Author's Note: Alright, all I have to say is I somehow came to the conclusion that Senri Shiki and Zero Kiryuu would make the best fucking couple ever. Yes I am that sure of my conclusion. Thus I wish thee all the fun in reading this. Yes it's should have got that from the Senri/Zero thing...who by the way should toally be called, ZeSen, cuz that's that best I could do...At first I though Senri should be the seme...through my great Fanfic powers of eni-meni-mini-mo...but Zero's a better seme, 'sides Senri totally licked blood off of Takuma..which totally makes him...girly...Yeah don't ask...So that's my little warning/discovery to you. Oh and VAMPIRE KNIGHT PWNS:cough:

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or any of its' characters...which is a very sad thing because then I could TOTALLY make Zero and Senri fall in love with each other and the Kaname/Yuuki fans would be happy because Zero would be with someone else. Ya! Anywho, wouldn't we all like to own the bishie goodness of Vampire Knight.


Unexplainable Feelings

I was leaving my dorms along with the rest of the Night Class, most of us still tired and a few even angry that they had to wake up. But all fell silent when Kaname-sama entered the group. I ran a hand through my somewhat spiky brown hair, falling in step with the rest of my fellow vampires.

As usual, I'm bored. Nothing important ever happens, except for the few trips down to town to kill off any E-Vampires roaming around. I sighed as I changed the direction of my gaze, resting my bundle of books gently on my shoulder. My fingers tapped on the binds of the books as I watched the trees lining the path to Cross Academy.

"Senri?" I looked to my side to find Rima looking up at me with a questioning look.

"Mmm?" I replied, taking my gaze away from her back to the trees.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I answered. She kept her eyes on me for a few more minutes before looking away, falling back a few steps to walk with Seiren.

The Day Class students were crowding around as usual, screaming out names and trying to get one of the vampires' attention. I kept watching, ignoring every call of my name. I didn't really care, I looked around a bit, towards the towers of Cross Academy, before my eyes landed on Zero Kiryuu.

He was shoving girls away from the Night Class, so that they could get going to their dorms and leave us in peace. I found my eyes glued to him, watching his soft, almost silver hair rustle slightly in the wind. He turned around to look over at Yuuki, the other prefect, who was currently trying to get girls away from Kaname-sama. I stared at his face, questioning whether or not ones eyes could be such a shade of lilac purple. My eyes remained on him, scanning him up and down. My fingers were slowing down in their beat on my books, soon enough I was passing Kiryuu. I wanted to turn around and look at him but if I did, I would allow everyone to question why my gaze was glued to him.

Wait…My gaze is glued to him? Why? What's wrong with me!? I wanted to shake me head to set it straight but that would only gain me questions from Rima. I didn't need her questioning what I was doing, or worrying about me.

I fixed my eyes back to the trees, paying close attention to how each branch held every leaf up. I was beginning to feel happy, partially because the throng of girls was disappearing, allowing for some peace and partially because I liked walking in the night. It always calmed me down. Being out in the sun only drained me but I was a model, and thus had to leave in the middle of the day when the sun was at it its' brightest. I reallt hated those shoots.

Suddenly I saw some of the bushes around a tree move. I looked closely to see a Day Class student starring out. Will they ever give up? And what is it with humans…? My former question was answered, when one of them came running out.

"Senri-sama!" She screamed. "Oh my God! I never though I'd actually get the chance to talk to you."

I stared at her, next thing I knew she was reaching into her pocket to take something out. Before she could, someone stepped between me and her. It was the soft silver hair I was starring at from before. I wanted to take a step back but I couldn't, my feet seemed to be glued to the spot. I dropped the hand carrying my books to my side, holding them there with my grip tightening.

"Get going to your dorms." Zero sighed, aggravated that he had to put up with this every night of the year. My face was not even ten centimetres away from Zero's, I could smell his very being. I felt my heart beat faster and blood rushing to my cheeks, which thankfully I stopped before it actually did get to my cheeks.

The girl looked disappointed as she turned around to go to the dorms. Zero sighed, running a hand through his hair. He turned around only to find me mere centimetres away from his face. And the few seconds that he stood their in shock we caught each others eyes.

He took a startled step back, his hand still resting in his silver locks. "Thank-you." I said softly, in my monotone voice. I was never one to vividly show my emotions, complaining I did, but that was about it.

"I'm only doing my job." He replied, seeming cold. He turned about and went off to help Yuuki, not looking back once. I looked over, not quite sure why my chest suddenly hurt.

"It's annoying how they can't get away from us." It was Rima's voice again. She had come over to me, to stand next to me.

"Mmm." I replied, taking one last look at Zero Kiryuu before setting off towards Cross Academy. My mind wandered back to Zero…Why did he have to be so distant?

It's short, so sue me. I just wanted to see if anyone would like my idea, that's all. I will finish this off because I'm totally psyched about it so don't worry about me stopping randomly. Yeah, so tell me what you think, and I'll love you for ever. Thanks!!!