Chicago Style Source #5

The Playful and the Serious

The Silver Tree Academy logo sewn on Kagome's pajamas, that she carelessly left laying on the bathroom floor while she lay in bed stood for education, honor, and tradition. It seemed as though Kagome had forgotten all the rules her high school life was supposed to revolve around when she was on break. She should have been using her spare time to study for the P-SET, the pre-semester evaluation test, that would how her newest teachers for the new term how much prior knowledge she had about the course. Studying wouldn't make it prior knowledge, but she wasn't going to the most prestige private school to fail a test, but she had been having too much fun picking on Inuyasha and eating junk food just like the middle school days. It would end though, because in just a few hours she would be on her way back to school with her fiancée.

She had just now gone to bed though, which was going to not help her when it came to the last minute cram session. Time had been spent watching a long romance movie and an all female card game in the smoking room, so after her shower she had been too exhausted to do anything else than to collapse in bed. Thanks to the smooth silk sheets her mind was up for the taking by sweet dreams and a promise of a better tomorrow.

That was ruined the moment she heard the door open and someone entered. It was probably Inuyasha; didn't he know they had school tomorrow? And why was he bugging her at this hour? He promised to lay off her about their engagement, but since he was now beside her naked body in the bed it didn't seem as though that would be happening. When his body came dangerously close to her she moved, alerting him to the fact that she was fully awake and trying to get away from him. Before she could get to the other side his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer before he sat up, his hand traveled over her face before stopping on her breast. He didn't grope or anything, but it was enough for Kagome to smack him across the face.

After the impact he flipped on the bedside lamp, which was enough cause for Kagome to have a heart attack. Staring her in the face was not a dumbfounded Inuyasha, but his old half brother that stared at her with amber eyes full of malice. This was his room, but he wasn't suppose to be here. Not to mention he was a teacher, someone the academy logo demanded she give respect and obedience to, and she just assaulted him while her naked body was in plain view.

"Why are you in my chambers?" he asked still calm and collected, "it's improper for my brother's fiancée."

"I- I was told to," she couldn't get a sentence out around him.

"I have seen my class roaster Higurashi," he looked comfortable in his bed as though she would be the one who would have to leave, "you have my class next semester and I will not tolerate anything less than the required behavior of an academy student no matter who you think I am."

First, he gave her demerits for playing in the snow and now he was accusing her of planning to be a privileged student that could get away with anything since she was marrying into the family. Why did he hate her so much? Was it because of the snowball? If that was going to endanger her grade she would never go near the horrible white flakes again!

"You're still here," he dully noted.

"I- my clothes," she spat out nervously.

"You had no problem showing me, so go show the hallway."

Now he was calling her a whore. Perfect, he would be her teacher and already he thought her to be a troublemaker, spoiled brat, and now a whore. She had a hard time going on a date with her fiancée let alone sleep with him and other men. She had joined the abstinence club and was still a virgin, all of that she was very proud of.

Still Sesshoumaru Murashu was not the kind to kid around. She got up and carried her packed luggage across the hallway to a guest room in the nude. As she did so she thought about Naraku and what he would say about this. When she thought about this she decided that he could never find out. It would all just bring a smirk to his enticing lips.

"He wants to have sex with you."

Naraku's voice was as ominous on the phone as it was if he were a few feet away.

"Can't you ever give me a logical answer," Kagome demanded, "I don't even know why I called you."

"Ah, but you did call me. The student seems to be looking up to her mentor for advice."

"Crummy advice," she put it innocently.

"If what you described was true then there was no reason for him to fondle you before identifying who you were. He could have just seen you and asked yourself for the identity. He was turned on."

She just decided to hang up on him. Why did she call that jerk? He was getting too much pleasure out of the suffering she had been undergoing this year, and what was he even doing up at this hour.

"Probably cutting up newts for his death potions," she muttered taking out her history book, she wasn't going to get any sleep now so she decided to study for her Japanese history P-SET to show Sesshoumaru she was no whore.


She had lived in Japan her whole life without ever leaving, but yet it's history didn't seem to be her strongest attribute. Oh, why hadn't she listened to her grandfather's boring stories?

She wasn't supposed to fail though! It was all Sesshoumaru's fault, because she had seen Kikyo's text book last year when she took the class and Sesshoumaru wasn't the professor, and it was all basic knowledge with a little more depth. Her textbook on the other hand that had been recommended by Mr. Arrogant himself elaborated a lot on feudal Japan and spoke about things that didn't exist such as demons and rare artifacts.

"You look a tad flustered Higurashi," Naraku's voice rang out as she headed towards her dorm.

"Studying," Kagome sighed, "and now I'm ready for some rest and relaxation."

"R and R," his silky voice declared relaxing her after her hard day's work of unnecessary studying, "life is too short to say complete sentences."

"It only takes- never mind. Life is too short to argue with you, that is definitely something I have learned since meeting you."

He chuckled which for some reason brought a smile to her face, "good point Kagome. Are you prepared for your test?"


"I take it that was what you were studying for? Your new academic semester doesn't begin until tomorrow."

"No, I have P-SETs tomorrow, how could I possibly study for one of your test when I don't know what the material is over?"

"Well you were with your fiancée all during break, am I correct?"

That reply wasn't good at all. She was expected to use Inuyasha to study? So that meant this test was either about video games, beer, or prank calls to people with silly names in the phone book. Sure she had been around a few of those elements during her stay, but it was as though returning to the academy had turned her back to her normal moralized self.

"And I got you a holiday gift as well," he revealed a neatly wrapped parcel that he had been hiding behind his back.

Kagome almost gasped when the red wrapping paper-covered gift was placed in her hand. It even had a green bow showing that there was more to Naraku than met the eye. He had wrapping skills? It had to have been him who did it, Kagome couldn't imagine someone as crafty and crazy as him having a wife or daughter that would do feminine things for him such as that.

The gift tag was cute as well. It was addressed to, my favorite pupil, from, your only connection to real life outside these walls. It was a bit degrading, but still in an odd kind of way cute.

"Are you going to open it?"

She looked up and blushed, but there was no reason for it. She had given him a gift, and he returned the favor. There was nothing special about this; it was just customary, that was all.

Kagome ripped open the paper, and berated herself for it. Her mother had always been the type to neatly undone nicely wrapped presents and save the paper, and scolded Kagome for not doing the same, but it had become habit.

Naraku seemed to be able to read her mind, "Life is also too short to save pretty paper that will eventually be forgotten in the back of the closet."

She paused for a bit, "Have you used that journal I bought you?"


"Well before I pass your teachings leave me a page. I want to list all your quotes so you can pass them down to your next pupil."

He chuckled, but this time because he wanted too.

She would never admit, and it wasn't her choice, but he knew there was a part of her that was attracted to him even if she wasn't aware of it. It showed in her expression through the small things he did such as the way he sat down or gave her a half smirk. He had been using those to his advantage.

But this time he chuckled because she amused him. It was a first, because all the other women he had been hired to work with in the past he really couldn't stand. It seemed like he was turning innocence into a lustful toy, but the truth was their good behavior and moral stances were all just a façade hiding what was really there the whole time.

Kagome he didn't need to study though. She was exactly who she appeared to be and kept no secrets. She was a sweet girl who had much in life to experience, and that was all he needed to know no examination he needed, and for some reason he liked it.

Like the young happy good girl that she was she finally tore through the wrapping paper like it was Christmas morning. Under the paper was a box with the label 'Raving Styles' on it with it's copyrighted hot pink font in cursive. Raving Styles was a very expensive clothing store downtown where it would easily cost a girl on a budget $400 for a pair of regular shoes. He must have seen something special for her there to dig that deep into his wallet.

She frowned when she discovered what the gift really was. White lacey, but yet very silky, bra and panties that looked very average except that on the back of the bra there were feathery angel wings that would stand perfectly erect on her back if she was to wear them.

"Something wrong?" he asked smirking at her expression, "I was going to get you a shirt that said 'angel' at the flea market, but this seemed to match your adult taste."

Pervert, jerk, sicko? All these words were running through Kagome's ready, but she didn't know which one to shout in his face. She had used them all on him over and over again since meeting him, and of course, none of it fazed him in the slightest. So what would she do? She had to find a way to teach him that this behavior wasn't appropriate.


Right across the face she hoped to leave a dark red mark on his cheek like she had done to Miroku so many times during freshman year when Inuyasha wasn't looking, but when she opened her eyes she discovered that she had missed. Instead her hand rested on Naraku's chest as he looked down at her as though she was the stupidest girl in the world.

"Now now," he spoke softly into her ear as though he was trying to coax her into something, "care to take a walk with me Kagome?"

"And what if I don't? Are you going to give me demerits? Last time I checked your name isn't Sesshoumaru Murashu."

"That's right, that professor has been causing you trouble, hasn't he precious?" he seemed to have created a pet name for her, but she didn't accept it nor fight it, "maybe he will be the first one I shall alert to her rebellious attitude towards academy policy."

Kagome's face twisted as though he had accused her of murder, "What!? What are you talking about, I haven't done anything!"

"Of course you have. Follow me precious."

Curious as to what he was talking to Kagome quietly followed him through the busy hallways of chatting students who were happy to be welcomed back to their learning institute after time away with family and meaningless traditional activities. Their conversations seemed to change dramatically as they turned the corner to where the art exhibits were. She was about to ask the pervert what was going on before she saw the same dragon statue from before, but this time one of it's eyes were missing. The eye that was made from the shikon jewel of course.

"The jewel is in your dorm precious," Naraku got close causing sensations to go through her body when his breath touched her neck, "and after your behavior towards the expensive gift I got you I think I should tell Professor Murashu about the stolen item. He would probably take interest in seeing to your expulsion."

Kagome turned around and he could easily see her chocolate orbs fill with fear, "You stole the jewel? Naraku how could you!?"

"Keep your voice down. It's in your dorm, so it must have been you who stole the jewel. Good idea precious. Midoriko stole that jewel because a faceless corporation believed it was beautiful behind a glass case when there was more potential to it, and now after her daughter was wrongly expelled the school gave it the same treatment."

"I can't believe you!"

He smirked before petting her on the head, "Don't worry. Just put on the gift I got you and I might overlook the true location of the jewel, and it will also help you pass the test I laid out for you."

"I'm not going too! It's wrong you pervert!"

"Miss. Higurashi what is Mr. Murashu's extension number? Never mind, I'll just take a stroll to his office."

"No! Fine, I'll do it."

Another smirk came from him as she took her new undergarments into her dorm. Of course her bathroom was a mess with tooth paste staining the sink and Naraku's dirty clothes on the floor. After this shikon jewel thing blew over she was going to have one of her friends outside of the campus look up whatever they could about her so called 'teacher', because no matter what excuse he came up with now she no longer believed he held authority over her. She wasn't that naïve.

The angel winged bra was a bit tight, but she knew it was on purpose, because the way it was fashioned it made her breast appear bigger, but at least the panties were alright. They revealed a bit too much of her bikini area for her liking, but at least they weren't transparent or a thong or anything on the skimpy side.

"You were right Naraku she is hot."

On the other side of her door was a slim red headed woman whose voice automatically revealed herself as a ditz. Naraku must have just sneaked her in, because she wasn't noticed before. Now she sat on Kagome's bed with a small smile wearing nothing.

"Lovely," he said really meaning it when he saw his precious subject in such apparel, "now this Mara. She will be your test?"

"My test? She's naked in my bed!"

"I want to see how sexually active you can be, and I don't want to push a male on you at this moment, so we'll try some girl on girl action with Mara, who is indeed attracted to you."

"Yeah," Mara smiled trying to coax her prey closer, "he tells me this is your first time. I'll be gentle."

"Naraku I can't do this. I'm in the abstinence club."

"Don't fret precious. The good thing about this test is that it doesn't involve intercourse, so you'll keep your innocence."

"I don't think I would feel too innocent with, well-

"You're against this kind of sexual exploration? Not only does that destroy your grade, but what about the shikon?"

"Naraku I can't-

Kagome's whines were interrupted by the kiss from the other woman. This was Kagome's first kiss, and it had been stolen by a woman. She had no time to think about the injustice as her body pressed up against hers tightly. Her mind went into a daze as the soft kisses continued along her neck sending unfamiliar sensations through her body that were soon joined by a dominating feeling from her lower body as her waist was held destroying all chance of escape.

Naraku had done this many times with Mara. Mara had been a lesbian always getting her heart broken in a more conservative part of his old hometown and holding a job was sometimes hard due to her reputation, but her mother's health stopped her from leaving. He decided to hire her for these types of tests, but not because he had pity for her, but because she was in the perfect position to be exploited.

Most men were turned on by two women touching each other, and he was no exception, but due to no interest in his past clients he didn't really look. This time was different though. Kagome, the innocent flower he was lucky to pick out of a garden of demoralization. He liked to see her confused breaths erupt from her rosy lips, and Mara wasn't the only one who was enjoying her reactions.

"So sweet," Mara seemed to moan as she sniffed Kagome's hair, "my little angel."

Naraku then retreated over to the couch with the journal Kagome had bought him, "I will be off over here calculating the grade she shall receive. Knowing her she has never had an orgasm before, so we'll go that far."

"Naraku," Kagome called his name with a look of fear in her eyes, a look that he really enjoyed.

"I'm not here," he clicked his ballpoint pen.

"You'll be fine," Mara breathed into her ear, "just let me play with you."

Before she knew it one hand went behind her back and undid her bra causing it to fall to the floor. Kagome's breast then indeed became Mara's play things for both her fingers and her mouth. This wasn't right. Kagome wasn't prejudice or anything, but her with a woman? She had a hard enough time being within a socially accepted honest relationship with a boy let alone this. If it wasn't for the shikon being hidden in her apartment threatening to have her expelled she wouldn't stand for it, and what made it worse was she liked it. The way she was being touched and tasted.

After being laid down in bed she was met with two of Mara's fingers, that had succeeded in making her more moist than what she already was. It didn't take long before the more dominant female was on top of the other grinding with her hips. The protest Kagome should have been making turned out to now be light moans.

"That's all?" Mara pouted, "I want you to cum."

Eventually it did happen after Kagome's body was rocked hard into the bed and she was finally feeling her 'partner's' ears with the sounds she wanted to hear. It didn't end there, because all the juices were then soon licked up, which led to Naraku talking about extra credit.

Knowing she wouldn't be wanted afterwards Mara removed herself from the dorm to check into an hotel complaining about how Kagome was a useless virgin.

The moment Kagome recovered from the bliss of it all and Naraku dared to flash a smile she smacked him across the face, and made sure not to miss this time, but it didn't seem to matter to him.

"How dare you," her eyes were narrowed at him as she thought about how much she had been wronged by this man.

"I thought my test was pretty easy and fair."

"Shut up!"

She thought another sarcastic comment was going to come from him, but instead her wrist were roughly grabbed yanking her forward.

"Let go!"

"Let me ask you precious, what makes you special?"


"Like I said it wasn't a hard task, but you fought against it, and why?"

"Because it's not right."

"And who are you to determine what's right and what's not? Last time I checked you were just a high school student, and that doesn't seem enough to make yourself seem like the symbol of righteousness, now does it?"

"You're a teacher and-

"Meaning I have more power than you, and you're destined to belong to
Inuyasha Murashu, so it's not as though you are going to become a whore. So go along with my teachings and pretend to knower of justice on your own time."

Naraku was ready to turn around then to probably retreat to the couch for a good night's sleep, but then he turned around and dug into his pocket pulling out a small parcel that he handed to her before continuing on his way.

"You have disappointed me precious."