"What?" Seifer exclaimed in disbelief.

Squall put his face down in his hands. He'd known that she wouldn't help. Why in Hyne did he waste his time coming here anyway? He stood up from the couch to leave. The faint sound of Quistis speaking reached his ears.

" I can't…keep you from loving her can I?" she said.

Blue-gray eyes stared her down silently. No answer was needed. He couldn't tell her anything she didn't already know. Before, Quistis hadn't comprehended what Rinoa meant to him. In her eyes Rinoa had just been some girl standing between her and the man of her dreams. Hell, Quistis was jealous, but she was no fool. Not just 'some girl' could cause the ruthless misery to surface in Squalls eyes. She needed to rid that sadness from him. If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She was the one to make him loose Rinoa, now she was the one he needed to get her back.

The blonde woman stood up from her seat and walked to the phone.

"I'll call my father and see what he can do. I know it's awfully late for me to contact him, but I know you won't be able to rest a wink until you find her."

Before either of the men could speak, she quickly punched in the numbers and pressed the phone up to her ear. Three rings, then the tired voice of her father.

Her eyes drifted over to Squall.

"Thank you." He mouthed.

That was the first time he'd said something kindly to her. Most words from him were cold rebuffs to her advances. She witnessed another first too. The first genuine smile he'd ever given her. Never had she thought he could look any more beautiful. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Carefully she moved her gaze to the floor.

"Quistis, is that you?" her father asked.

"Yeah, it's me. Listen…I know we haven't spoken in a while, but I really need your help."

From the balcony Rinoa watched the ocean waves lick the glittering sandy shore. The bright sky above was the contrast of her mood. Taking one huge breath she inhaled the salty air. It felt good, comforting almost. The air here was nothing like what she experienced daily in Deling. Absent was the choking smell of gasoline, and the symphony of seagulls and waves replaced the roar of engines and constant hum of people. If she wasn't so hopelessly depressed she might fully enjoy her escape to this place. Eyeing the shore again, she decided it'd be nice to feel the sand on her bare feet. She walked to the dresser and pulled out a spare 20 and left it as a tip for room service and left.

The train came to a stop at the Balamb Train Station. Squall waited impatiently for everyone to get their stuff together. He'd rather have come by himself, but Seifer, Zell, and Quistis insisted on tagging along. He was most reluctant to let Quistis come since he knew Rinoa would be further upset at the mere sight of her. Yet Quistis had been a great help to him and she told him that she wanted to do everything she could to help him out. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that Irvine had been right. Quistis wasn't heartless like he had thought.

"Stop glaring daggers at us, Puberty Boy, were coming!" Seifer exclaimed.

They all exited the train and hastily made their way down to the hotel. The tiny black velvet box felt like it weighed a ton in Squall's pocket. The Calming Winds hotel came into view and the group stepped inside the entrance. The desk clerk watched them expectantly.

"How may I help you?" she asked as the four approached her.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Trepe's daughter Quistis. He informed you of our arrival?"

"Oh! You're looking for the young woman that resembles the general's daughter!" the clerk said with recognition. "She checked in as Julia Heart."

"What room is she staying in?" Squall asked, urgency was in his voice.

"She's staying in room 202…but she walked out of the hotel about an hour ago. I can leave a message for her if you'd like."

"I'll wait here in case she show up." Zell said to Squall. "You go search the town for her, its not too big so there's not too many places she could be."

Squall thanked the drummer before darting out of the hotel. Seifer and Quistis struggled to stay at his heels.

"I'll check all the shops!" said Seifer. With that said he was off.

"Squall, lets search by the pier." Quistis suggested.

Squall nodded. They ran to the pier and saw the many ships in dock being loaded. There were a few people around, but none of them were here.

Squall looked out towards the beach a short distance away. That's when he caught sight of the woman walking along the water's edge. Without a word he dashed down to the shoreline as fast as his legs could carry him

"Squall, were are you going?" Quistis shouted to him. Already he was quite a distance away. More slowly the blonde woman followed.

As Squall neared the young woman he slowed his pace to a walk. She wasn't yet aware of his presence but perhaps that was a good thing. If she were to notice him now she'd she him gawking like an idiot at how beautiful she was. She reminded him of a water lily, the way her bare feet and legs were covered by the water and how the skirt of her white dress fanned out and fluttered in the wind. Long, silky raven-colored strands of hair whipped around her face in a graceful manner. She turned her head to the side and lightly brushed some hair away from her face using her hand. That's when she saw him.

"Squall…" she whispered.

She stood stalk still.

"Rinoa…I've been dying to see you again. There's so much I need to tell you."

She turned her back to him.

"You wanted to see me? That's hard to believe. It seems you've already found my replacement. What was her name…Quistis."

Squall cringed. How much he wished to take that night back eclipsed everything he'd ever wanted in his life. How could he make her understand that?

"That night…was the worst night of my life. Every moment I wish that I could take it back. It was wrong and stupid…I was weak and I'd thought that you had lied to me and that you were engaged. Still, that's no excuse. I'm so sorry, Rinoa."

She turned back, anger marring those beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

" I don't care that you're sorry, Squall. I already heard it that day on your T.V. performance. You shouldn't have wasted that chance to set off your career."

He smiled a small smile.

"Anything for you is worth it."

Two fat tears rolled down from her eyes. In a poor attempt to hide them, she looked down to the ground.

"Don't say things like that, Squall." A sob escaped her throat. "I don't want to love you any more. It hurts too much."

Squall walked towards her and kneeled before her. He didn't cared that his legs were getting covered with beach sand and salt water.

"What are you doing?" she asked quietly.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the velvet box and opened it to reveal the wedding band inside.

"Is that what I think it is…"

"Rinoa," Squall began, "I swear on my life to never ever hurt you again. I'm begging you to give me the chance to make up for everything…Everyday of my life. You're happiness is all that matters to me, because you, Rinoa, are my everything. I've been searching all my life for true happiness, and I can only truly feel it when I'm with you. My life is incomplete without you. I'm asking you for more than to be my wife, Rinoa. Will you complete me?"

He held up the ring.

Rinoa's eyes went to the ring, then back to him. Each time she looked back at him more and more tears spilled from her eyes.

The waves noisily crashed against the shore, much like her tears to his heart.

"Squall…" her voice was so fragile the wind threatened to carry it way.

"Yes?" he said back.

A strange sensation stung at his eyes. Was he starting to cry?

"Squall." She repeated. This time her voice was more firm and thick with emotion.

She dropped to her knees and tightly wrapped her arms around him. Several sobs erupted from her. Squall firmly enveloped her in his arms. A sense of being home came over him. That feeling he'd lost since Raine passed away.

He pulled back just enough so that he could kiss her. The young woman passionately returned the gesture. Their kisses grew more and more fierce with each one. Neither was sure how much time had passed when they finally pulled back.

"Was that a yes?" Squall asked.

Rinoa picked up the velvet box from where Squall had placed it on the sand. She took the ring out and placed it on her ring finger.

"It's perfect." She said, sending him the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen in his entire life.

Gently he pulled her face to his, his lips found hers and they resumed where they left off.

Quistis watched the lovers from the end of the pier. Seifer walked up from behind her.

"Things are starting to look up for those two." The man said with his usual smug grin.

Quistis just sighed.

"I wish someone cared for me like that."

She hardly noticed when Seifer stepped closer to her.

"Well I wish that you'd notice that someone always has."

She looked up at him quizzically.

"And who would that be…"

Seifer's smile grew timid. Color filled his cheeks.

"It's always been me, Quistis." He said quietly. "I know that I'm no Squall, but-"

Quistis got up on her tippy toes and locked her lips with his.

Seifer couldn't contain his smile as she kissed him.

The sun was disappearing from the horizon. They sky was painted in a kaleidoscope of colors from violet to crimson. The seagulls and the waves seemed to quiet into a gentle rhythm, a rhythm of the heart.

SeraphxHeartilly: Thank you to everyone who's read and enjoyed Rhythm of the Heart! I really enjoyed writing this story as the plot idea had been dancing around in my head for ages. I'd love to hear all of your opinions on the story and its conclusion, so keep the reviews coming! :) If you're a squinoa fan be sure to check out my profile every now and then as I'll most likely start working on another one. Thanks again to all my readers for reading and sending in feedback!