Ah, I do apologize for not updating for so long, I've been going through some problems and what not. Anyways, here's the last chapter (I don't even know if anyone still reads this). I'll try and make it as long as possible since there hasn't been much fluff… do you guys like fluff?

By the way, if any of you don't mind reading an OC X Neji, I'm working on one right now, one of my better works actually. Since the Out character is myself . YAY! Neji! I would appreciate it if you read it, it's called 'Legend of Yuki'. Visit my profile if you like…

Note: This chapter will be done 'Out of POV', It's easier that way and it adds to the drama .

Disclaimer: Naruto and all of its characters belong to a man.

Genre: Angst/ Drama/ Romance

Rating: T, for fluff in this chapter


Chapter 9

"A word in air"

Her midnight hair framed her tear streaked face. The strands of indigo and dark purple forming a messy bundle over her head on the tree bark behind her.

Trembling hands tried to wipe the offending wet substance away, whispers of incoherent words mumbling the name of her lost beloved.


Why? Why couldn't things be fair with her at least once? Why did it have to be her?

She tried to place a forceful smile onto her pink lips, tried to forget all the miseries in her life.

But to no avail.

Running away had never worked, it was the same now. Like always, she would have to accept, smile once again and move on.

Like always…


His mind winced at the painful sight before him. He had not meant it, did not mean to cause the girl so much sorrow.

Yes, he would agree that he had wanted to break the façade, to break the wall of fake happiness.

But not this.

He silently walked over to the weeping girl, his hands plunged deep into the safety of his pockets.


She ignored the voice, ignored whoever dared to disturb her at such a crucial moment.


"G-go… aw-way…"

He sighed beneath an exhale, sending the few strands of blackness flying forward, "No"

She sobbed even harder; she did not need this now. She opened her lavender eyes to greet the rude stranger.


Her hands moved quickly to her eyes, harshly trying to wipe the tears away again.

He leaned forward, those same bored, apathetic eyes looking into that of sad, hopeless white orbs.

"Weakling" He mumbled, before taking both hands off the girl's face and placing them on her lap.

She looked down, "Wh-wha…"

"Quiet" He looked away then made his way to sit beside the small girl.

"Cry without shame…" He nearly scoffed at his own hypocrite words but then immediately swallowed it in.

The girl he… lo-… had caused so much pain to was sitting right beside him; he could at least show some sympathy.

She clenched her fists onto her lap tightly, a new stream of tears exiting her white eyes.

"I… a-all I ever wa-wanted… Wh-why? H-he… w-was the one wh-who let me g-get this… far. I w-wanted h-him to… l-love me… I thought… I h-had done it…" She trailed off as she turned to look at the raven haired boy beside her, a fake smile decorating her tired face. "B-but… a w-weakling… l-like me… c-can never… ne?"

He stared back at the girl blankly then turned away, her words piercing him somewhere vital deeply.


She nearly laughed at the insignificant reply of the company she had. She did not know who he was calling 'idiots', but she figured that just like her cousin, he had his own way to comfort others.

She hugged her knees close, resting her head on top of them, letting her midnight hair cascade over her small back.



She kept her voice low as she trained in solitude sometime in the late afternoon.

She kept her dark hair tied up in a messy bun, a few strands of the soft hair obscuring the full of view of the wooden dummy in front of her.

"Oi! Hinata-chan!"

She turned around slowly, a small smile forming onto her lips at the recognition of the owner's voice.

Two heads, of both sunlight blonde and candy pink made their way towards the slightly sweaty Hyuuga heiress.

"Naruto-kun! Sakura-san! So nice to see you two, how have you been?" She inquired happily, ignoring the tiny pinch in her heart. It had already been a full month, which gave Hinata a good enough time to accept things, but something still bothered her. Something was still not right.

The two smiled at each other then smiled back at Hinata.

"Fine thanks! And yourself? We've been looking all over for you! We haven't seen much of the beautiful Hinata so we were just wondering if you were okay."

A firm and strong hand quickly thumped the blonde's head.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?"

"For calling Hinata beautiful!"

"But she is!"

"Well… You're not supposed to say so in front of you g-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d!"

The blonde grinned while scratching the back of his head, "Hehe"

She smiled at the small scenario that had just taken place. They were so cute together, she couldn't ignore that fact.

"Ano, I'm okay… I've just been a bit occupied with training that's all."

They both faced the Hyuuga, "That's good to hear, don't overdo it okay? You'll get people worried."

Hinata smiled at the pink haired kunoichi, "Hai, you too, and Naruto-kun. Take care."

"Of course, Hinata-chan! I'll take good care of Sakura-chan!"

A small blush appeared on her face as the two walked away, Sakura screaming at the blonde for being so… indecent.

A few minutes later, she resumed training, her thoughts swimming through another subject she hadn't figured out yet.

"Who was Naruto then… at that time?"


His rough hands splashed the running cold water over his dark eyes, forcing himself to stay alert. It had been like this for a few weeks now. He hadn't been able to sleep well, and if ever, nightmares would haunt those sleeps.

But unlike before, these nightmares were different.

These weren't about the Uchiha massacre.

These were about… her.

His head shot up at the sound of a slight knock. He sighed, turning the tap off, and then wiped his face with a towel, making his way towards the door.

"What is it dobe? I tol-" He shut up when he realized that the person he had opened the door to was not his best friend and rival Naruto. It was her.

"Hn… Hinata. What do you want?"

Although she had lost her stutter a few weeks after the incident with Naruto, she still felt slightly anxious in the presence of the Uchiha survivor.

"Oh… umm, Sas-Sasuke-san. I'm sorry if I… have bothered you. I j-just wanted to… ch-check on you."

She kept her face down.

"Why?" He asked indifferently, the black towel hanging over his shoulder, his hand still on the door.

"Well, umm… it's funny really. It's just I… after that day; I owe y-you so much. And since I hav-"

"Get in" He moved to the side, stopping the girl mid-sentence to allow her entrance into the large part of the mansion the past avenger resided in.

She blinked then stepped into the house, bowing slightly towards its owner.




They sat quietly inside the large lounge room. When Hinata had first entered, she thought she'd have to use her Byakugan to see around. But after a few minutes, her eyes adjusted to the darkness, bringing her the comfort of being able to see the person she had visited.

"H-how have you been, Sasuke-san?"

He looked away.


"I'm not dead"

She smiled slightly at his sarcastic reply.

"Ah, I see"

He took a deep breath then turned to face the girl that sat across his sofa.


She smiled again, "I'm alive"

He smirked then brought up a hand to brush it through his dark locks of black.

"Why'd you come again?"

She shrugged then made her way towards the place where Sasuke sat. She had come to know that, he really wasn't that scary.

She then sat herself down, her shoulder only a few inches away from the one of the boy beside her.

"You are the only one who knows of my sorrow that day; I wanted to thank you, more than how I had said the words of gratitude back then." She smiled kindly at the boy, her hands kept neatly atop her lap.

He scoffed then looked away, already a month, and things were still as stubborn as before. "You shouldn't."

She shook her head, "What? Thank you? Why not?"

He abruptly stood up then started to walk towards his room, wherever that was, "Just because," He stopped for awhile to quickly glance at the girl still sitting on the couch with a confused look on her face. ", people aren't who they seem to be Hinata…" He looked back in front of him, "… you know where the door is."

She remained silent before exiting the dark house of the Uchiha survivor.

People aren't who they seem to be…


Her feet padded through the muddy path, her ninja sandals creating marks through the brown mixture of sand and water. She was determined to find him; she had already tried his house, tried asking his best friend, even tried asking the Hokage herself, but nothing.

It had already been 2 weeks, and enough was enough.

Her deep intakes of breath went unnoticed of as she broke through the group of trees to invite the somewhat clear plain of three wooden training figures. She wiped her forehead, quickly looking around.

She sighed in relief when she saw the famous sign of red and white.

She slowly regained her breath and walked towards the training tall frame, standing a few feet behind said person.


He had not sensed anyone coming. So he was purely shocked to find the one girl he had been avoiding standing calmly behind him.

He stopped his punches and kicks to regard the girl, "Hinata"

She remained silent as she took in the sight before her; he had lost a bit of weight since a couple of weeks ago, maybe even from before then. He had slight dark bags beneath those mysterious black pools. Hands which were usually so clean were now covered in unhealed wounds and scabs. Facial hair was now visible on his tired looking face, even though he still had that same cold expression on it.

She walked towards him, and when she was only an arm away, she looked up at him kindly and asked, "Sasuke-san, what have you been doing to yourself?"

He looked away, taking a step back, "None of your business"

She had wanted to come and settle things calmly, wanted to understand without the need of drama or anything similar to that. But he had pulled the last straw. That was not the reply she had wanted. Not at all.

So after a few minutes of intense silence, she brought her right hand up to clasp the fabric near her heart and nearly choked out,

"N-not my business? How… h-how is it not my business? Tell me, Sasuke… h-how? I… I have every right to… kn-know…" She looked up sadly at him, tears threatening to gush out of those lavender eyes once again. "… As the g-girl y-you… b-blindly confessed to… in the b-body of… of… I… I…" Her hand slowly left her shirt as it dropped down beside her trembling body.

"… I have every right to know what's going on with you…" She whispered out with the last of her emotional strength, the tears that she had promised to keep locked in after that night coming out yet again.

Eyes that were always so cold and in control were now wide and maybe even scared. He quickly took a step forward, his mouth opening and closing but unable to conjure up anything to say to the once again, crying girl.

She had found out, God knows how, but she had figured it out… everything.

That it never was Naruto a month ago, that Naruto really had been on a mission and that the person that had been under the blonde's body the whole time was him.

Uchiha Sasuke.

"Wh-why did… didn't you t-tell me? Wh-why… did you do i-it in the f-first place?" She wanted to ask so many questions, wanted the answers for each and every one of them. But her tears and sobs kept on stopping her.

She took a step back and tried to wipe the tears away again.

"I told you to not be ashamed…" Sasuke mumbled, closing his eyes tightly while trying to refrain himself from doing something that would scare the already broken Hyuuga heiress.

She chuckled in between her sobs, "You t-told me… a lot… of t-things Sasuke…"

When she was pulled unexpectedly towards a firm and strong chest, she did not try to pull away; instead, she buried herself deeper, letting her cries get muffled through the wearer's dark fabric. "I don't u-understand… Sas-Sasuke… I don't…."

He tightened his hold on the vulnerable girl, placing his head onto her shoulder and burying it in between her long strands of midnight hair, his eyes shut tightly to prevent himself from showing the world the strong emotions he held for the girl he was embracing, "Stop it. Stop being so sad."

She let the tears flow freely, closing her eyes to hold onto the taller figure in front of her, "Y-you… baka… l-look at what you d-did."

He smirked inwardly as he nuzzled the girl's soft neck, "Gomen, Hinata."

She chuckled, not in mockery, but this time in pure mirth, "Baka"


They sat in silence, they're bottoms (A/N: I just had to put that P) not at all sore from the hard roof beneath them.

Sounds of talking people and still playing children rang through their ears as they watched the crescent swim through the darkness surrounding it.

"Ne, Sasuke-san?"


She smiled then sat closer to the boy, "You never did tell me, why did you try being Naruto-kun?"

He looked away to hide the sudden scowl,

Was he angry? Yes.

Was he at least a bit sad? Yes.

Was he jealous? Hell yes.

"I was bored and… I wanted to know more about the dobe."

She laughed then resumed her gaze towards the sky, "Really?" She asked, directing the question more to herself.

"Well? Did you find anything out?"

He smirked then looked up as well, "I was too occupied to really concentrate on my real goal."

Missing the real meaning behind Sasuke's words, she smiled and looked at him with kind eyes, "At least we both know that whatever secrets he is holding, Naruto-kun is and always will be a good person."

He remained silent, his head till propped up towards the sky. But after a few minutes, he moved his head and looked at the girl calmly, "Are you okay now? With Sakura and… Naruto?"

Her smile faded away, but she let her head stay faced towards the raven haired shinobi, her lavender eyes looking down at the surface she and her company were sitting on. "I have to admit, Sakura-san is a lucky girl…"

She missed the scowl on the Uchiha's face again, "… But, I don't think being with Naruto-kun would have worked out well anyways."

He nodded, "Why?"

She smiled then looked at Sasuke, "Because I'd have to see Sasuke-san all weak and tired everyday."

He raised an eyebrow, trying to block away another scowl.


"And so?"

"I don't like seeing Sasuke-san like that"

His pride flew out of an imaginary window as his hand quickly took hold of her cheek, gently caressing it slowly, "You're not being fair, Hinata."

Her face turned red as she witnessed Sasuke move to sit closer to her,


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, bringing the hand on her cheek to grasp her chin lightly, "You call him 'kun' and me 'san'… it's not fair."

She smiled shyly, closing her eyes and leaning into the soft touch of the boy now in front of her, "I see… Gomene, Sasuke-kun."

It was rough, possessive and demanding, but under all that, she felt the desire, the care, and if she was not mistaken… the love.

He held onto her body as if she would disappear if he were to let go. He continued to kiss her now swollen and red lips, never really getting enough.

It lasted for 15 minutes, the two only breaking apart to gain needed oxygen.

He tightened the hug, trying to make it as harmful as possible; he then placed his head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck just like that time when she had cried on him because of the pain he had caused.

But that was weeks ago.

He placed small kisses on her smooth neck, causing the girl to giggle softly and blush madly.

He raised his head to rest it onto her forehead, a small smile visible on his lips. "Hinata…"

Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name being said like that on his lips. She blushed then looked down, "Hai?"

He widened his smile just a little more before bending down again to capture her lips into his own in another loving kiss.


The word swam between the two, unsaid and unheard of, but both knew it was there…

Maybe someday, they'd have the courage to say it to each other.

(A/N): -dodges randomly thrown items- I know! I know okay! It sucked! But what can I say? I already mentioned long ago that this fanfic wasn't all that good anyways.

Good news is that I'm planning on another Sasuhina, I think I'll make it an in-progress story while I write my 'Legend of Yuki' as well. Don't worry, it'll be totally different form my usual SasuHina, I already have the plot and I like it .

Did I plan for the ending to be so bad? No. I actually had a really good ending in mind, more drama, fluff and all that jazz, but I couldn't write any of it. The story isn't all that good anyways, so I understand if you stop reading my stories. But I assure you, I really didn't work on this well, so please don't abandon me . ...

I'll give you guys a hint for my next SasuHina, Here are the pairings and relationships. SasuHina/ NaruHina/ SasuNaru (rivalry)… Who will Hinata pick? I know it's cliché, but what isn't these days? Just kidding. I don't know, maybe I'm dull or something… I have a lot of ideas for the story though so if you like the hint, just put me on alert, and it'll come sooner or later .

Thank you to all you readers and reviewers and I sincerely apologize for the bad ending. I hope I am forgiven.

Reviews are appreciated, and flames… maybe just this time, I'll let them slip by…
