Author's Note: So as you know, this is the final chapter. I want to send out a HUGE thank you to all of my reviewers, readers and people who put me on their favorites list. When I began writing this fic, I knew that there were Alex/Addison shippers out there, but our ship had yet to actually happen. And nwo on Grey's, it's over. Addison is leaving. :(...I still hold out hope that she'll return one day, though. So, with that said...PLEASE leave reviews for this, as it's the Epilogue. I'll be writing Addex fics in the future, and possibly a sequel to this, 'The Safest Place'-sometime in the coming weeks.

Oh, and at the end of the previous chapter, Addy was about two weeks away from being five months. So we have a clear idea of time. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Addison, Alex, any of the other characters, places or anything in this story. I did, however, create Jason Warden. But now he's gone-out of the way. Please don't sue. :)

Addison had gone home that day as she had said, and ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching General Hospital. When Alex got home, they ate dinner and watched a movie, sliding back into normal life.

Addison's nightmares slowly became less frequent. There were times that she'd wake up, staring up at the ceiling. There were other times she jump up, unable to sleep, and she'd go to get a glass a water, taking up a perch at the window, staring out at the Seattle skyline. She'd rest her hand against her stomach, thinking how much her life had changed. She thought of how lucky how was-of how much Seattle now grew to mean to her.

At work, Alex would attend to his own duties, finishing out his intern year. He passed the intern exam, and became a resident. It was followed by a celebration at Joe's. Addison attended, but thanks to Joe was privy to Gatorade and all the gingerale she wanted. When they got home, Addison and Alex had a little celebration of ther own.

The weeks passed with certainty, both growing more sure of their bond and their relationship. Conversations took place in which the future was actually discussed. At first, they'd dance around it, merely testing the water. However, as months passed, they held serious conversation, and it soon became clear that they had a future more than just co-working parents.

A girl. Alex didn't believe it at first, and then the irony hit him. He was going to have a daughter. Addison woke him one night by sorting through the refrigerator, in search of grapes. Laughing, he'd shoved his shoes on, trekking to the store. As luck would have it, Mark just happened to be there. Without saying a word, he simply shaked his head, grinning, saying nothing but 'whipped'.

She wasn't sure how it happened, but Addison began collecting things. Baby things. Meredith and Callie had somehow managed to pull together long enough to form a sort of shower for her. Addison figured she could get used to it somehow, what with working with babies all day. Still, as the months came, as she herself witness her stomach swelling in size, she began to grow scared. Worried almost.

When she was about seven months pregnant she took a ferry across the sound, staring numbly out the window. Her life was changing right before her eyes, and she was helpless to stop it. She drank ice water until she felt it was time to go home. On her way back to the ferry, Addison was stopped by a guy who seemed so much like Jason. He introduced himself as Kevin, asked if she knew where the nearest supermarket was-he was new in town.

It wasn't Jason, but it was enough to send her flying back to the apartment, in need of a shoulder. She buried herself beneath the blanket and was woken up several hours later by Alex. She told him what happened, and he'd accepted it. He put an arm around her shoulder, asking if she wanted something to eat. They had some fruit-something Addison grew fond of during her pregnancy, and returned to bed, holding each other as tight as possible until the morning hours.

Richard Webber came to Addison one day, all but ordering her to stop working until after the baby was born. She was, after all, a month from her due date, and to work much longer could prove to be harmful.

Addison went home in a cab, due to the fact that Alex now drove her to work. When he got home that night, the kitchen was covered in flour, Addison saying she'd attempted to make a cake. He laughed, helped her to clean it up, and went into the living room. They ended up falling asleep on the couch that night, both realizing how close it was.

Throughout her pregnancy, Addison wrote in a journal. She'd say things like what kind of craving she'd had that day, or the wierd dream she had. She was proud to write-exactly three months after the hostage situation at the hotel, that he nightmares about Jason had stopped. She, along with Alex, Meredith and Derek, attended his trial. He was sentenced to a minimum of ten years, at the sound, both Addison and Meredith felt that maybe they'd get some peace.

Addison and Meredith grew in their friendship, after all-Meredith had been the one who would come whenever Alex would get stuck at work. They began to see that in truth, they had more than just men in common.

Exactly seven days before it was planned, Addison's water broke. It was a Saturday. She was sitting out on the balcony of the apartment, writing another entry in her journal. Alex was in watching a game on TV. When she felt it happen, a look crossed her face, that Alex happened to catch when he was on his way to grab a beer from the fridge. He didn't have to ask-he knew what was happening.

At the hospital, he was running around, making sure everything was taken care of. Derek finally walked towards him, hands on either shoulder, telling him to simply "calm down." Alex breathed in, going to Addison's room. As her saw her sitting with Meredith, Meredith handing her ice chips, it hit him. His future. His life. It was happening right before his eyes.

Hours, tears, and a dozen "I'm never going through this again!'s"-Addison was handed her beautiful baby girl. Amelia Alexis Montgomery Karev-a mouthful of a name, but one that seemed fitting, considering her parents.

Knowing Alex, Addison and Amelia needed a moment, Meredith grabbed her coat, leaving the room.

"She's beautiful."Addison whispered.

"That she is..."Alex said, staring into his daughter's brown eyes. His hand reached foward, lightly brushing her forehead. "And small."

"Well, babies are generally small, Karev."Addison muttered, still under the effects of her pain medication.

"So it's back to Karev now, huh?"Alex teased. He smiled at her, shrugging.

Addison, holding Amelia in her arms let out an exhausted sigh. "Are you okay?...With the whole...Montgomery-Karev thing?"

"Yeah. It makes sense...both of her parents."Alex agreed, feeling Amelia's tiny hand folding over his pointer finger. "What about you?"He asked, taking a deep breath.

Blinking, Addison broke her gaze away from Amelia, looking over at Alex. "What do you mean?"

"Montgomery-Karev?"Alex asked, a smirk gracing his lips.

"She's got a long name, but I think it...fits pretty well."Addison replied, feeling tired.

"I was...speaking in general. The name..."Alex asked, knowing how he was planning to approach it. He saw the look in her eyes change from one of confusion to one of love.


He grabbed her hand that was tucked safely underneath Amelia. "A lot has changed in the past year or so, Addison. We've got a daughter...we...are a family now. I love you, Addison."

She smiled. "I love you, too. And you.."Addison said, looking at their daughter. "She's falling asleep."

"Addison..."Alex said, mustering up enough courage as he could. "I know that you've been through a lot in thes past few months. But...what happened..won't happen again. I won't let it. I love you, I love Amelia. Amelia Alexis Montgomery Karev."He said, laughing. "It's got a nice ring to it."

"It does. I...I don't what would have happened if I didn't have you to help me get through, Alex."Addison replied.

"Marry Me."

Through the haze of pain medication, through the sheer joy of holding her baby girl, it took a minute for his words to sink in. "What?"

"You don't...have to..."

"Alex Karev..."Addison said, smiling. "Resident...semi-retired frat boy...turned father...wants to be a husband?"Addison asked, enjoying the moment.

"I just...I want you to be happy. So..what do you say?"Alex asked, eyes hopeful.

Addison looked at Amelia, thinking of everything they'd gone through to have her. She then looked back at Alex and, leaning close, kissed him. Knowing how far they came, how much they had gone through together, knowing how lucky they were to have Amelia, Addison knew she'd never be safer than there with Alex and their daughter. "I say yes."

Post-Story Note:

So there you have it. The Safest Place. I'm gonna ask for detailed reviews, please..I know that you all have been kind enough to do so in the past, but I want to thank you guys, and it helps if I know what parts you liked/didn't like. Amelia Alexis Montgomery Karev. Addison Forbes Montgomery Karev. (I'm you know, assuming she took of Shepherd)...Nice ring to them, huh?

Anyway, as I said, there might be a sequel, but I've got a few things running right now-but I'll take any ideas you might have. Thanks to ALL of you who reviewed, who read. Who gave me any help during the story when I was in need of it. To those who PMed me because I'd gone two weeks without leaving an update. To those who favvorited, who alerted, who cried...the few who put my story on their "you MUST read these" on their profiles (Yes, I read...). Addex might not be happening on the screen, but that doesn't mean we should lose hope in the FF world. I love you guys this has been my most reviewed, best fic so far...thank you so much! Til next time...spread the Addex love!