was appearing to go into shock, still trying to fight for life, but seeming to lose.

"Hilary-chan!" Cindy called out.

"Hilary, don't give up!"

"We're all here, Hilary!" Her friends tried to beckon her to stay with them.

"Hilary," Kai whispered in awe. He closed his eyes. "Please, God, don't let her die."


Chapter Twelve:


"We need the room of Hilary Tatibana; now!" Ray spoke to the nurse, the horde of Bladebreakers and Lawrence Michaels behind him; Cindy Katimikae and Reevy Maymor had gone along in the ambulance with a certain beloved brunette, and the remaining group had to be questioned before they finally were free to go and sprinted to the hospital on foot. They were sopping wet, and the woman even looked afraid of them; that's when she saw a pair of amethyst eyes. In those amethyst eyes was a pleading…

"I'm afraid I can't let you see her at the moment, her body has gone into shock and she's currently in surgery. She's in really bad shape," The woman's eyes downcast when she saw fear and sadness cross the boys' faces, "I can, however, send you up to the waiting room outside surgery."

"Please." Lawrence said for the group. The woman nodded.

"Twelfth floor, there are two women that came with the girl already down there," She said. The group nodded.

"Thanks." They headed off. She gave them a sympathetic glance.


One Week Later:

"Kai, man, you really should come back to the hotel with us; you look awful," Tyson tried to tempt the team leader.

"No." That was the only thing that passed the teen's mouth. The room had too clean of a smell to it, and the faint, and sometimes unsteady, beeping of the machine lingered in the dense air. But at least…as she slept…she looked remotely peaceful. Kai sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair, right beside her bed, as he'd stayed for many days and nights, and the Bladebreaker's were now hovering around him. Ray placed a hand on the slate and navy haired teen's shoulder.

"It's been a week, dude, you can't do anything else for her," God, he knew it had been a week; and what a week it had been. There were so many times he had to press the emergency button because something was going wrong with her breathing or she'd gone into sudden convulsions. There'd been so many times where the machine gave out a steady beeeeepppp when her heart stopped. There'd been countless times where they were sure she would die. Hell, she'd even been comatose for a few days. She hadn't woken up. Right now, was one of those rare times where she seemed peaceful, almost as if she was only asleep, but Kai was beginning to know those never lasted long, and soon she was being rushed off into surgery again trying to restart her heart, or stop some sort of bleeding.

Kai just looked up at his team, not saying anything. Tyson sighed.

"Okay, Kai, we'll be back later." Kai watched as the group left the room. He let his glance grace over her body, her chest that faintly rose and fell, her brown hair that was fanning around her face, and her lips that were curved in the slightest smile. An hour passed as he just stared at the clock. Wishing. Hoping. Praying. His eyes tried to keep sleep from overtaking him, but it was close. And then…it was zapped from his body and replaced with shock. There was an abnormal beep. His eyes were widened. His eyes instantly glanced at her, and he noticed she looked like she was holding her breath. He scanned the room, the charts, the machines, and then he noticed…her heart monitor was the same, it was some other machine. The bar went way up on it. He worriedly looked at her.

"Hilary, don't," He said, hoping it wasn't more bad news. He didn't think he could watch her body go into shock again. But then, he saw her small hand flex and her eye twitch. She took a really deep breath and a moan escaped her throat.

"Mmmm…." Hilary groaned before her eyes began to blink open. The grogginess passed quickly as a pain arising from her stomach and throat pulsed through her body. She grunted, "Did I die?" She turned her head, only to meet face-to-face with the Phoenix Prince. She felt a warm feeling wash over her as she just stared at him, trying to gather up her strength…. what was this warm feeling? Death? Or maybe…she could feel his love for her…

"K-Kai?" Her eyes widened in recognition. Kai blinked at continued to stare at her in shock, which was enough proof for her "Kai!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him despite her weakened state. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're alive. I'm alive. Oh, my God!" She squeezed him tightly, unwilling to let go. It was victory! She won! She was alive! He was alive! Everyone was okay! She buried her face in his hair. He felt his own arms wrap around her small frame, gently, and a little smile crept onto his features. Hilary felt tears of joy begin to fall down her face. She finally let him go. Tears were still raining down her face. His hands reached up and caressed her cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs.

"No more crying, okay?" He told her. She nodded a little bit before a fresh batch of tears began to fall. She lunged at him again, putting her entire self into the needed embrace.

"Oh, Kai, I love you so much." He tried to hush her, feeling her body shaking in his grasp. He brushed his hand down her chocolate locks.

"Shh, it's okay; I love you, too," He told her, "It okay, alright?" She nodded a little bit.

Kai Hiwatari held Hilary Tatibana while she cried, hushing, soothing, and rocking her in his arms until she fell back to sleep on his chest. He knew in those brief minutes of her being awake, she'd utterly overexerted herself; he wondered how it was even possible for her to be able to lunge at him when she'd just awoke from all that…but, even if he didn't know why, she did… it was because he gave her strength.

"Don't leave me, please," He was startled…he was sure she was asleep, but it appeared that her favor for him not to leave, proved him wrong.

"I won't, I promise," He whispered to her, giving her a slight, reassuring squeeze. She nodded, pleased, in his chest, closing her eyes again.



It had been six months since Hilary Tatibana had woken up. They finished up their vacation in New York City, and returned to Japan to work on more videos and Hilary's and the Bladebreakers' careers. The man who had attacked Hilary -twice- had been tried, but it was decided he was clinically insane and not fit to stand trial, which led him to living in a straight-jacket. The G-Revolutions had competed in their fourth world tournament, with Hilary Tatibana as their coach, and once again won. That tournament was also a reporter gold-mine considering they'd caught Hilary and Kai kissing quite passionately in the middle of the stadium when the Bladebreakers were declared the winning team.

"People are staring…" Hilary giggled when they got out to the dance floor, hand-in-hand. Kai Hiwatari looked over at her. She had on a black dress with red polka-dots, black wedged heels that laced up to her knees, and her hair was in bouncy spiral curls.

"You afraid?" He asked her. She looked at him and gave a toothy grin.

"You know I'm definitely not," She smirked at him. "Now…you in a tux…that's another story," He glared at her and she laughed as they walked out to the center of the dance floor. It was a school dance –Kai's private school- which of course meant he brought Hilary. Hilary watched quietly as the lights began to lower and dim.

"It's a singles-awareness song!" One of the kids yelled. Hilary bit back a smile.

"Slow song," She said, looking up at him, half expecting the well-toned beyblader to lead her back over to sit down somewhere rather than dance.

"Shall we dance?" He looked at her, acting as a gentlemen…and, God, he looked finee when he did. Her eyes glittered happily.

"Yes!" She nodded.

Hilary wrapped her arms around Kai Hiwatari's neck, and in turn he wrapped his arms around her slim waist, pulling her closely.

"I didn't know you could dance," She breathed after a moment, totally wrapped up in ecstasy.

"I'm not afraid." She smiled at him. The music started, and Hilary lay her head on his shoulder.

:"You're beautiful, that's for sure; you'll never ever fade; you're lovely, but it's not for sure: that I won't ever change; and though my love is rare, though my love is trueeeee,":

It sounded sweet coming over the speakers and filling the high school gymnasium.

"Fitting." She whispered to him, closing her eyes in bliss.

"Hn." He responded, swaying with her. The song played on behind them.

"The press is going to have a heart-attack. School dance: Kai Hiwatari and Hiromi Tachibana, just happening to dance to "I'm Like a Bird"," She said to him.

"Well, if that'll give them a heart-attack, we might as well go ahead and kill those annoying assholes," She abruptly looked up at him, breaking their dance.

"Nani?" She asked faintly, worried of what he would do. He'd managed to get her into a secluded area of the dance floor while they were swaying, close to the double-doors that led out of the gymnasium and into the night air. He grasped her hand lightly, and led her away from the bustle and outside. Putting all her trust in him, she let him guide her.

The night was cool, and the breezes toyed with her locks and his tresses. He led her away from the dance, across the grass, and to a fence. He sat her on the fence and stood off to the right in front of her. He nodded his head behind her; she looked in the direction and gasped.

"It's beautiful," They were on the edge of a cliff, giving them a view of forest, and then the well illuminated city. She could still hear her song faintly through the air, coming from the building. She leaned into him, looking up at the dark night sky, lit up by thousands and millions of stars, glittering across the sky like random angels placed above the Earth to watch over it.

"Hilary," He said, breaking her from her reverie.

"Hm?" She asked. "Nani, Kai-chan?" She seemed serene out there. She watched his slate hair toy with his face, blowing softly in the zephyrs. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small box.

"Aishiteru," He handed it to her and her eyes widened. Slowly, she opened it; her ruby orbs dazzled.

"Kai-chan," She gasped, "A promise ring…" She looked away from the amethyst colored ring and at him, "Kai-chan," She lunged forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Aishiteru!" He seemed a little taken aback at first, but then wrapped his arms around her as well. He smirked at the embrace, then slowly held her at arms length so he could slide the ring onto her tiny finger. She smiled, tears welling up in her eyes. "Aishiteru," She whispered it this time, so full of emotion as they moved together, pressing their lips together. Her fingers entangled in his hair and he held her tightly, never to let go. They kissed under the stars, her music in the back ground, and the gentle wind still playing with them. Kai knew Hilary would never fly away, because he would never leave her; he also knew, that one day, that promise ring would become a wedding ring. He spoke to her gently as they kissed.

"Aishiteru, Hilary Tatibana."


The End!

….Wow, that was a shit ending! Gomen-nasai! Ah, bad, bad, bad writing me! Lol. I suck. I hope you got the general idea tho… lol. I'm too tired right now, I had my three big shows this week, lol, and two of em were yesterday, plus im sick, but that's no excuse. Sorry. I have to thank my reviewers I deff don't deserve (as we all can tell!). Thanks to (my reviewers as of now, if I didn't get you, I'm sorry) (also, these, as always, are just the reviewers from the last chapter): TwinkieTUTUS, musicalgenius, sky d, yue-girl, Miss Ai, Jellybean-kitty, hil2378, Star Fata (lol. Glad you liked. Thanks for reviewing!!!), dranzerhilary, Molly Yokunaii, Nemi The Dragon, MarineDweller, hilaryxkai1234, lovette ngbeken (lol. Sure, no problem. I hope you like! Thanks for reviewing!!), and Angelic Kitsune. I'm sorry the chapter sucked everyone! Really, really sorry. Please review, it means a lot to me. Tell me if you liked, hated, loathed, hate me, flame, I need to rewrite the ending, pointers, if your confused on anything, anything. Thanks again everyone. Ah, the end of the story is like the end of a part of you, sad eh? No matter how bad (like this one) the story was. Lol.

Um, and just in case you got confused, the song playing was "I'm Like a Bird", which Hilary sang to Kai the first time he heard her sing (wayyy back in chapter four); and when Kai said "Well, if that'll give them a heart-attack, we might as well go ahead and kill those annoying assholes," he means like, send the press into shock when they get the news that he's giving Hilary a promise ring….

I Love You!!!

Moonlight Serenity

Aka Jess