Author's Note: Yesh, I am back!! MUAHAHHAHA! FEAR ME!! :D lol, anyway, while I'm typing this wonderful chapter, I'm watching "That 70's Show" XD I know, random! But yea, I was looking over some reviews and some people are confused about whether Sakura heard Naruto and Sasuke fighting or not. She didn't. Now that that is cleared, on with the OC's! Thanks for the response!! I think I'm going to introduce some of them in this chappy , because they were so good and I'm really excited to bring all them in! I'm not sure yet, I'll make up my mind when I write it.

Disclaimer Skit:

Me: My oh my, it's been sooo long!! ZOMG! I forgot to feed my pets!! –enters into jail cell where Sasu-kun, Sas-kun, Ita-kun, Tobi-chan (Madara), and Nagato-chan are-

Sasuke: o.x

Itachi: x.o

Sasori: .

Tobi: X3

Nagato: x.x

Me: Ummm…. I think I'll deal with you guys later O.o;; -runs and yells from distance- I DON'T OWN NARUTO!

Chapter 11: All You Need Is Love

Sakura wobbly stepped out of Kakashi's very dazed and confused. What the hell was Sasuke thinking?? All class was her first day here times ten! He kept sneaking kisses when Kakashi's back was turned, and bring her closer so that she'd sit on his lap! What had gotten into him? Sakura was angry that Sasuke would actually play with her feelings like that! The only way he could know that she liked him was if either Hinata, Tenten, or…..Ino.

Sakura immediately lost her train of thought when Sasuke came up from behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed down her jaw and neck, roughly moving away her shirt collar.

As she held back tears, Sakura spoke shakily, "W-Why are you doing this Sasuke?"

He sighed irritably, annoyed that she didn't use his precious suffix, "Why do you think, Sakura? Do you think I'd do this randomly to one of my friends, just to mess with them as a joke?"

'Damn his mind-reading powers.' "Then what else? I don't get it…"

Sasuke turned Sakura around and kissed her lightly on her forehead, "Your naivety amazes me."

Sakura stared at the floor. She could feel all the student's eyes on her. Is there no privacy in this school?!

"Sasuke-kun… it can't be the reason I'm thinking of…" She started to shake, thinking of all the possible reasons why Sasuke shouldn't have feelings for her. She gripped his arm sleeves with both hands, waiting to hear his response.

"I'm very sure that is the reason, Sakura-chan," Sasuke whispered into her ear then kissed her softly on her lips, much different from their past kisses. He waited for Sakura's response. He was almost certain that she had the same feelings for him… Why isn't she saying anything?? Sasuke's head started to go into a jumble, but his exterior stayed the same, emotionless.

"Sasuke-kun…" His eyes widened when Sakura eagerly wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him the same, intimate hug she had given Sasori.

She looked up at him with bright, joy-filled eyes, "I like you, too!"

Relief swept through Sasuke like adrenaline. He gave Sakura a smile only she could see and held her head to his chest.


"THEY ARE DOING WHAT NOW?!" screamed Naruto as Tenten excitedly gave the news of Sasuke and Sakura becoming a couple to the rest of the gang. They were currently at lunch sitting outside, waiting for the new couple to arrive from the cafeteria.

Hinata looked up at Naruto worriedly, "Why are you so angry Naruto-kun? Aren't you happy for your best friend?"

Knowingly, Naruto knew that he had to tell someone about what Sasuke had told him earlier. He sat down quickly and gave a gesture for everyone to come closer.

"This isn't necessarily a good thing, you guys… 'cause teme told me earlier that he was set up for an arranged marriage!" he whispered, making sure no one else could here.

There was a few seconds of silence.

"WHAT?!" screamed the rest of the group.

"THAT BASTARD! Why would he do this to Sakura?? I'm going to give him an ass-whooping and some common sense!" yelled Ino.

Hinata and Tenten tackled Ino and covered her mouth, hoping that it wasn't too much information said.

"That Uchiha just made the stupidest move…" commented Neji, shaking his head and crossing his arms.

Tenten cracked her knuckles, "I have half a mind to beat the shit out of him, though…"

Shikamaru sighed, "I think the real question we're all thinking is, how are we going to tell Sakura?"

Everyone was silent, not wanting to take on the burden of spilling bad news to one of the sweetest girls in school.

"…I-I don't think we should tell her…" Hinata spoke up. Everyone sent her crazy looks.

She started to reason with them, "From what we've gathered from Sakura's past, she has had a little hardship, especially when it came to being accepted. So… I think we should leave her and let her be happy, for just a little while. We aren't even sure how serious Sasuke-san is about this…"

After Hinata spoke, the whole group could hear calls from the entrance of the building. They could see Sakura waving to them enthusiastically, holding her Pufi-Ami-Yumi lunch box, with Sasuke behind her, chuckling at her antics. She grabbed Sasuke's arm and speed walked up the tiny hill.

"Hey, everyone! What's wrong? Sasuke-kun and I could hear Naruto's voice all the way from the cafeteria!"

An awkward silence was broken by Naruto, "Hehe, it was nothing Sakura-chan! Hinata was just suggesting… that you guys should come on a double date with us!"

Sakura's eyes brightened, "That's a great idea! Mou, Sasu-kun, do you want to? We don't have to if you don't want to..!"

"Of course, Sakura-chan. It's a great idea." He kisses her temple and walks over and sits a tree that shades everyone. Sakura walks over and sits on his lap, nibbling on a ham and tomato sandwich. Sasuke sees and whispers something in her ear. Sakura giggles and opens up her sandwich to give him a slice of tomato. He pushes aside her hair and kisses the back of her neck before eating the tomato slice.

The gang watched this sight and guilt growing inside them. They had mentally agreed with Hinata's statement. Don't tell Sakura.

Naruto could feel a certain pair of eyes burning into his side. He knew Sasuke is going to want to talk to him later.


Sakura was wandering the after-school halls in search of Ino. Even though she was quite happy about being with Sasuke, she was still going to lecture Ino on keeping secrets. She entered the art hallway and glanced inside each classroom, for she knew she took art lessons after school. She felt her mind drift as she walked; somehow all her thoughts turn to Sasuke. She really wanted to ride home with him today, but he said he had to talk to Naruto about "guy stuff." Psh.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sakura saw something shocking. Inside one of the classrooms was Ino and a very cute guy… making out. He looked almost identical to Sasuke, but Sakura knew it wasn't him because of the lack of chicken hair. At this point, Sakura couldn't even comprehend what was going on inside the classroom. It was like she was staring into space. She saw Ino and the mystery guy break apart and her giving the boy a goodbye kiss and walk out while looking back. Sakura couldn't move. Ino opened the classroom door and turned. Her face immediately turned from blushing to shock as she saw Sakura standing in front of her.

"S-Sakura??" Ino stumbled with her words.

Sakura just made gaping mouth movements and pointing at the mystery boy who had just stepped out of the classroom as well. He was more identical to Sasuke than Sakura had realized. Currently, his hair was astray and his face slightly flushed. His button up polo was wrinkled and tucked out. He spoke.

"Ino-chan, who is this?" Sakura stared at him.

"Oh, um, Sai-kun, this is Sakura-chan, Sakura, this is Sai-kun, my…erm… tutor?" She blushed as Sai sent her a smirk.

Sakura finally got up the courage to speak, "Y-You're tutor? In what, swapping spit?? What the hell, Ino?! I thought you liked Shikamaru!! When did this happen??"

Anger spread across Ino's face, "Gee, Sakura, you're the master at greeting new people."

"Well, sorry that I'm a little worried about Shikamaru's feelings as well! How did this happen??"

Sai spoke up, "It did start out as a tutoring session, in art interpretation. You know, like handwriting identification and artistic symbols? She always talked about this Shika guy and how she tried hard for him to pay attention to her."

Ino continued, "He understood me, so we got closer and… went from there."

Sakura stared that the pair, "Sooo…. Are you two official or what?"

"I wanted to make it official when I transferred here." Ino hugged Sai when he said that.

"Woah… wait. You don't go here? Where did you go before??"

"I was homeschooled for a few years, but my master said that I was becoming too distant from the world, and I'm going to leave it at that."

Sakura stayed silent for a few seconds, then spoke, "Oh… um, okay… Welcome? I'm just going to go home now… this day has been strange enough. See ya Ino!"


Itachi walked into a dark room. He could feel familiar chakra forces around him. The walls around him was stone, there was only a large stone-seat against the wall, where a man with his face unseen stood. He could see the silhouettes of his fellow comrades around him. A dark voice spoke.

"Itachi, have you taken the precautions to protect the last Haruno?"


"Good, Deidara, have you set up posts all around the village?"


"Sasori, have you negotiated with Tsunade-hime about our situation?


"This is good news, it seems we finally have control over the matter. All we need to do is wait for Orochimaru's next move."

"Pein-sama, I have a request." Itachi spoke emotionlessly.


"Another topic of interest has come up concerning the Haruno clan. It is their sister clan, the Hisoka. They also were murdered on the same night as the Haruno, but I have found a descendant that was unaccounted for in the reports. I'm almost certain that she is alive today, and in the Leaf Country."

"Your point?"

"I'm going to need another person helping me with protecting Sakura, I request Mitsue would help me."

Snickers were heard throughout the stone cave.

"Shut the fuck up, you immature shit-heads." One of the silhouettes emerged and stood beside Itachi. They wrapped their arms around one of Itachi's arms. They immediately shut up.

"Soo… Mitsue-chan, going to meet the parents, eh?" commented Hidan, the undead sythe-wielder.

Unconsciously, Mitsue's kekkei genkai appeared, bearing glowing, white fangs. Itachi gripped her hand, calming her down. She breathed in and ran her hands through her long, blonde-white hair. Her crystal blue eyes traveled back to her master.

"I will help him out with protecting the Haruno girl."

"Good, Konan, you're coming with me to the Star village, I need to pick something up there."

"Hai." Stated a strong feminine voice from the figure next to Pein.

"Zetsu. Tobi. Find more information on Orochimaru's whereabouts."


"You got it, Pein!" Pein gave a slight glare at Tobi.


Itachi and Mitsue poof-ed outside the cave. Mitsue circled her arms around Itachi and sighed, "Our relationship isn't going to be so secret now, is it, Itachi-kun?" She giggled, "How do you think your brother will react?"

Itachi hugged back and said, "He's going to be a little freaked out. I don't think he has ever imagined me dating someone, especially someone as opposite as you. I think my mother would be glad I have an interest in girls, and my father would be glad that he has two sons that are going to get married."

Mitsue giggled again and held up her ring, "I'm so happy, Ita-kun."


Author's Note: YAY! DONE!! :D Well, as you can see, I have already put in some OC's people have given me. Now some have still not been put in yet, but will most likely be in the next chapter!

Thank you to:

Itachi'sbestfangirl- Her OC is Mitsue!

xX-Arianna-hime-Xx- Her OC is the last descendant of the Hisoka clan! I haven't fully introduced her yet, but she will be in the next chapter!