Author's note:: i own nothing here, the characters ands places are owned by Square enix and the pairings are owned by the fandoms.

By Tsumi

teaser:: Only the four of them knew what had occurred in that room. the prince, his body guard the general and the king. Only three of them walked out of the king's private chambers. The prince, the body gaurd and the General. The now ex-king was pinned to his bed by the long blade which normally hung at the general's side.

Chapter 1 of princes and conspiracies

Rufus shinra crown prince of Balamb and heir to the throne of Midgar, strode calmly down the corridor of the royal palace paced by his constant companion the panther-like Darknation. He was a handsome figure of a young man with short gold blonde hair and piercing blue eyes like his mother's. he wore pristine white clothes with no other colors making him look pale and ethereal as he walked the sunlit corridor towards the great hall where court was in session.

The guards at the doors stood at attention as he passed the ignoring the man in their dark blue almost black armor, helmets covering their blank faces. Afternoon court was in full swing as the courtiers and sycophants went through their dance of power. The king sat in his dais watching the dance but not seeing anything. The council did most of the ruling and the general took care of things like ensuring there wouldn't be any insignificant wars to interfere with their people's peace, not that the king seemed to care about his people. Rufus sneered to himself but did not let the thought show on his perfect face. He kept one hand at his side and the other on Darknation's head as her tail lashed show her dislike of the crowd. The people moved aside as he passed and silenced. the conversations tentatively started up behind him.

on the dais the king sat in his throne quietly speaking to the tall silver haired general, the man's black leather clothes seemed to absorb the light in the room. the sword he always wore hung at his side. The general's right hand man commander Zack sat on the steps of the dais talking with a few members of the king's personal guard, a red head with odd tattoos under his eyes and a tall bald man with dark skin The king looked up at his arrival and cut off his conversation with the general and looked at his son. like Rufus his hair was blonde but graying and his eyes were colorless blue.

"You called for me father?" he bowed.

"Yes Rufus it is time you started your own court and accepted a personal body guard."

"Dark nation has always been more than suitable." he replied.

"You will accept the body guard i have appointed to you, Tseng."

A man stepped out of the shadows of the throne, he was tall as the general with shoulder length black hair and tanned skin, his eyes were black as his hair and his features very sharp.

"Your highness." he bowed.

"Tseng you shall be body guard to the prince."

"Yes sire." He moved to stand behind Rufus.

The rest of court was boring and a few petitioners approached the throne, though few were helped. Rufus sat on the Dais and Tseng stood to the side Darknation curled up at his feet. After the court was over and Rufus strode out Tseng exchanged a look with the General as they left.

Rufus walked toward his personal chambers Tseng following. the man reminded him of the cat which at the moment walked beside the man. At least Darknation could stand him unlike the other guards his father had tried to foist off on him. As he walked the halls he stopped at a casement which faced the courtyard where the guard trained. two blondes were there at the moment sparring. he knew both of them, the older of the two was at the moment shirtless wearing only a pair of blue uniform pants.. his hair stood up in the back like a chocobo's plumage and the right side of his face had a tattoo lines drawing that reminded most people of Bahamut. the younger one's hair stuck up everywhere in untamable spikes. he wore the full uniform of the guard a dark blue almost black pair of pants and a sleeveless shirt. Rufus smirked at the way the two of them moved. they were good but the older one's skills lay in hand to hand while the younger was better with a sword in his hand. The two of them were good though and would probably rise far in the army ranks if the General and his commanders had eyes in their heads.

"They are quite good." Tseng spoke quietly.

"Yes they are."

"the rumor is they are your brothers."

"Half brothers and neither is suitable for the throne."

"I see."

Rufus turned and headed for his rooms, plan already forming in his mind Tseng followed. He watched the young heir carefully keeping an eye on every nuance of the youth's attitude. he held himself as a prince should and nothing was given away.

The prince's personal rooms were finely furnished. they were consisted of a number of rooms a sitting room the bedroom and a bathing chamber as well as rooms for his personal servants and a small library of his own ther was also a second smaller bedroom which he decided to give to tseng as he didn't feel like having a lover around anyway, as soon as he entered his rooms a body servant approached and helped him strip as another drew his bath. they were typical faceless servants that most people would pay no mind too, but Tseng watched them like a hawk. they did nothing untoward and left as son as Rufus dismissed them. he headed for his bath stopping to look back at Tseng.

"Well coming?"

"I should not."

"Well you are my body guard shouldn't you be in the same room as my body?"

He coughed as the prince vanished into the bath robe falling as he slipped beneath the hot water. he smirked as Tseng followed him. Rufus lathered himself up and rinsed off in the soapy water.

Tseng tried to ignore the youth in the tub. the boy was attractive and though he normally did not go after blondes this boy was tempting him and had to know it. he steeled himself as the young man stood up and motioned for the towels.

"Tseng if you would bring me a towel."

"I should call for a servant..."

"No that will take too long."

Tseng picked up the cloth and brought it over slipping the soft linen along the smooth skin. Trying to ignore the scent of the boy.

Rufus smirked as he had Tseng dry him off, he knew the man was a plant if his father's and was probably either a spy or an assasin. He would play with him and do his best to confound him.

AS rufus went to get dressed there was a knock and Tseng answered it. he nodded to the younger man who stood there. he has shoulder length silver hair and odd glowing green eyes his clothes were skin tight black leather unfastened to show off his pale throat, he was the younger brother of the general and one of the three people who served as his own guard.

"Kadaj? is there a problem?"

"The General wishes a word with you." The man's voice was toneless and empty as if he were merely repeating it by Rote.

"And the prince?"

"I will stand in for you for the few moments he needs you."

'What is this?" Rufus asked from the door to his room.

"The General is in need of your guard my prince it is important He has ordered me to stand in Tseng's stead as your bodyguard for the time."

"and if I refuse and would rather go with him?"

"that would be inadvisable as the General wishes to speak with Tseng, you were not in his orders my prince."

"Except to stay her and wait like a child."

"As you are acting your highness." a voice spoke from behind Kadaj who moved aside. The general stood there the other two of his brothers trailing him. The man was impressive and one of the few people Rufus respected.

"You expect me to just accept stealing my new body guard so soon after i accepted father's decision?"

"I'm not stealing him My prince I merely need a word with him."

"Fine take him but leave all three of them." Rufus motioned to the brothers who lurked by the door. "Kadaj still owes me a chess game."

"your wish my prince." He turned to his brothers. "Stay here til I return."

"Yes sir." Kadaj answered the other two merely nodded.

Once they were away from the princes' chambers the General smirked at his long time friend and confidante.

"You should not look so relieved to be out of there old friend."

"If an attractive blond was doing their best to seduce you yo u would too."

"Would I? I believe i already fell for that trap three years ago." He answered.

"True. though it is not quite the same."

"I suppose." they came to a casement and tseng looked out over the city below the castle. her e no none could over hear them unless they could fly. "It is as you said he could be a decent king with proper training."

"Of course. Though if he is distracting."

"No I can take care of my self in that respect Seph. he is not the first to try and he might not be aware of it."

"He is a fifteen year old prince I'm sure he knows what he is doing his brother did at that age."

"Both of them."

"Yes so he is perfectly suitable."

"Just don't get in over your head Tseng we need to work carefully for our goal."

"Of course." the two men exchanged another glance each sure of their place in their plan. they had been friends for a long time since Tseng had come to the castle as a child, he had been a prisoner of war but as the country he was from was brought into Shinra's power he slowly went form prisoner to trainee for the guard meeting the young soon to be general he soon became leader of the king's own guard and answered only to Hideger the lord Marshall, like the General himself.

"What is the thought on this plan of yours anyway?"

"most of them agree that Gestalt has gotten to wrapped up in power to rule though the council agrees with his going after the smaller countries."

"Of course they do." the words were growled softly but Tseng caught them.

"I should return to the prince."

"Of course." the two returned to the prince's chambers. Yazoo and Loz stood by the door silently. Kadaj and Rufus sat across from one another playing chess, the young prince was loosing but it seemed pretty close.

"I hate to interrupt but we should return to our quarters." Sephiroth told his brothers.

"Yes sir." the three stood and followed in their elder brother's wake.

The General strode through the corridors towards his personal rooms. They were not as luxurious as the royal suites though not for lack of money the man was simply not worried about decor, he thought of himself as their weapon and acted accordingly. once in his quarters he relaxed slightly dropping most of the cold attitude he had adopted as General. of course one reason for this was sitting on a lounge in his sitting room looking over a book. The young blonde had lit the lamps around the room and was dressed in a soft white robe. blonde spikes dripped with water. the triplets slipped through the door to their rooms leaving their brother alone.


"Hello Seph." the blonde looked up his bright blue eyes glittering. "How is my brother?"

"A brat as ever."

"He's not that bad."

"You only say that because he's your younger brother."

"possibly. you have had a long day sir shouldn't you take a bath and get some rest?"

"join me?"

"I've already had one bath today."

"Too bad." he drew the younger blonde into the bathing chamber.

It was a warm morning and the guard trained mercilessly. Walking along the rows of soldiers was the black haired commander and his brother Squall. the pair were slender and compactly muscled, Squall's hair was brown and his eyes a stormy grey, while Zack';s eyes were blue-grey. They were very similar as they were brothers. both served the General loyally, and had since their joining the army. the troops were mostly quiet as they worked out and practiced a few sparring with one another. The personal guard sans the two with the king were also working out. The captain of the king's personal guard watched them impassively he was a brunette with short hair which was graying heavily. beside him stood two other men a man with long black hair and red eyes in black leather and an orange haired man with an eye patch. These two were the most elite of the guards being two of the best. as they trained Tseng arrived and one of the others a red-head with a long ponytail and odd tattoos under his eyes smiled and wandered over to him.

"Hey Tseng, how's life on the leash?" He asked once the man was closer.

"not as bad as it could be you should try it Reno it might make yo u a better guard."

'Nah I like my freedom thank you."

"Freedom?" his partner came up on the other side, a tall bald man with dark skin. "Don't you have a woman and a one-year old to take care of?"

"Except her father keeps trying to marry her off to other people."

"He just doesn't like you." Rude commented.

""I wonder why." Tseng muttered passing the two and approaching the man who had been watching the guards train. "Sir."

"Tseng, shouldn't you be with our prince?"

"I am he is over there challenging soldiers to fights." Tseng gestured to where the prince was fighting another blonde who wore the stripes of a lieutenant and was certainly holding his own.

"I see, and your assignment?"

"It is well."

"good , just don't get attached."

"I never get attached sir I do my job."


Rufus dodged the kick aimed for his head and missed the sweep kick which landed him on his but in the dirt. he looked up at the older blonde who smiled widely.

"Not bad Rufus burt you have to watch for follow through." Zell told him holding out a hand to help him up.

"Right the follow through." He muttered. "I could have you beat for knocking me in the dirt."

"But you won't because then I won't spar with you little brother." He said still smiling.

"True." He looked over the crowd for his watchdog and saw him with the personal guards. "i feel like being a problem want to come?"


"Let's grab Cloud." the two slipped off while the next pair stepped into the circle. they found Cloud off to the side working non forms.

"Where are we going today?" he asked as he saw his half brothers' approach.

"I was thinking town."

"Let's go." he put the sword he was working with away and the three left the courtyard

The guard didn't stop them as they headed for the stables their mounts were saddled and they rode out of the gates into the city. Midgard huddled against the palace like chicks to the hen the buildings were not as old as the castle and many seemed to be falling in and apart. the area closest to the palace was open and held a bazaar full of the rarest of goods. many people were on foot here as it was crowded but as royalty Rufus could ride and the other two had to to keep up with him.

"Well a body guard didn't slow you down so what next he'll try to marry you off?" Zell asked.

"Guess that is the next step." Rufus shrugged. "hope she's at least passable."

"Yeah I suppose." Cloud sounded upset and the other two glanced at him.

"Ansem's still trying to get him married huh?"


"come on it's not like he has to be faithful to her or her to him." Rufus tone was flippant as they stopped the chocobos outside a tavern and let a stable boy take them around.

"True most weddings of state are like that look at dad and our moms." Zell shrugged.

"You're right."

"So tell him he can marry anyone and he can still have you he prefers men to women anyway."

"Okay do any of us like females?" Zell muttered.

"They are nice." Rufus shrugged.

They sat at a table and ordered drinks biding their time till they were found and dragged back to the palace

"So what this about you likeing men Zell?"



The general's work was interrupted by a loud knock at the door to his study. He looked up as his youngest brother entered and bowed, behind him was one of the few people who the general preferred not to deal with at the moment. he was tall with short blond hair and blue eyes dressed in a long red robe.

"Sephiroth I've been looking for you."

"Sir, I was looking over reports from the south,"

"Ahh I see. but this not my reason for being here."

"And your reason is?"

"You and marriage."

"I refuse." He said simply looking back to his reports.

"You can't, as your grandfather I am allowed to simply choose a bride for you. especially in the event your parents do nothing."

"Father cares more for his place in court, not to mention this young lady who has grown attached to him, and mother is not in a position to do anything, the espers hold her." his green eyes bore into his grandfather's blue ones. "and I don't care to get married, it would be a pain that i don't need."

"And what about continuing the blood line?"

"Braska had Yuna, I have three other brothers, Xenohart has a son. Ther are plenty of people to carry on the blood you don't need me to do so."

"but you don't have a choice and I have the perfect bride for you."

One silver eyebrow rose.

"She's noble, a good family though not as good as your own blood, she's quite a pretty young lady younger than yourself of course, she's even proved to be fertile and capable of bearing sons."


"The contract is already made up. the wedding will be soon." the man left and Sephiroth Sighed shaking his head. Loz watched him after closing the door.


"this is getting ridiculous."

A few moments later he was interupted again as two of the King's personal gaurd and his "Student" enterd.

"Sorry to interupt sir." A woman with long brown hair bowed.

"I'm getting used to it what is it now?"

"We brought your student back he and the prince wanderd out of the castle."

"and they treat me like an erant child." Cloud muttered.

"Thank you. I will handle him go to your normal duties."

"Yes sir." they saluted and left.

"Wandered off cloud?"

"We did not wander off Rufus wanted to leave the palace and Zell and I went with him." Cloud shrugged and sat on the edge of Sephiroth's desk. Loz left and stood to block the door on the outside of the suite.

"I see."

"So why are you so proccupied?" the blonde askled noticing the odd look in his eyes.


"Ansem again wiht the marriage thing huh?"

"Sadly and he says he has found someone."

"It's okay Seph."

"It is?"

"Yes it is it's only a state marriage right it's doubtful she'll love you and you're set on not loving her so neither of you have to be faithfull after the contract is fullfilled, most of them are for a kid right?"


"So you can do that and stay with me since I'm just your "student " right?"

"You can't be my student forever."

"No but it should be a few more years."

The sound of crashing alerted Reno to a problem as soon as he enterd his rooms. there was a cry and the crashing stopped.

"Laney?" He called into the bedroom and was greeted with the sight of his lover holding the one year old in her arms obviously upset. "What's wrong?"

"that idiot of a father of mine acctuly did it."

"Did what?"

"Suceded in finding someone to try and marry me off to the contract is already signed and everything!" she looked up at him her brown eyes tearing.

"Laney hold axel here I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to kill him."

"Who?" She out Axel in his crib and went over to Reno.

"Your father." He said very calmly. "I'm going to kill him." he pulled out a set of knives and began straping them on.

"Reno you can't kill my father." She took the knives from him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Why not that bastard has been trying to do this for years and said no everytime I asked for you. Now he is marrying you off to some noble jerk!"

"The General." she muttered.


"The General's grandfather has been trying to marry him off too."

"On second thought I'll let him kill him. Or maybe Cloud."

"What does that guy have to do with anything?"

"Let's just say that he's not learning sword work from the General and leave it at that." He went over to the crib and looked at Axel who was trying to sit up.


"Elena you know I love you right?"

"of course." the blonde smiled a little.

"So If I die you'll know why."

"Reno yo uare not goign after the General. he would kill you."

"I should be able to challenge him."

"No we'll figure a way out of this without either of you killing the other."

"All right

Chapter 2

Sephiroth was suprised to seeing his comander sprawled out on the lounge in his sitting room. he just wasn't used to seeing him drunk and sprawled out over his lounge.

"Zack?" Cloud went over to check on him.

"Hey Spike 've got great news it's a girl!" He crowed and took another drink from the flask in his hand.

"So Rin finaly had the kid?"Cloud asked sitting next to Zack Sephiroth took his other side. Swipping the flask form him.

"Yeah great looking little thing pretty as her mother. Hope Aerith and I can have one that cute."

"I'm sure you will." Sephiroth shook his head. "If you ever get the nerve to stop courting her and ask for her hand."

"I will," he tried to get up and fell bakc down. "tomorow."

"Get some sleep." Seph moved his hand slightly and Zack fell asleep.

"You Sleeped him."

"he needed it we need to get ready for dinner."


"With the court."

"How much longer?"

"Until Ansem returns home."

"And tonight they'll probrably make you sit with her."

"most likely, i have avoided the high table as long as I could."

'And Zack won't be there to buffer."

'I doubt Squall or Rinoha will be attending either." he stood. "You don't have to be there Cloud."

"No I'll be there."

Dinner was a huge affair among the court. everyone went who wanted to be notieced thogu hit was alot quieter than court it was still a contest. Normaly Sephiroth sat with his soldiers, perfering to sit as far from the high table as possible. His grandfather of course wanted him up at the high table beside him. This time however the seat next to the one Seph had been hmade to use ther was another pair of empty seats. As he took his seat a man arrived wiht two young women. he recognized the man as a minor lord who had made his way as a tutor he'd even tutiored the prince for a shirt time. his two daughters were lovely young women but as far as Sephiroth knew both were at least being courted if not already in a serious relashonship. Both were also trianed members of the royal gaurd. They sat so the younger was besdei him. they knew eachother in passing as she was one of Tseng's comrades her name was Elena and she was sleeping with Reno one of her teammates.

"Sephiroth you've met Lord Marshal and his daughter Elena have you not?" His grandffather asked.

"Yes." He notied Reno glaring at him form the gaurd's table.

"Good." ansem nodded. "Since the two of you will be married within the year."

"No." Sephiroth said simply. "I refuse to marry a woman who perfers another man."

"Nietehr of you have a choice in this matter." Lord Marshal said simply.

As they spoke the king arrived wiht his son and their bodygaurds in tow.

Cloud watched the wedding feeling mildly upset. Sephiroth had agreed far t oreadily for him even if he had told him it was okay. He got up and sighed leaving the chapel and heasding for the stables to grab his Chocobo. the pretty gold bird nipped at his hair.