I'm sorry for a late update. It's the last chapter. There's only epilogue left and this story would be finished.

Big thanks to my beta and to all who reviewed.

Chapter 8

Gisela walked out from the healing chamber, closed the door behind her and sighed. It was a close call. Fifteen minutes later and she wouldn't been been able to save Wolfram's life. Maou Heika in his full Maou mode, which she saw for the first time in three years, arrived at the castle with Wolfram in his arms. She quickly ran to him and was almost sure that it was already too late, but luckily the cause of Wolfram's collapse was mostly lack of sleep. The young prince must've not slept for days, poor thing.

"ela… Gisela!" she snapped out from her thoughts. She looked at her left and noticed Maou Heika was calling her. She didn't bother to ask what he wanted. She knew perfectly well what it was.

"Don't worry, Heika, he's alive but he will need a lot of rest so please let him sleep for today. Tomorrow morning you can go see him." The last sentence she stated with a tone which meant that she would get no objections.

Yuuri sighed with relief. He feared the worst. He knew that Wolfram's collapse was his fault. If he didn't drag him to the town and made him dance with him… That dance was the best thing that ever happened to Yuuri but he still shouldn't have done it. He almost lost his love because of that. Yes, love. Yuuri wasn't ashamed or embarrassed about it anymore. He at least understood that love isn't something embarrassing. It's something that he would want to shout out from the tower. It felt like some weight was lifted from his heart.

"Shibuya, let's go. You heard Gisela, Lord Bielefelt need to rest. Tomorrow you can see him." Yuuri shot the last longing glance at the door that Wolfram slept behind and turned around to follow Murata. He wasn't thinking where he was going and that's why he was shocked when he arrived in his office.

"Shibuya, I can see that something changed about you. Did something happen when you were in the town?" Yuuri blinked at his friend then he sighed and sat on in the armchair. Murata sat on an opposite armchair and waited patiently for Yuuri's reply.

"I realized that I like Wolfram." Yuuri sat quietly. His face was red as tomato. It's one thing to admit that he likes Wolfram to himself and another thing to admit to someone else.

"You didn't like him before?" asked Murata pretending to sound shocked.

"Well.. I…"

"I thought you were always friends. I'd never guess that you started to like him now." Yuuri blinked.

"No! I didn't mean it like that. Wolfram and I were friends for years."

"Then what did you mean?" Murata's eyes shone with amusement.

"Well…. I… I…. Damn Murata, I lo.. love him." Yuuri looked at his friend searching for any reaction.

"Shibuya…." Murata stood from his armchair and came closer to Yuuri. Young Maou quickly followed him and stood too. He opened his mouth to say something but Murata patted him on his shoulder with a big smile.

"Way to go, Shibuya. So your little prince fainted when you confessed your undying love for him? How sweet."

"Stop joking, Murata. When we were dancing I wanted…"

"You were dancing?! Man, I wish I was there." Yuuri glared at his friend.

"As I was saying… While we were dancing I wanted to tell him my feeling for him but then he fainted. I thought I lost him… I didn't know what to do. And then…"

"…your powers took over you?" Murata finished for him quietly. Yuuri nodded sadly.

There was a longer moment of silence. Murata got back to his armchair and sat on it. Yuuri did the same.

"So when are you going to confess to him?" Murata asked finally.

"When he feels better, I guess." Murata clicked with his tongue in disapproval.

"Do you think you have time?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You know that Wolfram's condition is very bad. He can die at any time…"

"Don't say that! I will find a cure for him! He can't die!" Yuuri cut him in.

"This is reality, Shibuya. Face it. I'm not saying that you can't find a cure but it might be too late. Would you want Wolfram to die before you tell him how you feel about him?" Yuuri opened and closed his mouth, speechless. He didn't want Wolfram to die. He hated the thought of living without his blonde prince. But he would hate it even more if Wolfram died thinking that Yuuri didn't like him… didn't love him. It was sad and cruel but as Murata said, he had to face reality.

"I should tell him as soon as I see him, right?" Murata knew it was a rhetorical question so he didn't say anything. The chances that Wolfram would be saved grew.


Later that night when Yuuri was heading to him chamber after dinner he met Ariel and Gabriela, who were apparently waiting for him in front of his chamber. They were wearing traveling clothes which surprised young Maou.

"Heika, could spare us a moment?" Ariel asked while bowing.

"Yes, of course. Would you like to come to my office?" Ariel shook her head.

"It's all right Yuuri Heika, we can talk here. We won't take much of your time."

"Are you sure?" Both girls nodded.

"We're going back home tonight. We wanted to say our goodbyes to you." Gabriela stated politely.

"Why tonight? Something happen? Did I do something to offend you?"

"No, of course not Heika. You were a perfect host. It's just that we miss our parents and friends." Said Gabriela.

"And it wasn't a sudden decision. We decided this a few days ago." Ariel added. Of course she wouldn't tell him that they decided that they would return home when they made sure that Heika realized his feelings for Wolfram.

"Then let me assist you to your carriage." Yuuri offered but both girls shook their heads.

"There's no need Heika. You had an eventful day today and you should rest. You don't want Wolfram to see you tired because of lack of sleep, do you?" Ariel winked at him.

"The same goes for you, and you still want to travel back?" Yuuri insisted.

"Yes, but not as eventful as it was for you, right?" Yuuri blushed at Gabriela's comment. He knew that they knew. Was he really that obvious?

"It's time to take our leave, please say our goodbyes to Wolfram." After saying this, both girls bowed and turned around to leave. Yuuri stood still until the girls disappeared in the corner. When he couldn't hear their steps anymore, he walked into his chamber.

He didn't bother to take off his clothes as he threw himself on the bed. He hugged the pillow and smiled. Maybe soon he wouldn't be sleeping alone in this big cold bed. If only Wolfram would forgive him and accept his feelings then it would be perfect. He would have to find a cure for Wolfram as soon as it's possible. Tomorrow after seeing Wolfram he would start his research. Somewhere in the castle's library must be something to help Wolfram. Yuuri would gather Gwendal, Gunter, Murata and Conrad to help him. Together for sure they would find something.

With those optimistic thoughts, Yuuri fell asleep.


Yuuri awoke by the noises and loud banging at his chamber's doors. He opened his eyes and looked at the window only to notice that it was still dark outside. He looked at his wristwatch which he brought from the other world. It was 3 am.

"Heika! Yuuri Heika! Please wake up! Heika!" Yuuri shook his head and quickly jumped out from the bed. He opened the doors and Conrad, with Gunter by his side, entered his chamber.

"What happened?" Yuuri asked. His voice was hoarsed from the sleep. He yawned.

"It's Wolfram, Heika! Gisela woke up the whole castle! She said that something's wrong with him and she doesn't know how to fix it. He may not make it this time!" Conrad's words rang in Yuuri's ears. His eyes widened and his hands began to shake.

Without another word, he ran from the chamber. He ran and ran. Corridors seemed even longer than before. He didn't know how long he ran till he arrived in front of Wolfram's chamber.

Without even bothering to knock he entered it. The sight that met him almost made him faint. Wolfram was lying on the bed. His face white as a ghost and covered in sweat. From his blonde locks, the sweat was dripping onto the pillows. His whole body was shaking. His breath was quick and shallow.

Gisela was doing her best to save him but Wolfram was only half conscious. His heartbeat was slowing down.

"Yuuri Heika. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help him." Gisela stated sadly. Her eyes full of tears.

"What do you mean, Gisela?! You can't just give up on him! Please do something! Wolfram can't die!" Yuuri yelled. His face covered with streaks of tears. Wolfram couldn't die.

"If there's anyone who can save him then it's you Heika. You're the Maou. I'm sorry but I can't do anything." Yuuri suddenly got very angry, angry at himself and at the world for being so cruel.

"Get out! Get out!" He got Gisela to run out from Wolfram's chambers. Then he walked to Wolfram's bed and took his hand in his.

"Wolfram, can you hear me? Wolfram. Please wake up. Please. I… I have something very important to tell you. You can't leave me! I don't want to live without you Wolfram! Please wake up!" His tears were falling onto the sheets.

"Wolfram, please!" Yuuri sobbed.

"Yu… Yuuri" Young Maou quickly lifted his head. Wolfram's eyes were opened, holding a weak gaze toward him.

"Wolfram!" Yuuri smiled and even more tears descended from his eyes.

"Why.. why are you crying?" Wolfram asked weakly.

"Because I thought I would lose you." Yuuri couldn't help but act on impulse, taking than hand in his and kissed it.

"Yuuri, I.. I think I'm dying…" Wolfram stated.

"No! Wolfram, you can't die! Please, don't die!" Yuuri sobbed again closing his eyes.


"No! Wolfram, I wanted to tell you something! You can't leave me when I've finally realized it! When I realized that I love you!" Wolfram's eyes widened.

"You… You love me?" Wolfram couldn't believe his ears. Did Yuuri really love him?

"More than life itself, Wolfram. I've always loved you but I realized it only now. You were the greatest treasure that I ever had and yet I let you go. Please Wolfram, don't die. I want to be with you. I want us to be together, please!"

"Yuuri… I… I love you too. I have always loved you. Yuuri…" Young Maou leaned close and kissed Wolfram on his lips. The kiss was sweet and bitter at the same time. It was full of long suppressed love that was finally able to rise with this kiss. Both boys held their breaths afraid that the magic of this moment would disappear if they made any move to part.

Neither of them noticed a golden thread that wrapped around them and disappeared as fast as it arrived.

Yuuri broke the kiss and looked at Wolfram. Something was wrong about his blonde love. He didn't open his eyes. He didn't move. Yuuri quickly stood and looked at Wolfram. The boy wasn't moving at all. He tried to call his name but Wolfram didn't even twitch.

"Wolfram!!!" He yelled.

Yuuri's yell startled people waiting outside. Conrad, Murata, Cheri, Gisela and Gwendal quickly entered the chamber. Conrad ran to Yuuri and held him still while Gisela moved to Wolfram to check the boy's condition.

After a few minutes she sat on the chair and sighed tiredly.

"Calm down, Heika." She said.

"How can I calm down?! Wolfram… he! He…"

"He's alive. You saved him." She finished for him.

After Gisela said that the silence followed. Conrad let go of Yuuri's arms which he was holding.

"He's alive? But I called him and he wouldn't wake up!"

"It took a lot of his energy and now he's sleeping. I think that he will sleep for few days. It will take a while till his maryoku will come back but he'll be alright. His life isn't in danger anymore." Most of people in the chamber sighed in relief.

"But how? How was he cured? I… I don't remember doing anything…" Yuuri couldn't hide his confusion. Everyone smiled at him.

"What was the cure?" Yuuri asked.

"Your love, Heika. Your love saved his life."

Please tell me what you think of this chapter :)