Title: Uncomplicated Feeling
Prompt: #5 Umbrella
Rating: G
Word Count: 254
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it.
Summary: Narcissa likes umbrellas. Lucius thinks she's crazy. He just doesn't know why.
Living in Britain almost requires you to own some form of rain protection. Wizards could use an impervious charm of course, but there was something so interesting about an umbrella that they had to have one.
Narcissa was one of those people. Although her umbrella obsession was far beyond owning just one umbrella. No, she owned scores of umbrellas. There were umbrellas in every colour and material imaginable. She owned umbrellas so huge they could fit a whole family under there, and umbrellas made of delicate lace. She even had an umbrella made with suede. Obviously these were just for show.
Lucius called her obsession unhealthy, but she didn't care. There was a feeling of uncomplication that accompanied a stroll through the rain with your umbrella. She loved every moment of it. Lucius didn't understand it. She didn't think he ever would.
She adored strolling down Diagon Alley with Lucius, little Draco skipping at their side, with a beautiful umbrella in her hands. She didn't buy ugly umbrellas, even for the novelty. She liked the way people had to step aside to let them though, lest they get hit in the head with the umbrella. Narcissa liked feeling like a refined and classy lady. She knew she was that, but she liked the way people looked at her when they realised who she was. She even liked seeing people she'd gone to Hogwarts with, because she knew that she was better off than every single one of them.
That's what pleased her the most.