"That's enough training Flygon, you too Absol." a green haired and green eyed boy said to his Pokemon. Both the Pokemon looked at their trainer a bit worried. He had been acting a bit strange for a while now.
Drew sighed, he hadn't been able to concentrate since earlier that day. He had just came out of the Grand Festival, the winner when he was suddenly approached by Wakana.
"Wait Mr. Drew! Please wait!" Drew turned around at the mention of his name. He knew of only one girl that called him as 'Mr. Drew', that girl was Wakana. "Yes, Wakana?" Drew asked, he was a bit curious as to what the girl had to say to him. It had seemed important enough to try and catch up to him.
"Well…um…Mr. Drew, I was wondering…" Wakana blushed, "I was wondering about how you felt about May." Wakana said slyly. This had caught Drew off guard, and he blushed at the thought of May. He had known for some time now that he loved her. He had somewhat liked her since their first meeting, and somewhere along the way, that likeness had turned into love.
Wakana had noticed the blush on Drew's face, she smiled inwardly, when she had asked May about her feelings towards Mr. Drew, she had blushed like that as well. "Well?" Wakana asked after sometime that it seemed like Drew wasn't going to answer her question.
"Oh, sorry, but may I ask why you ask that?" Drew said, his curiosity getting the better of him. He knew that May and Wakana were friends, and now wondered if May had said something to her.
"Oh, it's jus I asked May this question and from what I saw, she seems to like you." Wakana replied with a sweet innocent smile. She knew that Ma would kill her the moment that she found out about this meeting, but if Wakana was successful in getting Drew to confess his love to May, she might be safe from May's anger.
Wakana saw that the moment she said this Drew's face turned even redder. Drew cleared his throat and gained his posture again, "Well, I doubt that was May's response, because I doubt you would be telling me this if she had actually told you that she liked me." Drew said walking away, because his back was turned toward her, he couldn't see the smile that appeared on Wakana's face that moment.
From that moment on, Drew couldn't stop thinking about May, had she really told Wakana that she liked him? That would be impossible, and besides, the way he treats her, she probably hates his guts. Drew sighed, he couldn't think about this anymore, it was only going to cause him more pain.
Drew turned around once more to look at the party that was being held in honor of the coordinators that had competed in the Jhoto Grand Festival. But Drew's mind wasn't really on the party, instead he was trying to spot a certain brown haired, blue eyed coordinator. Drew shook his head, once realizing what he was doing, he had to take his mind off of her.
The green haired boy turned toward the beach and stared up at the moon and the stars in the sky a bit sad. Drew hadn't realized that someone was approaching from behind him until they were but a few inches away from him, he must have fell asleep. Absol and Flygon were in a ready position and was ready to defend their trainer.
"You?!" Drew said in a bit of surprise and anger at once seeing the person that had approached him.