Chapter 2: Rage and the kiss

Rouge started making dinner while Paris sat down watching T.V, "And with more news EVERYBODY HIDE FROM THE EVIL MONSTER MAJIN BUU!!!" The reporter yelled in terror and hide under his desk.

"Umm…big sister, should we hide from Majin Buu?" Paris asked, "No, he doesn't know where we live, so we're safe." Rouge said with a smirk.

Paris breathed a sigh of relief, "Good because after that incident, I don't ever want to look at a gum ball ever again." Rouge chuckled amusingly, "Well I have a feeling about him, he doesn't seem evil…"

Paris nodded agreeing with her, "Maybe he's under Babidi's spell?" "Yeah, maybe. It's most likely because Buu could kill that little rat." "I can tell you don't like him."

"Dinner's ready." Rouge stated forgetting Paris' last sentence.

They ate their rice in silence, thinking about Buu, 'He's cute like a little chubby kid.' 'Pink demon…ahhhhhhh! He molested me! I ain't gonna kiss him for anything!'

When they finished they cleaned up and sat on the couch watching more stuff, like Futurama, Simpons, Love hina and American Justice.

"You know what, I want to read now." Rouge went upstairs to change into a black P.J. top and pants and handed Paris a long blue shirt. They crawled in bed and Rouge pulled out her book 'The gothem Café.' By: Stephen King.

Rouge handed Paris a little picture book, and she took it gratefully.

She read for a while and then got tired and put it down, Paris followed in suit and they turned off the lights going into a nice deep sleep.

Next day at 8:00

Rouge yawned getting up, she took out a pair of dark blue jeans and a black shirt with a brown ginger bread man in it with the words 'Bite Me' in white above it.

Rouge got changed and brushed her hair and teeth, she went in the kitchen to make breakfast.

At around 1:00

Mister Satan was busy making Buu's lunch, 'Buu is actually a good person once you get to know him.' He thought with a small smile as he heard Buu laughing with his dog Bee.

Mister Satan turned to tell Buu it was ready when he saw a gun pointed to him.


Buu curious about the loud noise went inside the kitchen to see Mister Satan lying on the ground bleeding from his chest.

"HERCULE!" Buu screamed and started healing him, but smoke came out of his holes and as soon as Hercule was healed he told him to go.

"W-What? But Buu…" "GO AWAY!" Buu screamed and ran outside as the smoke got bigger and bigger, then started to form into something evil.

This Buu was gray and skinny and much stronger, he smirked at the blond man and quickly killed him.

He then noticed his counter part and stood in front of him, "Who are you?" "Me Majin Buu!" "You fool, I'm Majin Buu!" He growled.

Buu hit Buu, who counter-attacked and shot a blast at him, he then punched Buu's fat belly and kicked his face. Buu charged up at him only to be knocked down.

"B-Buu make you CHOCOLATE!" And shot his change beam at him, Buu inhaled and blew it back at his good side, who turned into Chocolate. He ate him and suddenly felt his power increasing and started to change.

After Buu transformed into the new evil Buu he spotted the other man and smirked as he tried to kill him with bullets.

When it cleared Buu stood there still smirking, "You look thirsty, how about I help?" And his body turned to liquid and he inflated his body making it bigger and bigger until he exploded.

Buu laughed in amusement as he reformed and spotted Herclue and Bee, he went to kill them, but then stopped, he couldn't.


Then Buu decided he couldn't stay any longer and was about to go up to the lookout, but then felt a familiar ki, HER ki.

He flew to where she and that little girl were. And spotted them, the girl was babbling on about something and the older one looked like she was trying not to smile.

Remembering yesterday, he grinned, she certainly had a tongue. And how Babidi coward under her made him laugh, she also had a nasty temper.

But she seemed to have one weakness, that child, who called her big sister when they don't even have the same scents.

Buu was bored so he jumped in front of them, "Eek!" Paris shrieked and ran behind Rouge, who growled and glared into Buu's white eyes, "What's your problem! You-"Paris plugged her ears"-Fucking bastard! You don't just scare a kid like that!"

They tried to move around him but he stood in their way, "OUTTA OUR WAY!" She snarled punching him at the side of his face, Buu twisted his head back with a grin on his face, "You funny, Buu like you."

Rouge clutched her fist tightly, "Shut. Up. Go. Away." She hissed, Buu tsked her, "Naughty, Naughty. Naughty girls don't get what they want." Rage growing by the second.

Snarling, Rouge charged at him. Buu grinned, "Heh." He moved out of the way, grabbing her waist with one arm, raising his hand Buu brought it down and…

…Spanked her.

Rouge's eye twitched as her face turned red with anger and embarrassment, she whipped around slapping him in the face, and Paris plugged her ears again.


People looked with scared amazed looks as she started beating the crap out of him while screaming cuss words.

Buu didn't really feel the hits, but thought she looked cute when she screamed. He grinned, "A pervert you say? Ok then, I'll be a pervert." And he reached for her ass.

"Ack! Oh no you don't!" She punched him square in the face, making his eyes turn red. Buu cracked his head to the side, "You gave me a stiff neck." He said.

"Oh god when's a hero when you need one?" Rouge sighed, "I killed them, Vegeta, the Kai's, Gohan-" "Gohan!? Black hair, black eyes?" Buu nodded with a sly smirk, "Yes."

Rouge felt her heart quench, her eyes dulled for a second, HER Gohan? Dead? 'Why him? Oh God I feel like crying. No not in front of them, Gohan wouldn't have loved me anyway.'

Buu saw the broken look in her eyes, "Aww, do you miss your boyfriend?" He mocked in fake concern, Rouge's eyes harden, "He is not my boyfriend, nor will he ever be." She spoke, 'Because even if he were alive he'd love Videl.'

Buu smiled cruelly, "Why? Do you feel like no one will ever love you? Not pretty enough, not kind enough, not…" His smile deepen, "…like Videl?" He stated her heart jerked and her rage risen.

"You're low." Rouge stated with a whispering low voice, "I'm evil, what do you expect?" Buu asked with a sadistic grin.

"Something that didn't look like something rejected from the bubble gum factory." Rouge said with a careless look, Paris giggled.

Buu glared at the girl, who sank back behind Rouge, "Little girl, you'll die first." Rouge's eyes widen and she soon pounced on him, punching his face as they rolled on the ground, "DON'T THEARTEN PARIS!" She yelled.

Buu not liking it, rolled on top with a frown as he leered down at her, she struggled underneath him, "Let me go, Let me go!" Rouge shouted, Buu smiled sinisterly, "Now why would I want to do that?" He asked.

She clawed his back with her long sharp nails, tearing the flesh, but Buu only laughed, "That feels good, go lower." He laughed as she dug deeper.

Buu smirked down at her and then whispered, "You know you never did give me a kiss." Rouge froze, her strange eyes widening, Buu licked his lips, "Scared?" "N-No!" She yelled/stuttered.

"So if I kiss you, you won't struggle? You won't cry? You won't freeze in fear? You won't…be afraid?" Buu asked inching closer. "Don't touch me." Rouge hissed turning her face from him.

Buu grabbed her chin, forcing her strange eyes to look at his red ones. He slowly brought his lips onto hers, her eyes widen then watered, her first kiss.

His tongue grazed her lips softly, begging her to open her mouth. She didn't allow it, and clenched her teeth together, blocking him out. Buu pushed his tongue through forcefully, and explored every detail of her mouth.

His mouth was hot, yet his lips were cool, Rouge bit on his tongue hard enough until blood came out.

Buu yelped, pulling away. He healed his tongue then suddenly smiled, caressing her cheek with his thumb, "You've tasted my tainted blood, yummy wasn't it?" He asked

Rouge swatted his hand away getting up, she picked up the shocked and scarred for life Paris and ran off.

Buu waved, "See you later."

Back home…

Rouge ran into the bathroom ripping her 'dirty' clothes off and turned on the bath water to warm, waiting for the tub to fill up.

She dipped her long pale legs in the warmth of the water and the rest of her body as well, Rouge started scrubbing her body with the soap as if she were getting rid of the evil touch on her.

'That was so…! How dare that pink freak touch me! He kissed me, stupid bastard!' Rouge shivered at the memory of his lips on hers, with his tongue in her mouth. Disgusting.

"Ugh…I feel like puking now." Rouge grumbled rubbing the soap against her arms skin, 'But that was rather…enjoyable-NO NOT ENJOYABLE! YOU LIKE-NO LOVE GOHAN AND HIM ONLY! NOT SOME PINK PANSY WHO JUST YESTERDAY WAS FAT!'

She dipped under getting the soap off and unplugged the bathtub and dried herself off with a towel before slipping into a bathrobe and walked out to see Paris watching T.V.

"Umm…are you scarred for life?"

"Yup." Answered Paris, "You don't look it."

"Oh I am."

Then suddenly the ground shook, everything was being knocked down. Paris screamed, "Big sister, what's going on!" Rouge panicked in her mind as the house shook.

"Come on!" She yelled taking the scared girl's hand and ran in her room, they ran in the closet and Rouge shut it and huddled in the dark corner of it with Paris cradled against her body sobbing softly.
"I don't wanna die! Big sister I'm scared!" She sobbed against her neck, Rouge soothed the poor girl, "I won't let you die, I'll never let you die."

Then it stopped.

Slowly Rouge got up with the girl in her arms and opened to find there house in ruins. She sighed, "Wait one minute while I change again." And put Paris on the ground.

The child ran out waiting and Rouge looked for some clothes to wear, she spotted a black vest and black pants, with her undergarments.

She sipped the vest up enough to see a bit of cleavage, but the vest was short so you could see Rouges flat white stomach, 'Black, yay.'

Lol r&r