Chapter 4:

Mark's eyes fluttered open. Careful not to disturb Maureen, he climbed out of bed and got dressed. Before going to make breakfast, his kissed Maureen's soft cheek. She was beautiful. Her red, full lips were parted ever so slightly, and her dark curls framed her flawless skin. Maureen muttered something incoherent under her breath and rolled over. Mark sighed and went out to the kitchen.

An hour and a half later, Maureen was still asleep. Mark went into the bedroom and shook her shoulder.

"Mo, Mo! I'm going out," he hissed. Maureen slowly opened her eyes. "I'm going out."

"Where?" Maureen asked sleepily.

"Out. I have to go to the store and some other places, okay?" Maureen nodded. Mark leaned over and pecked her on the lips.

As he left, Maureen said, "I love you, Mark." Smiling ever so slightly, Mark stopped and turned around.

"I love you too." Maureen drew the blanket around her shoulders, a sign that she wanted to go back to sleep. Mark understood this sign and left.

Mark was gone for most of the day. After going to the store, he went out to film for a while. The second Mark opened the door; Maureen came flying out of nowhere and threw her arms around his neck.

"Where the hell were you!?" she demanded.

"The store, then out filming. I told you that this morning," Mark said as he gently broke free of Maureen's death grip. "I didn't mean to worry you." Mark put his camera on the table.

"Well, you did. Oh, Roger called. Collins is back in town, and we're all going to the Life." Mark nodded.

"Joanne's probably going to be there."

"I know. No catfights, I promise."

"Okay good." Maureen flashed Mark her earth-shattering smile and swung from his neck.

Fingers laced, Mark and Maureen walked down the street to the Life with Roger and Mimi. Standing outside the Life was Collins and Joanne.

"Collins!" Maureen exclaimed as she let go of Mark's hand. She ran down the street and threw her arms around Collins' neck. The anarchist chuckled and returned the hug.

"Nice to see that I was missed," he said. Joanne nodded uncomfortably. Quick hellos were said, and the Bohemians went inside to eat.

The normal Bohemians were all gathered in the back of the Life, talking and drinking. Mark sat at one end of the table, and Maureen sat on his lap. The diva nuzzled his neck before resting her head on his shoulder.

"You can't be tired," Mark said. Maureen sat up.

"I'm not, I'm just really comfortable," she replied. Mark kissed her cheek and grabbed his beer off the table. He happened to glance over at Joanne, who was talking to Mimi. There was a sparkle in Joanne's eyes. She actually looked…happy. Maybe the breakup was the best for everyone.

Joanne politely excused herself and went to the bathroom. Maureen followed in suit a few minutes later. An uncomfortable silence fell over both girls as they stood by the sinks.

"So, how've you been?" Joanne asked. Maureen tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Pretty good. I'm back together with Mark." Joanne nodded. "Listen, Po-Joanne, I'm sorry for everything. I still want to be friends though. That is, if you want to."

"Yeah, I want to." Maureen leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. There was a certain glow around Joanne.

"Okay, what's her name?" Joanne stopped.

"What do you mean?"

"You're already seeing someone else, and I want to know who it is." Joanne sighed.

"Her name's Lindsey. She was going to come with me tonight, but I wanted to tell everyone first.

"Good, Lindsey's a lucky woman."

"And Mark's a lucky man." Maureen smiled. "We should go back before everyone gets suspicious or something." Maureen nodded. They left to go back to the table with the rest of the Bohemians.

The manager finally kicked the Bohemians out around two in the morning. Everyone was sober enough to get home…but just barely. Maureen sat on the edge of the bed filing her nails when she felt Mark drape something cool around her neck.

"I got you something," Mark whispered in her ear. His warm breath tickled Maureen's skin. Maureen fingered what Mark had draped around her neck. It was a silver heart shaped locket engraved with an M and flowers. Maureen got up and looked in the mirror.

"Oh Mark," she breathed. "It's beautiful! Thank you!" Maureen jumped on the bed and pressed her lips against Mark's. Mark smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." Maureen kneeled down across from Mark.

"I love it, but how the hell did you afford it? I mean, it's really nice." Mark took Maureen's face in his hands and kissed her tenderly.

"Don't you worry about that. I'm glad that you like it." Maureen closed the gap between them and kissed Mark passionately.

Mark watched Maureen sleep. Even with just a sheet around her, she was gorgeous. Mark couldn't help the small smile playing across his face. Maureen was back. His muse, his inspiration, was with him and no one else. Mark kissed Maureen's cheek and gently pulled her sleeping form closer. Maureen murmured something under her breath and snuggled up against Mark's warm body. Everything felt so right about this; there wasn't a doubt in Mark's mind about that.

The End