Call for Love

Disclaimer:I dont own GSD/GS

A/n: another fic hahah :D anyways it just popped right out of my mind while walking to our house hehe.. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! hope you like this!!

Today is a bright sunny morning for certain blonde while riding on her scooter on her way to work. She looked left to right of her surroundings watching people moved on with their own work. She smiled at herself as she turned to a corner entering a big compound. She sighed and looked for a parking space for her green scooter.

"Damn..Im almost late!"She mumbled as she removed her head gear and fix her messy blonde hair after that she grabbed her duffle bag and ran to her changing room

"Morning Caggy..." greeted the young brunette fixing her own collar as she saw her friend enter the room in a mess

"Morning Milly..."Cagalli greeted back combing her hair with her hands.

before I forget let me introduce to you this young blonde. She is Cagalli Yula Hibiki, 24 years of age. she works as a call agent in one of the famous 5 star-hotel, 'The Sunrise' to be more exact, this hotel is the one of the top notch hotels around the country of ORB not only because of its beautiful ,relaxing location, which is a mile away from the city and near the sea side wherein you can see the sun rise and set also because of the services and accomodations they offer besides this hotel is surrounded by trees, plants and beautiful rare flowers, its quite attractive to tourists. Finally, The one she is talking to is her best friend Mirriallia Haww, she is working with her as a call agent in the hotel.

"Late as usual huh?" Mirriallia said smiling

Cagalli flashed a guilty smile as she opened her locker and change to her uniform.

"I kinda woke up late today..." Cagalli said buttoning her white blouse...

"let me've been watching late night movies am I right?"Mirr said closing her locker and fixing her clipped hair.

"well..yah..."Cagalli replied smiling.."Anyways..never mind that, What happend to your talk with that Elsman guy?"She said changing the subject.

"huh?wha-what?"Mirr turned red and turned he back at Cagalli hiding her redend face from her.

"well?"Cagalli suspiciously asked"did he say something to you?...I can see your turning red as a tomato Milly..."Cagalli teased her grinning

""Mirr glanced at her wrist watch"h-hey!...We're late for 15 minutes Cags!!"Mirr said running out the door"Lets go...or Mrs. Durrandal will get mad at us again"

'...she's changing the subject...' Cagalli said to herself smiling

"Cagalli...Hurry up"Mirriallia yelled from the hall way

"Coming!!"she replied running out and following Mirr.

"Abby..."Mirr ran to her seat mate on her left panting

"Your late Milly, Cagalli"The light blonde hair girl said smiling at them removing her head set

"We...know..."Cagalli replied sitting on her place and putting on her head set

"Dont worry...Mrs.Durrandal hasnt arrive yet, I guess she was caught in the traffic jam near our place"Abby grinned "Lucky for both of you..."

the two friends nodded and smiled at each other

"Well lets get to work...Im sure a lot of customers are calling right now..."Cagalli said adjusting her seat as Mirriallia nodded

after a few hours of helping the guests with their own room problems Cagalli came across to listening to one of their guests conversation with someone...

Cagalli covered the side of the speaker and called Mirr..

"Mirr...its the flirty guy again..."Cagalli whispered as she continued to listen to the guys conversation with a girl.

the girl giggled"really?"

"yeah...I'll like my little surprise Mey..."

once again they heard a giggle and a chuckle

Cagalli raised a brow and rolled her eyes so did Mirr. Soon after listening or rather eavesdropping with their two guests they putted down the phone and sat back on theirs seats

"Is it me or every day he switches differents girls..."Cagalli said as Mirr nodded her head in agreement.

"i think yesterday's girl was...L-Lo no..Luna...yeah Luna..."Cagalli said before the phone rang again.

Cagalli sighed and lazyly answered the call

"Good Afternoon, Can I help you?"Cagalli said

"Mrs. Yula?" the voice said

Cagalli immediately covered her mouth speaker and nudged Mirr.

"Its the flirty guy..again..."Cagalli whispered

"Go on talk to him..." Mirr whispered back as she nodded

"Hello?"Cagalli said slightly annoyed

"I know you were listening a while ago Mrs. Yula.."he said mockingly

"So what if I was?"question Cagalli

"Did you liked it?"

"Oh yeah...I liked it..."Cagalli replied sarcastic voice "I liked it so much that I almost have to puke...idiot!"

He chuckled "So when can I finally meet you?"

"Over my dead body...I dont want to see someone jerky as you! besides...I have already 2 children so bug off..."she Replied losing temper

"Oh yeah..."he said plainly

"Do you mind...I still have to work and I dont have time to chitchat with you nor talk to Sir, if you dont have anymore questions goodBye..."Cagalli said slamming the fone

"Cool it Cags"Mirr said placing a hand on Cagalli shoulder

"that guy really pisses mo off!!"Cagalli said pissed

"just forget about it..."Mirr replied trying to let Cagalli cool down for a bit

A dark-blue haired lad sat back on his sofa and smiled

"that girl is one of a kind..."he said to himself

first chappie done!! I hope you liked it!! forgive me if there were any mistakes in my grammar or spellings :D Please review thankies

