A/N: So it has been ages since I updated last, at least it seems like it because I've had Christmas and New Year celebrations but I have already written the next two chapters, I just have to edit them and other things. They should be ready soon.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

italics are for thoughts and flashbacks (if i decide to do a flashback) .

They POV may change in a chapter but I hope it is clear for you to tell who's POV it changes to. This one starts out in Rory's POV.

Hope you like it!

Chapter Three

Squealing, Hugging and Questioning.

"Hey." Logan said nervously looking at her.

"Hi." Gosh this is kind of uncomfortable. I wonder what he is doing here. Last night was fun and I kind of wished that I didn't go but I did. He reminded me of Tristan, too much, I didn't want to be a one night stand, that's not who I am.

Rory was pulled from her thoughts when he next spoke.

"Um, your room mate is actually in the living room so please, come in." He stepped aside allowing her to come in before leading her down the hall and into the living room.

She was taking in the interior of the dorm, so far not too bad, when we heard a small scream and was pulled into a tight hug by a blonde headed girl.

"Oh my gosh, it's so good to finally meet you. I have been so excited about this and please don't feel insulted by me saying that I have heard so many things about you all being good and I hope that they are true because my last few room mates have been complete freaks, so please don't take offence to that." She finished and took a deep breath. She looked at Rory to see her smiling and then smiled back.

Rory didn't even know the name of this bubbly blonde but she could already tell that they were going to get on really well. "Hi," still smiling "I'm Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden the Third, but please just call me Rory, it's a lot easier."

Steph laughed as did Rory. "Hi I'm Steph, well Stephanie Vanderbilt and it is really nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too, so ahh," she leaned in and whispered, "who are these other guys?"

"Oh, god, my mum would have killed me for being so dumb, these three," she motioned to Logan and the two brunettes behind her. "Are my three bestest friends in the world. Rory, this is Colin McCrae," she pointed to the first and smaller brunette. He moved forward and shook Rory's hand and smiled, she smiled back.

"This is Logan Huntzberger, ladies man and college Playboy." He glared at Steph who smiled innocently back. He looked Rory in the eye and said, "We've met before, nice to see you again." He took her hand and kissed it causing Rory to smile, blush and once more feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, please don't tell me you've, you know."

"Oh. What? No. If you mean have we slept together, then no." Rory shook her head not wanting Steph to think that she was one of Logan's many.

"Good. Sorry but that would be weird having one of Logan's as a room mate."

"Yeah I understand what you mean." They both laughed then Steph introduced the last of her friends.

"And this one is Finn Morgan. My recently named boyfriend and sexy foreigner."

"Oh Stephie, how sweet."

He ran up to Rory obviously not shy and slightly over eager, and picked Rory up in a big hug, causing her to wrap her arms around his neck as he swung her around. She laughed as he did this and felt as though she could be really good friends with these people.

"Hello love, I'm Finn and it is my absolute pleasure to meet you." He gave her a warm smile as he kissed her cheek in a friendly way.

"Ooh, an exotic boy, my mom would love you! Good choice Steph."

"Did you hear that mates? I'm exotic and I can't wait to meet this mother of your's." The boys chuckled and Steph giggled like a little school girl.

"I'm guessing that you're Australian by they way you use affectionate nicknames and say 'mates' a lot?" Rory smiled.

"You are correct. How did you know?"

"Oh, I was in Australia for a holiday when I was fourteen, it's a great country."

"That it is! Now boys let's see the great Finny beat you all in Mario Kart whilst Stephanie shows her lovely new room mate her new dorm!"

"Sounds like a good idea." Steph said as she linked her arm through Rory's and they were off to check out the house.


"And this is your room!" Steph opened the door to the last room of the dorm and revealed a fully furnished bedroom full of Rory's possessions, all except photographs and a few other everyday items.

"The movers just put everything together and in the most convenient places. If anything that should have been put in here by the movers isn't, it will be in the storage cupboard next to the kitchen." Steph spoke to Rory as she watched her look around the room and stop at her large bookshelf. Rory was muttering to herself something that sounded like, "They didn't put them in the right order" she scoffed and then finished by saying "I'll have to fix this later". She then turned to Steph and ran over to her, giving her a big hug.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to have me here on such short notice. It means heaps. And if you're wondering, I love it, I really do." Rory was smiling as she looked around the room again. "But if there's one thing that I need to fix, it's the bed spread and sheets. They just don't go with this colour." She motioned to the colour of plaint on the walls.

"Hey, any excuse to go shopping, I'm there!" Steph linked her arm with Rory's once more and they walked out to the common room together to join the boys as they were now watching an old American Idol re-run.

Colin stood and offered Rory his chair and sat on the floor, she plopped herself down and made herself comfortable.

"So, Rory, love, what made you want to come to Yale? You were at Harvard, I think Steph said." Finn looked up from the TV eagerly wanting an answer.

"Oh well I was always thinking…" But she was cut of by the sound of the 'Oompa Loompa' song playing from her handbag next to Logan's feet.

The four looked at her surprised and curious as to why the song was playing from her handbag. Finn just laughed and started singing along with it.

"Gosh. How embarrassing? Sorry guys." She got up and took her handbag from Logan who was holding it out to her. She gave him a smile and a small "Thanks" before rummaging through it and pulling out her cell.

"Hey mom, must you change your personal ring tone every time we come face to face?" She said this with a laughed and somewhat forgot they people around her.

"Oh honey but what is the fun in that? Every time I ring it will be unexpected and you'll be left guessing what drove me to pick the song." Rory laughed again, she had accidentally turned speaker phone on and wasn't bothering to turn it off.

"So, what was the real reason behind this call? It wasn't just so you could embarrass me in front of me new room mate and her friends, because I think you succeeded in that."

"Oh well speaking of room mate, how is she? It is a she isn't it? What is your dorm like and are her friends nice? Hot? Bitchy? Girls? Boys? Details, I want details." She said her last sentence slightly raising her voice but still in a calm and cool manner.

Rory smiled then laughed as she listened to her mom's rambling. "Um, my room mate is awesome mom, you'd love her. She even rambles like us." Rory wasn't paying attention to the people around her so she didn't see or hear Steph giggling or hear Finn say. "So that was what all that mumbling and trailing off was."

"And she isn't a freak, just in case you thought she was, my room is awesome and her friends are really cool and definitely hot."

"So I'm guessing there are boys there or have you suddenly turned over to the 'dark side' as Emily loves to put it"

Rory dramatically gasped and pretended to be offended. "How could even say such a thing, sweet mother of me? But imagine if I was," she referred to being a lesbian, she shuddered in disgust. "Not my type of thing, so yes, there are boys here mom."

"Well that's good." Lorelai replied shortly.

"So, what were you ringing for?" Her, and her mom always got distracted if either of them were in an exciting situation.

"Well, I was just ringing to see if you still wanted to have a movie night? I could come over there and if you want the boys you mentioned, your room mate you and me could all get to know each other and I could even bring a surprise or two."

"I think that sounds great but I hate surprises, you know that. But anyways, I'll put you on speaker phone so you can ask them, just hold on a sec."

"Sure thing babe."

Rory turned towards the others who had been paying attention to her conversation and asked. "Um guys, it's my mom and she was wondering if you all wanted to have a movie night tonight?"

There was a mixture of "yeahs" and "sounds good" before Steph jumped up and squealed in excitement before yelling "definitely" dramatically.

"Ok, I'll put mom on to talk to you guys." She laughed at Steph whilst saying this.

She pressed a few buttons on her phone then asked, "Ok mom are you there?"

"Yeah kiddo I am. Ok, Hey kids! I'm Lorelai Gilmore-Hayden and yes I am the Lorelai Gilmore who got pregnant at sixteen and then again a seventeen and caused a major scandal in all of Hartford, so I am sure you have heard of me, multiple times." There looks of knowing sent around the room.

"Rory, love, you may be a scandal but I gorgeous one at that." Finn called across the room so Lorelai could hear.

She laughed, "Thanks Finn."

"Oh my goodness, who is that exotic young fellow? Is it Finn, I used to know a guy named Finn. He was exotic, Australian actually. Always used over affectionate names for people, it was absolutely adorable but I haven't seen him since he was about five, ah well. Sorry I was rambling, keep talking."

"Wow, mom you guessed it in one. Finn's Australian and always uses over affectionate nicknames. Do you two know each other?"

"Not that I know of, love. But that is bloody scary." Finn looked a bit spoked out for a moment before adding. "Well I hope I was the one your mother mentions Rory, she sounds pretty cool."

"She is Finn." Rory turned her attention back to the phone. "So…"

"Oh, right the reason I'm calling. Well before Rory decided to go to Harvard, her and I used to have movie nights at least twice a month and now that she is closer to home, I was wondering if tonight you all wanted to have a movie night as a sort of 'thankyou' slash 'get to know you' thing. What do you think?" She tried not to sound to enthusiastic because she didn't want the kids to think Rory's mom was a weirdo.

Steph squealed in excitement again before getting up and running to the phone and saying.

"Hi Lorelai, it's Steph and I'm Rory's room mate and I would love to. Oh and can the boys stay? There are three of them, Finn Colin and Logan."

As Steph said the boy's names, Finn, Colin and Logan, she checked them off in her head, Morgan, McCrae and Huntzberger. She couldn't wait to see them again but they probably wouldn't remember her, she hadn't seen them since they were all five when they used to get together with Rory. "Oh of course, the more the merrier and I was thinking I could come up to your place because it's easier and I want to see your dorm."

"Yeah, definitely that's fine. Do you want us to get anything?"

"Ah, yeah Steph you and Rory can get the food. Go get a pen and paper and I'll give you a list." Steph took Rory's phone with her to the kitchen and got a pen and paper.

While this was going on, Rory was looking at Logan who was talking to Colin and Finn. She couldn't help but think that she had met him before. Obviously, she had, but not like last night, she felt as though she had known him before like as a kid, but who was she kidding that's just dumb. He turned his head and looked her in the eye and she just looked back. He smirked at her but it wasn't a sleazy smirk, it was kind of cocky but sexy at the same time. She smiled back and they looked at each other a little longer, until Steph came back.

She gave Rory her cell back and said. "Lorelai will be here around 7 o'clock, and here is the list of food we have to get," she handed it to Rory. "And she said that if we forgot anything, she would restrict you from coffee." She looked confused for she didn't know what the last bit meant.

Rory gasped, before muttering to herself, "No, she couldn't, oh that evil, evil woman."

They four of them looked at Rory questionably.

"Oh, I have a weird coffee addiction."

They still looked at her oddly.

""So does my mom, it's odd. I was drinking coffee at the age of three." She turned to look at Steph who was next to her. "Did she say anything else?"

"Yeah, she said to tell you, 'Poopy' is coming, and then she laughed slightly evilly and hung up."

"Oh my gosh, Poopy is coming." Rory exclaimed. She flipped open her cell and started pressing buttons furiously before holding the phone up to her ear waiting for someone to pick up.

They all looked at each other, Finn, Colin, Logan and Steph before Colin muttered to Logan but unfortunately Steph heard, "I think this one is just as weird." The boys snickered but Steph hit Colin on the arm.

Rory only got the persons voicemail and didn't want to leave a message so she just hung up.

They all looked at her for an explanation as she was putting her cell in her bag before Logan asked.

"Who is 'Poopy'?"

She was slightly taken aback by his direct question, but answered all the same. She laughed, "'Poopy' is my brother, Kevin. He goes to Princeton and is a year older then me. I haven't seen him since I started Harvard and I really miss him, we're close.

"Ok," Steph seemed interested. "Is he hot? Cute? Sexy?"

Finn cleared his throat exaggeratedly. "Ahh, hello? Boyfriend standing right here."

Logan, Colin and Rory laughed but Steph just sent him a quick death look, "Finn just because I was wondering if he was cute, hot or sexy, doesn't mean I like him. Gosh."

She looked pissed of a little now.

"Ok, well it looks like we have to make a trip to the supermarket. Who wants to come?" Rory asked hoping not to go along because these people didn't seem like the type to walk into a supermarket.

Each of their heads whipped around to look at her, all with eager looks on their faces, before crying out "ME!" in unison.

She laughed, "Awesome! Let's go." She grabbed her handbag and they all headed out to the parking lot before deciding to take Logan's SUV and drove to the supermarket.

Rory sat up front with him and was turned to face the back so she could talk to Finn as she was playing some boring car game.

Logan looked at her every now and then, and couldn't help but think that they had met before and not from the other night, but from ages ago.

A/N: So there is chapter three. I hope it was ok and thank you to the people who have taken their time and reviewed. It's greatly appreciated.

The next chapter should be up soon and you will be seeing a bit from the infamous Tristan Dugrey! (I actually like him a little but I prefer Logan so much more!)

-Claire xo