
Sasukeee! Naruto called to the sleeping uchiha.

Groggily, sasuke sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes. Nnnn….what do you want dobe?

"Hey! hey! Come try these pancakes I made." Naruto shouted as he burst through the bedroom door.


"Yeah, I made pancakes for us." naruto said proudly.

Sasuke was surprised and slightly confused, naruto had never cooked breakfast once before in his lifetime…unless of course ramen counts. There's a first time for everything sasuke thought, which made him wonder how long it took for naruto to actually make the pancakes and just how terrible they must taste. But still, sasuke found it cute that naruto spent the time to make pancakes for him.

He crawled out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen.

"I think we have some Pepto-Bismol in the fridge." He muttered as he took his seat at the table where naruto had placed a plate of pancakes with a whipped cream smiley face and a large amount of syrup.

"Well…well? Eat it!!" naruto said with an eager look.

Sasuke unsteadily raised the fork over his plate and smeared the pancake's happy face, he took a deep breath and cut a small piece. He held the fork to his mouth for two seconds before he shoved it in.


"…….well???" naruto asked.

"These pancakes taste like shit!"

What do you mean?

I mean they taste like shit!!

But why…..? I put in all the ingredients; I even used my new spatula.

New spatula?

"Yeah, I found it last night as I was walking home from a mission, it was just lying on the floor. It would have been a waste to just throw it away, so I took it home." Naruto explained.

….Where is the spatula now?

"Its right here see?" he quickly lifted the spatula from off the counter and waved it in front of sasuke with pride.

Sasuke examined it closely. It took him a full minute to realize that naruto's so called 'spatula' was actually one of those scoopers used to clean a kitty litter box.


Sasuke cupped both hands over his mouth and darted into the bathroom.

"Sasuke-teme you don't have to be so rude..."naruto whined as he banged on the bathroom door, "they weren't that bad!"

"NA-RU-TO!!! THAT'S NOT A SPATULA!" sasuke shouted from inside the bathroom.

….not. a spatula…?

Naruto took a few minutes to think and a few more looking at his 'not spatula'.

Oh…just a sec sasuke…..I'll get the Pepto-Bismol.