So I really didn't have any inspiration after FTT was over...I had deadened my soul along with my character's souls. But, never fear, for inspiration struck me when I least expected it. I've already told her, but sweetfur, your song fic "Unnoticed Friction" actually spawned this idea, even if they are two rather completely different concepts.

Anyway, not sure how long this will be, not really sure where to go after chapter 1. Drastically different approach than FTT too--I had that thing mapped out from start to finish before the drop of the first word. So you tell me what you think right now. Just a basic summary/overview of the scenario. The story will be told MOSTLY through Wendy's POV. However, as author, I do reserve the right to switch up POV's if I so please.


The Distance Between Us


I guess on some level, I have always suspected it. There's not a single girl I know that battles for the time spent with her boyfriend the way I do. And I don't think there's a single couple in our school that has lost that "loving feeling", so to speak, as much as we have. But, then again, no couple in the entire school has been together for as long as we have either. We have a history together. Pretty much a life of our own. They always told us we were going to get married. That our lives were mapped out by the time we were twelve years old and he proposed to me on the playground with a package of Pixy Stix and a Ring Pop. No one ever expected this kind of detour. I know I certainly never did.

Most people look at me and find themselves saying, "she doesn't have a right to complain." I've got pretty much everything I've ever wanted. Sure, I've worked hard for a lot of it, but they don't see that. They don't see the imperfections that lie within my complex friendships and relationships, my constant struggle to be the best, and my fierce competitive nature that's caused me some difficulties in the past. They just see Wendy Testaburger, co-captain of the girl's volleyball team, president of student council, nominee for homecoming queen, and valedictorian of South Park High School's senior class. No, I'm not listing off my assets here (although I DO sound rather impressive). That's really how I'm known around this school. When you live in a town as small as what we do, and you've lived there practically your whole life, you have a reputation to withhold. And my reputation was set in stone the minute I announced my undying love to my boyfriend of three years when I was six years old. And that reputation was town sweetheart, girlfriend of football extraordinaire and the ever-handsome Stanley Marsh.

If you live in South Park, you know Stan. Everyone knows Stan. He's the man's man, the best bud to all the jocks, and the town's star quarterback. But what he doesn't show all of you is that he is actually a sensitive, shy, and caring individual with romantic intentions and high aspirations for his future. That he is actually a down-to-earth guy behind closed doors who cares about others and tends to put them in front of himself. That he is as intelligent as he is athletic if he just applied himself more in school than out on the field. That he is more loyal to his friends and family than anyone else I have ever met.

If you know Stan, you also have to know Kyle. Kyle Broflovski is his best friend since before he could properly pronounce his last name, and they've been inseparable ever since. Trust me, I know. I've battled with my fits of jealousy over Kyle, but Stan calmed my nerves a few years back when he told me that he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with only me. He had gotten down on one knee and re-proposed as a clumsy sophomore boy, to which I giddily accepted. Our troubles came later, of course, and now I sit here with this stupid cubic Zirconium on my finger wondering why I decided to be Mrs. Stan Marsh before I ever really knew my boyfriend. Before I knew myself.

I found out exactly five weeks and four days ago about Stan's little secret. Or should I say BIG secret. Devastating secret. If anyone else found out, or I told anyone, that would be the end of him. When you've got everything, you've got everything to lose, right?

That's exactly how I feel. What is a girl like me supposed to do if I lose the one staple in my life that I thought made sense? Sure I've got all those other things going for me, but I was lying before. When they mention my name in this town, you have to get past the "Oh, she's Stan's girlfriend!" remarks before you get down to who Wendy Testaburger really is. I'm not known in this school for my talents—I'm known in this school for his talents. And if anyone—and I mean ANYONE—were to know what I know now…we'd both be ruined.

I blink myself back into reality as I watch my supposed boyfriend flirt right in front of my eyes. My God, it's SO obvious, how could I not notice it before? How could this whole town be so completely unaware of his true feelings? Are we really daft mountain folk? I warn you, I think a lot about this now. I have questioned my logic and my own intelligence a few thousand times in the past few weeks. How could I not? I'm living a lie now, and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Will I be able to keep it up forever?

"Wends, I'm gonna have to cut our date short tonight," he mumbles through a grin that's definitely meant for someone else. "I've gotta do some more practice rounds on the SAT before next Saturday." The person he's smiling at blushes and returns their own eyes down to the table. They both completely avoid eye contact with me.

Okay, so it seems legitimate, right? Stan has to study for his SATs, because, like any good-natured middle class senior student, he plans going to college. And in order to get into a university, you have to score fairly high on your standardized testing. But what he won't tell you is that he's studying these practice tests with Kyle so that they can both get a decent enough grade to attend the same 4-year institute. And by studying, I mean something I can't even being to describe or think about without my stomach flipping inside out and tying itself into a knot.

Kyle's not a bad guy. Matter of fact, he is second in our class (next to me, of course), and is extremely well known within our school as well. Our top track runner, he is tall, thin, and absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous…if you go for that sort of nerdy, non-muscular type. Or so I've been told. I wouldn't know, obviously, since I only have eyes for Stan.

I can't say the same about Stan, however. Seems lately that he only has eyes for Kyle. Yes, I said it. It's too damn hard for me to say, don't make me repeat it either. How can you tell your boyfriend you know he's secretly dating his best male friend? How can you let him know you found out about their secret rendezvous behind the football bleachers? How can you bring yourself to embarrass him by telling him how you saw him go down on his best friend in broad daylight in his backyard? I've never been much for secrets, but I have no idea how to handle this. Especially since Stan goes on acting like his "normal" self.

He still gives me a peck on the cheek, he still plans dates for us to go on. He still calls me his girlfriend and makes every interaction between him and Kyle seem strictly platonic. To everyone else. I, on the other hand, know better.

I doubt you even want to know the story. As disturbing as it is, I can't help but feel the urge to tell it anyway. I have no idea how long this has been going on, but I do know for a fact it wasn't the first time. Not when your boyfriend moans someone else's name like that, kisses someone else like that, and even LOOKS at someone else like that.

It wasn't always like that. We used to be happy. Truly happy. Once upon a time…

But those days are gone now. And now…now I'm left wondering how the hell I'm ever going to get through this. How I'm ever going to bring myself to telling him that I know.

If I even can.