Yup, I know, for those of you who know who I am, that I've still got another story to finish, but I had to write this one, it just came to me, and sounded like a good story plot. For those of you who don't know me, I've only wrote Stargate-related stories, so far, but I like all three Law and Orders, so I'll probably be coming out with some of those. Well, I'm Aweena Mylard, and here's my story. Be friendly, but not too friendly! Review if you want it to continue! I don't own Stargate Atlantis, so I obviously don't own any of the characters, either, yada yada yada. Well, here you go!


Chapter 1

The team walked through the forest quietly with guns at hand. They hadn't met any hostile creatures or people, yet, but in case they did, it wouldn't be a complete surprise.

"I sense no Wraith about," whispered Teyla.

"Good," Sheppard answered quietly.

"Did you hear that?" Rodney asked, raising his gun and aiming frantically.

"What?" asked Ronon.

"It was a little crunching sound," Rodney said. "There it is again!"

Ronon stepped off the path a little, sending a bird flying into the air.

John smirked at that, and looked at Rodney, who was staring at his feet. A moment later, he realised Sheppard was watching him.

"Oh, shut up," McKay snapped.

"Never said a word," Sheppard said with a smile, then continued to walk, as did the others.

"This is a waste of time," McKay said. It's been four hours. I'm sure if there was something here, we would'be found it by now. We've been walking in circles."

"Rodney, I believe it was your idea to come here in the first place, was it not?" asked Teyla.

"And besides," the Colonel added, "if we were going in circles, we would've seen the Stargate again. And I've only seen it once."

"Why couldn't we have taken the Puddle Jumper?" Rodney whined. "I'm dying here."

"No landing sight, Rodney. The planet's too dense with trees. I guess we should be heading back, actually. It'll be well past dark by the time we reach the 'gate," Sheppard said.

"Great. Well, now we get to have the pleasure of being eaten by some alien night animal. If I die, I'm sueing, and you're gonna be the first," Rodney told Sheppard.

"Relax, Rodney. Nothing's gonna happen. And if it'll make you feel any better, if you do happen to die, I'll let you sue me," said John.

"Oh that makes me feel so much better," Rodney sneered.

"See?" Sheppard said joyfully.

"Stop!" Rodney shouted.

"I'm sorry, I was just-"

"No! Don't move," Rodney said, glancing back and forth between Sheppard and his energy monitor.

John's expression turned serious, and he took a step towards Rodney.

"Did I not just say 'don't move'?" Rodney asked in exasperation.

"What is it?" he asked Rodney, stopping.

"There was a severe energy spike when you stepped there. This is the same energy spike that occured when we first arrived. It disappeared when you walked away from it. Go back."

"For all we know, it could be a bomb, Rodney," said John.

"Just do it," Rodney whined.

Sheppard reluctantly stepped back into the are he was earlier.

The energy level spiked again. "I think it has something to do with the gene. Move away from it again," Rodney said, getting a brief look from Sheppard before he moved, and the energy level went back down. "Ronon, go over there."

Ronon did what was said. The evergy levels stayed the same. "It's the ATA gene," Rodney said, confirming his theory.

"What do you suppose it is?" asked Ronon.

"I don't know," McKay said with a frown.

"Perhaps there is an Ancient hide away beneath the planet's surface?" Teyla said questionably.

"It's possible," Rodney said distractedly, staring at the device's screen.

"Rodney," John said. He got no response. "McKay," he said again, staring at the area he was before.

"What?" Rodney asked, still staring at the screen.

Sheppard walked back over to the area and kneeled down, looking at the ground. "Do you hear that?"

"What are you-"

"John!" Teyla shouted.

Rodney looked back up to find John on the ground, unconcious.

Eyup. Well, come back for chapter two, or you'll wonder for the rest of your life what will happen to John! Will he be ok?...if he's even alive...what did he hear? And what's causing the high energy levels? Tune in next time for...What?!!!!!!!! Well, Bie:0D