Bo paced slowly at first and then faster and faster. She had never been late before and Vincent would guard her with his life. He walked up to his room and changed for a small self-service at church. He slicked his hair back and watched his reflection. No one would know he was a co-serial killer. That included his life long girlfriend, Lillian.


A old rusted and somewhat reliable trucked pulled into the driveway of seemingly empty house. A female gazed up at the house. She stared in amazement. Her male driver watched her and then turned off the truck. They hopped out of the truck. The male grabbed her bags out of the back of the truck and walked with her to the porch.

"God Vincent, I haven't been here for ages." The woman said. Vincent gave a nod and opened the door. All the lights were off and the house was silent. The woman grabbed her things from the struggling Vincent and put them in the living room. He shut the door and started turning on the lights. The woman walked the familiar territory and examined the pictures on the mantle of the fireplace.

"Vincent, I'm going to walk around ok?" He poked his head out of the kitchen and gave a nod. She left the room and walked out the door. It was a pleasant night. There was a slight warm breeze flowing through the abandoned streets and the stars could be seen for miles. The street lights flickered here and there. But it was all recognizable to Lillian Argyle. She had lived here as a child. She turned the corner and looked at everything, it was all the same. She walked a bit and happily jumped into memories.

"Who are you?" Lillian gave a frightened jump and turned around. A shadowed man stood on the far side of the church.

"Who are you?" She retorted. The man walked out of the shadows. They looked each other up and down.

"Well I'll be god-damned." Bo muttered.

"The way you talk you will be."Lillian replied and ran to him. He picked her up and hugged her. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." Bo replied and kissed her roughly. Lillian broke the kissed and rubbed his cheek.

"I love you." She said. Bo smiled and kissed her again. He placed her back on the ground and they headed back to the house.

"What took you so long getting here?" He asked as they entered the driveway.

"Traffic was murder." Lillian replied.

"How long are you staying for this time?" Bo asked. "I don't want you to leave."

"I know, but I have classes and such." She replied and took his hand. They walked onto the porch and stood there for a minute.

"You look beautiful." He mentioned and opened the door for her. Vincent was no-where in sight and it didn't sound like he was around. "He won't be back until tomorrow morning. He's watching for those people that have been stealing things from the Museum." Lillian nodded.

"Yeah, I'm glad you didn't inherit a luck for crafting. Because if you did we wouldn't have ever met." Lillian said pulled him toward her.

"Is that so?" Bo replied.

"Yep, remember my cousin James was in shop with you and you went to a bunch of his parties. Then we met at his first of the summer parties." Bo nodded. He remembered how she had shown up with a group of junkies. She had worn a white polo and a matching white skirt and sandles. With her red hair in soft curls and just the right amount of make-up.

"Yeah, I guess what was a good thing." He replied and pulled her in for a deep kiss. She opened her mouth just enough for him to explore. She pulled back slightly and licked his lips. "You were always a big tease."

"Oh was I. How about this," She said and trailed her head from his neck to his abs down to his belt. She hooked her thumb into the inside of the top part of his pants. She ran her thumb around the front part of his waist and pushed harder in some parts. This sent shivers down Bo's spine and started to excite him slightly. He picked her up and carried her upstairs to his room.


About an hour later Lillian was laying peacefully next to, a still panting, Bo. She held his hand and felt the marks around his wrists, she felt the toughness of his hands and fingers. She kissed each one of them. She knew is mother had done that, that was no secret between them. She had cared until he said she didn't have to.

Bo rested his head on her chest. She could feel the sweat on his face. She rubbed his forehead and kissed him. She sat up and redressed. Bo did the same. Lillian walked downstairs and grabbed her bags and ran back upstairs. She walked into the guest room. She took a side glance across the hall into Trudy's room. She turned and started to unpack her suitcases. Her room was slightly smaller than Bo's. It only contained a bed, a small nightstand, a desk, a standing mirror, and a small dresser. She placed all her clothes in the dresser and dressed for bed. Bo knocked at her door and walked in.

"Lily, are you sleeping yet?" He asked.

"No, not yet." She replied. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to you." She nodded. "Nothing will happen to you as long as you stay here and love me."

"Yeah, I know. But nothing would happen to me anyway because you love me too much." Lily replied and turned to kiss him. She started to pull away, but Bo kept her in place.

"I love you," He whispered in her ear. She gave a slight shiver and pulled away from him.

"I love you too," She replied and climbed under her covers and went to sleep. Bo turned off the lights and shut the door. He walked calmly down the hallway and then sprinted down the stairs. He hastily turned the lights off and ran out the door. He jogged to the House of Wax that was perched on a hill over looking the entire town. He walked around the back and entered through the cellar doors.

"Vincent, hey Vincent." Bo yelled. Vincent's head jerked up and away from his work. "Great work on this one." Vincent nodded. "Careful on the eye coloring though."

"What shall we dress this one in?" Bo muttered to no one in perticular. Vincent pointed to the clothes he had layed on the chair. "Nice picks Vincent. Do you think you'll like having Lily around?" Vincent gave a nod and a shallow grunt. "Yeah, what would you say if I told you I wanted to marry her?"

Vincent thought for a moment and concentrated on his work. He gave a shrug. Bo walked upstairs to the main floor of the House of Wax. Vincent had caught the boy stealing small sculptures from the museum. He had trapped him in the corner and slit his throat quickly and without hestitation. Bo had made it specifically clear that Lillian was to know nothing about what went on in the Museum at night or during the day for that matter. Bo had been able to keep this secret for almost five years, but what he didn't know was Lillian was soon to find out.