A/N: Oh, look! An update! More of a drabble than anything, but still something! Enjoy!


He was never the moon.

It was Sasuke who was the Moon to her Sun, his pale skin striking against his dark hair and eyes when compared with her vibrant looks- and let's not forget the Moon's Dark Side, Itachi. That side which sees no light from the Sun, her brilliance unable to reach him past his younger brother.

But that was alright, Shikamaru mused.

The Moon was only a small rock in comparison to the Sun's massive girth, its luminescence only a reflection of the Sun's brilliance.

When in comparison with Shikamaru, Naruto was not only the Sun but the embodiment of Light itself- not a single Sun, but the entirety of the Universe full of Light-giving Stars.

And Shikamaru was the dark Void within which those stars, those tiny planets resided. He was the Darkness that the Light illuminated, the one who wrapped that brilliance within his embrace to light up his life.

The Sun and the Moon will never meet...

...but there will always be Stars lighting up the Night Sky.