After Action

A personal addendum to the official after action report regarding the events of Operation Midas, July 31, by Global Justice Field Operative, Wil Du.

Intercepted, declassified, and presented to the Fan Fiction Community by the Pharaoh Rutin Tutin.

A Kim Possible Fan Fic by the Pharaoh Rutin Tutin

Kim Possible and all related characters copyright © Disney.

This is a work of Fan Fiction. I receive no compensation for this story.

Please do not edit, sell, repost, or redistribute without my permission.

Warning! Supporting character death

This is NOT a comedy.

Of course this is AU. I'm not on the Disney payrol.

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Dr. Director,

When you first recruited me into the Junior Agent training program, I was eager and overly confident. As my training and responsibilities progressed, my confidence swelled beyond all proportion to my capabilities.

I was once asked what would be the most difficult duty for an agent.

I imagined disarming bombs under fire, capturing escaped felons with superhuman capabilities, or search-and-rescue missions following disasters.

I never thought it would be putting the following statement in an official report.

I was wrong.

When the decision was made to bring in Senior Senior Senior and his son, I honestly believed that a single helicopter would be sufficient.

Before I could launch Operation Midas, you insisted that I would be working with the amateurs Possible and Stoppable. Reluctantly, I called them in for a consultation.

They ripped my plans apart as if I was a cadet. Miss Possible's criticism of my psychological analysis of the Seniors made it quite clear that one of us didn't know anything about that family. Mr. Stoppable's comments on the physical security of the island almost sounded like he designed it himself. Their opinion was clear. My plan wouldn't work.

So I humored them and asked for their suggestions. They gave three options.

First, a stealthy entry to the island to abduct the Seniors. This was, in their opinion, the riskiest option. Neither one of them had ever entered nor left that island without encountering some of the impressive automated security and defenses.

Second, issue a challenge. Like a chivalric cliché right out of court of Camelot. If the Seniors lost in a fair fight that followed the classic European dueling codes, Miss Possible assured me they would surrender to Global Justice.

Third, overwhelming force. The island defenses were too strong to attempt a normal police operation to apprehend the Seniors. This option would have the greatest cost in material, risk the lives and safety of every agent involved, and would likely leave the Seniors dead or seriously wounded before they were captured.

I accepted and duly noted their reports. Then I ignored them. When you asked if I would follow their recommendations, I quickly responded yes. Then I went back to my original plan and added a second helicopter.

When the time came to launch Operation Midas, I found Team Possible waiting in the number two helicopter. The written orders from you stated that they were there as observers.

We launched from the GJ Atlantic base just after midnight. We were to reach the island at dawn. Everything began to go wrong as soon as the sun started to rise.

Kim insisted to the pilot of chopper 2 that they switch to stealth mode before making radar contact with the Seniors' base. He wisely complied with her request. In chopper 1, I was paying no attention to what was going on behind me and didn't notice them switch to stealth. As we were observing a communications blackout, they couldn't pass that suggestion on to me.

At the island, I ordered chopper 1 to land in the middle of the Seniors' compound. Chopper 2 was to wait off shore, as backup if needed. The hidden missile launchers appeared as soon as I began my multilingual demand for their surrender.

We were airborne before the missiles were launched, by seconds. Meanwhile chopper 2, on the advice of Mr. Stoppable, had waited near a hidden grotto and was immediately in pursuit of a small high-speed boat carrying the Seniors away.

When something was launched from chopper 2, I immediately launched our heat seeking rockets at the boat. Unfortunately, what launched from chopper 2 was Team Possible in their jetpacks.

When our missiles hit the boat, there was an explosion far larger than expected. Apparently, the Seniors' get-away boat was heavily stocked with weapons and ammunition.

The results of that explosion are well known to everyone at GJ by now.

Shrapnel from the explosion damaged chopper 2, causing them to ditch in the ocean.

Agent Swan dove out of chopper 1 immediately to begin rescue work. He approached Senior Senior Junior and tried to get a rescue harness around the young man. Junior, however, was panicking. In his adrenaline-fueled struggle, Junior knocked out both agent Swan and himself. Both men drowned.

Sgt. Stone and Dr. Blower, the portside gunner and flight surgeon on chopper 2 were both badly wounded. Neither one is expected to return to active duty.

Senior Senior Senior was not found in the immediate aftermath. However, reliable connections in the underworld have confirmed that he is alive and recovering. He has vowed revenge on Global Justice and me in particular. He has the resources and genius to do this in any manner he sees fit. This man I thought was unworthy of a serious assault to bring to justice may now be the most dangerous man on the planet.

Freelance agent Ronald Stoppable is expected to survive his injuries. However, the doctor's still don't know if they will be able to save his leg.

A communication from Japan has indicated that in light of my involvement with the injuries to Mr. Stoppable, Yamanochi trained ninja may be unable to assist Global Justice in future operations. They may reconsider IF Mr. Stoppable makes a complete recovery, or if I am no longer in Global Justice.

The Middleton Space Center has canceled its contract with Global Justice to launch and service communication and observation satellites.

Freelance agent Kim Possible has not left the bedside of Mr. Stoppable since he was transferred to Middleton Memorial Hospital. She has made it quite clear that she will not accept another mission from Global Justice. Ever.

A number of Miss Possible's and Mr. Stoppable's friends have taken on some local rescue and petty crime related missions in their absence. Kim Possible has advised all of them to refuse any call from Global Justice.

Dr. Director, I don't know if you will file any formal charges against me, but I will comply with whatever decision you make on this matter.

You have my resignation. This is effective at your convenience.

It has been an honour serving with Global Justice. I only hope that by stepping away, you may be able to restore some of what I have destroyed.

I wish you peace.

Wil Du

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Author's note

It seems like everybody in the Fan Fiction community hates (or loves to hate) Global Justice Agent Wil Du.

I just wondered how badly he could mess up.