The Shadow of a Smile

A dark ninja lay peacefully still on something akin to a futon mattress in the middle of the dimly lit room, the only light coming from the moon and stars outside. His face still bore the signs of his near constant frown but his eyelids were resting gently, the harsh carmine glare absent. His chest was rising and falling in time with his rhythmic breathing and his body was fully relaxed, finally asleep. It had been hours that Fai had waited for him to truly fall asleep. He had even begun to suspect that Kurogane, with his sharp senses, had realized he was being watched from behind the sliding door as he had lain quite motionless but awake for the longest time. That the ninja could sense a blue eye had gazed almost unblinkingly waiting for him to finally slip into the realm of dreams. If this had been the case then Kurogane's actions were those of trust, allowing Fai the chance to do whatever unknown task he had come to do. Perhaps he had grown weary of holding up a guard against those who he cared for. Either way the mage didn't like the fact that they could be aware of each others company but be at a fair amount of ease for so long. It was simply another reminder of why he had to be waiting for Kurogane to fall asleep. The misty look in Fai's eyes sharpened as he moved over the threshold of the doorway and into the room silently sliding the door closed behind him. As Fai stood almost leaning against the back wall he couldn't help but contemplate his companion's actions again. It eased the anxiety of the self appointed task ahead. He thought of how patient Kurogane had been with him, asking instead of ordering, ever since they had come from the Tokyo that rained burning acid and seemed to steal every skerrick of joy from those who suffered the place. Fai's hand passed over his black eye patch and he slowly dropped to his knees. After another moment of silent reflection that hand fell to the woven straw mat that covered the floor of the room and began to advance on his hands and knuckles.

"Maybe it was guilt that made him finally leave himself venerable" came a whisper from the wizard's mind, his inner voice so cold it might have been discussing an insignificant agitating occurrence. Fai knew the reason why he was there and despite the pain he knew it would cause every metre he drew closer to Kurogane was firm and unwavering. Finally he came to kneel beside the dozing man his eye observed the ninja's features. A small, hardly noticeable icy smile flittered across Fai's lips covertly studying Kurogane's placid expression. Fai had loved watching Kurogane sleep since the day they had met. He found it amusing how the man could look so big and scary while he was awake and so mild and calm when he was asleep. There was something pleasant and amiable about the look on his face - so much more inviting. Tonight though it was not cause for captivation and Fai's smile vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Fai's eye grew unfocused and he held out his hand so it was suspended a few inches over Kurogane's heart. The blue of his eye began to softly glow and dance and Fai winced pressing his other hand to his eye patch. He had not used magic since losing his other eye and did not expect it to hurt but it stung like nerves still reacting to a lost limb. He took a deep breath and let it out then hardened his gaze as he had when he had first entered the room, reigniting his resolve. His hair began to bob and lift softly as if a wind was blowing and specks of light like blue fireflies started sparkling around the room. Fai began a whispered chant, the only sound in the strangely silent room.

"Sage coeur équitabaire âme souvenir de a remettre en main propre être les sonner. Supprimer formel ça coeure quoi moi vouloir et apporter en avant les jeunesse à quoi le vouloir se retirare" he did not usually employ worded enchantments but in this case it was necessary. A light began to shine through Kurogane's chest as a small red glowing orb was little by little inching from it towards Fai's pale hand. Fai waited feeling the warmth of the small orb grow as it drew closer. All of a sudden when the ball was half immerged it shot upwards, Fai catching it like a ball but holding it with the tenderness one might use when handling a baby bird. He smiled at it with a mixture of sadness and longing eventually pulling it to close to his chest. It was heavier than he expected but soft and warm. He reluctantly placed it beside him and began twirling his other hand loosely in the air. The little blue lights began to swirl around the room drawing towards Fai's hand. Suddenly Fai pointed at Kurogane and the lights pelted into his being causing not even a twitch from Kurogane who was still soundly asleep.

"Must be tired from my feeding today…" the mage had thought briefly before pushing that though roughly to the back of his mind and returned to his work. Once all the lights had entered Kurogane Fai made one last huge pulling motion and an almost translucent small boy sat blot up from Kurogane. He had black spiky hair, big red eyes and despite the state of his near transparent body it was clear that he had slightly tanned skin. The boy was breathing deeply and stared wildly around until he noticed the strange man sitting next to him. He started a little but did not move from where he sat; in Kurogane's chest.

"Hi there" Fai said politely after a moment giving a little wave seemingly his temperament completely changing.

"Hello" the boy replied apprehensively and Fai laughed a little.

"You have such a cute voice!" he exclaimed and the boy blushed frowning.

"I do not! Ninja's aren't cute!" He replied hotly "My name is Kurogane!"

"Ah, nice to meet you Kurogane" the mage noticed the boy's expression soften a little as he listened "My name is Fai D Flowrite. But you can just call me Fai"

"Alright Fai" he replied nodding.

"So did you have a bad dream?" Fai asked sitting back a little and the boy's head drooped.

"Yeah" his gaze grew sad "It was about my parents….they're dead" Fai's flinched as he felt his heart squeeze but hiding emotions was second nature to him and the boy did not even notice.

"If you don't mind me asking" Fai said quietly noticing a bandage on one of the boys hands "How long ago did that happen?"

"A few months" the young Kurogane replied looking away.

"I'm sorry." Fai said gravely his hand wondering back to the orb. Somehow when he touched it the warmth was not felt only on his palm but it seemed to travel up his arm and into his heart. It seemed both comforting and excruciating at the same time.

"I've got something to give you" Fai spoke watching the plumes of red smoke twirl within the orb. The boy slowly looked back and his eyes immediately latched onto the orb with curiosity and fascination.

"What is it?" he asked leaning closer to observe its alluring glow.

"It is something very, very precious and I want you to take care of it for me" Fai said holding it out.

"But…why do you want to be rid of it?" young Kurogane asked as Fai placed the ball in his hands.

"If you take it I know it will be kept safe from the world" the blond wizard replied with a smile.

"You didn't answer my question" the boy remarked holding the orb to his chest it seemed to be drawn towards the holders heart.

"Ah…so you have always been this sharp eh?" Fai said with a strange haunted tone despite the simper that still adorned his face.

"It feels…nice" the boy said after a moment grinning tenderly at it.

"I know" Fai whispered so quietly the ghostlike boy did not hear him, nor did he notice the displeased look that took over his expression.

"I think it's time that you should go back to sleep again, you don't want to be caught awake at this hour" Fai spoke up the cheerful mask back in full glory "And now you will have that to sleep with. I'm sure you won't have any nightmares as long as you have that"

"Well…alright" the boy said beginning to sink back into Kurogane then stopped looking back at Fai again "Do you know your way out of this castle? Princess Tomoyo's guards aren't fond of people sneaking around here at night" he continued unaware of the reality of how far he really was from Tomoyo's castle.

"They wouldn't trust me?" Fai said putting on an overly disappointed and shocked voice.

"No" the boy said shortly with a frown. Fai giggled as the boy sank further.

"…Why did you trust me?" Fai asked suddenly and the frown slid right of the boys face, replaced by a look Fai seldom saw in Kurogane; The shadow of a smile. Kurogane didn't have many smiles and when he felt honestly happy Fai saw that look instead.

"Because you felt nice" the boy answered his heavy eyelids sliding closed

"Goodnight" Fai said softly as the boy finally vanished from view.

"Goodnight Fai"

For a while Fai simply sat in the silence watching Kurogane sleep knowing the task was finally complete.