I had never been as comfortable around anyone except maybe Tomoyo. Never have I been as close to another man except maybe my father. You annoy the hell out of me but I come back for more. You intrigue me and yet you reject me so often. To see you dieing was far more painful than any wound I have ever suffered. So painful I had to stop it, I know you had good intentions but I am trying to make you see there are other ways than conceding. I feel I won't have words at all when the time comes for us to go our separate ways because…I…
You saved my life and protected me. You defend me when I am in trouble. You are trying to get through my armour and make things better for me even though you can't. Despite wanting to tell you my past instead I must defend you. I am always defending you from my past. I feel deeply about you. It is easier when I am angry at you because I don't have to be sad or worse, think I can be happy. Words can hardly describe such care and agony at once… it could only be…
I miss how you use to joke with me and I miss your smile…
I miss how we use to talk you knew exactly what to say…
It must be…