Aang's hands and feet were bound by metal cuffs. They lifted him by his shirt, and forced him to walk forward to a huge, metal ship. Before he entered the ship he stopped to gaze back at Liem. He looked directly into her eyes. "Keep it moving Avatar!" a firenation soldier yelled at him, while giving him a shove. Aang took one last look at Liem, and soon turned his head away in shame. Liem's smirk soon disappeared off her face, as she realized what she had done...she had turned against the Avatar..the one person who could save her...

"Better get comfortable little child..cause you'll be in that thing for a very long time!" a soldier said to him, and followed in laughter. "Unless..unless you can escape from it.." the soldier teased him once again. But Aang did nothing except hang there by his arms, bound to the wall.

"What's the matter..you're the Avatar aren't you?"

Once again..Aang did nothing. The soldier walked up to him and got directly in front of his face. "Well come on!" he then punched Aang in the stomach. Aang moaned with pain, but still did nothing. The soldier laughed and laughed, "You know what..that was a lot of fun.." he then raised his fist preparing to punch him again, but was thrown against the wall by a huge blast of air that Aang blew from his mouth.

The soldier was shocked, and afraid to move. "Pl-please don't hurt me Avatar!" he said while getting up from the ground and running out of the room.

"Well..well...well...Avatar, that was quite an amazing trick." Aang heard the sound of Zhao's voice say. He looked up and saw him and two soldiers standing in the doorway of Aang's prison. Zhao began to slowly pace back and forth in front of Aang. "What to do..what to do.." he repeated to himself loudly. "I don't think I'll take you to the Firelord.." he told Aang.

Aang jerked his head up and looked at Zhao directly in his eyes. "What do you want Zhoa?" he said in a demanding voice. Zhao laughed. "You know Avatar...I don't exactly know..I was capturing you, to give you to Firelord Ozai and get rewarded...but he there's really nothing more he can give me...I'm at my highest rank...but-"

"What?!" Aang yelled angrily at him. "-but..I would much rather be the Firelord..." Zhao continued. "And I think that is where I need you."

Aang looked at Zhao and began to yell again, "I will never help you!" he then took a deep breath and blew it at Zhao, throwing him against the wall. Zhao brushed himself off, and stood up and charged at Aang. "I've had enough of that Avatar! You'll regret ever doing that!" he screamed, and then quickly turned out the door slamming it behind him. Aang just stared sadly down at the floor doing all he could do...wait for his expected death.


So this story has been updated, and I know this chapter is short..but I still hope you all will like it! Please leave lots of reviews.

Last time I posted a story I said that I would update every Saturday..well that's not working out...because I am really busy, and when I start working on the story..I'll get writers block so I'll have to come back to it..so I will try to update my story once a week..but if not that then at least every two weeks! So do check at least once a week!