Author's Notes: Guys, thank you for the reviews for the past chapters! I really appreciate it! Here's the next chapter! Their first day as humans…

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or anything related to it. I own nothing…

Chapter 3:

After sunset, Kurama finally found the house Koenma was saying about. It was pretty big for two persons, furniture is nice, the fridge is full of foods, nice view… and everything is in place. No wonder that he is really the prince of the other world.

HE went up on the second floor where the bedrooms are located. He saw a room that resembles a girl's and slowly walked inside and gently put the sleeping Botan over it. He saw her swollen feet and tried to heal her.

"Oh, snap! I forgot that I have no powers anymore!" HE said, slightly irritated. He stretched his arms that became a little numb for carrying the ferry girl all the way.

Kurama could hardly keep his eyes open because of exhaustion. He glanced at the ferry girl once again and saw her peacefully sleep on her bed before silently closing her door. After then, he too went to his room and took a beauty rest.


From his room, he smelled something… something burning. He almost felt dizzy because of the smell.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" A scream suddenly rang to his ears that made his droopy eyes go saucer wide.

HE immediately went down the stairs and found a pale Botan, full of oil and tomato sauce all over her face.

"Oh my! You nearly burned the house down!" Minamino hurriedly got a bucket of water and threw it all over the stove.

"Ah… Hontou ni gomen nasai, Kurama. You know this I first time I've been living as a human and I don't really know much stuff. I felt something on my stomach and it really hurts so I tried to cook like your mom has been doing when we visit your house." Botan have never felt hunger before but she had tried eating with Keiko and she never felt fullness before too. The next thing Kurama saw is the back of the deity's head almost below his knee level, asking for apology.

"Get up there Botan. I understand it. Humans call that thing 'hunger'. I know you never felt it before but because you are a human, you can feel everything a human could. The fridge is full of foods and you can get anything you want. I'll just get ready for school." He entered the bathroom and took a good morning bath.

Botan tried doing some stuffs and explored the whole house after eating. Fortunately, she knows some things there and appliances that she usually uses when they are in Kuwabara's house. Keiko taught her to use some appliances too when she visits her.

"Humans really do much stuff. In the spirit world, I just did nothing everyday but to ride on my oar and follow Koenma's orders." She turned the television on and watched some early morning shows.

"Do humans sit here all day long and wait for the sunset and sleep?" She asked loudly while raising her hands up in the air.

"Nope. We do some stuff too like going to school, going to work, shopping. And bla bla bla." The red haired walked out from the bathroom, his long hair still dripping wet and a towel wrapped on his waist. He has his small towel on his right hand and ruffled his hair to partially dry it.

Botan turned back where the voice came from and her jaw nearly dropped when she saw the six packed abs of Kurama and his moist body fresh from the shower. Not too big, not too small, just perfect for a teen's body.

"uhhh… So… that's… that's… it???" Must not… look… She blushed furiously and turned her eyes away from him. Kurama coolly went to his room and changed into his school uniform, leaving the shocked Botan on the couch.

"You better change that kimono of yours too." HE said before shutting his door.

Botan realized that she was still wearing the pink kimono. She ran towards her room and tried some nice looking clothes in the closet.

Kurama went out of his room and took his school bag, when he remembered Botan.

I can't leave her alone here, for she might cook again and this time, she really might have burned the house down.

"Botan!" Kurama called Botan. The deity hurriedly went down when she heard the young man's call.

"I'll going to school and you're coming with me." He said as he reached for her hand when she got down the stairs.

"Really? The place where I usually disguise as a school girl? Sugoii!" She clapped her hands in delight at the thought of cute teenage guys.

"Yes. I can't leave you here alone; you might destroy the whole place." He said in a plain tone.

"Yay! Can you wait for me here as I get dressed? You can eat first while waiting. Let's go to school together!" She said happily and Kurama heard thunderous footsteps along the staircase.

Kurama was left waiting for the whole hour. I am much expecting this one. I know how long girls get dressed, and this deity is no exception.


"School, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!" Botan went out and started marching towards school.

"Wait a minute, miss. The school is this way" Kurama pointed towards the right side, opposite where Botan is going.

"Oh… Yeah right! School, here I come!!!!!!!!!" She went on marching again and Kurama suddenly stopped her by pulling her collar.

"I have to set some rules first so that we won't get to trouble." He finally set her free and walked with her side by side.

"First, I am Shuuichi Minamino, not Kurama. That's number one." He raised his hand put the number one sign in front of her face.

"Hai!" She saluted in front of him.

"Second," he continued walking, "Don't do stupid things at school. I'll try my best to have the same schedule as you so I can guide you all the way."

"Okay!" She nodded her head causing her ponytail to bounce up and down. He's such a gentleman.

"Third, you must not say anything about spirit world or say any weird things. They might think that I got a friend from the mental hospital."

"Alright!" She happily raised her fists up in the air.


After twenty minutes…


"Rule number one hundred and fifty seven, you cannot…" Minamino was suddenly cut off when he noticed Botan frowning.

"How many rules must I follow!?" Botan whimpered.

"Okay, the first three rules are the only ones important. The others are void." Kurama has been talking for the past twenty minutes already while they were walking towards school. Botan's ears twitched at every rule and every word he say. I didn't know he has a snob side of him. I thought he is only a cool, calm and forever ready Youko Kurama. HE is such an impassive jerk!

"You freaky bastard… " She cursed under her breath as she glared daggers at him. He increased his pace in walking while his hands were tucked inside his pocket. Botan watched as she saw the cool morning air brush upon his silky long hair and made it sway along its direction.

They entered the school campus just in time. Many students were running to cram for their quiz on their first subjects, doing undone assignment.

She caught up with him and the ever bubbly Botan tried to start a conversation but before she can even open her mouth, she heard the bell rang.

"Follow me." She heard him demand with a firm voice as if she did something that would ruin the universe.

She followed him quietly and she found herself in Minamino's homeroom.

"A new classmate…" HE introduced her to his classmates as he entered in the classroom.

"I'm Botan… Botan…" What supposed to be is my surname? I know humans have surnames… She thought as she tapped her chin while thinking.

Minamino somewhat read her mind and spoke up for her, "Botan Iruka is her name. She is an exchange student and I was assigned by the principal to accompany her here." Minamino explained the details so that his admirers would not attack Botan for walking with him.

"Hai! Botan Iruka desu! Hajimemashite! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!" She bowed very low in front of the class and caused her other classmates to chuckle.

"There, sit beside me in that vacant chair at the back." He pointed at the chair beside his chair. No one dared to sit beside him since he always wanted to have privacy and even his fan girls are afraid since he would throw a glare to them whenever they get near him. His eyes are so expressive and could make anyone tremble.

A girl hissed at Botan as she made her way towards the sit. Minamino's classmates found it weird since he let the girl sit beside him.

"You better not do anything foolish with our class president." She rolled her eyes at Botan and stuck out her left foot, causing her to trip over it.

"Itai yo!" She tried to get up and get her fallen things. Then she saw a familiar hand offering her help to get up. She gladly reached for it and thanked its owner.

"Arigatou Ku—Minamino." She almost forgot the first rule and noticed the slight irritation in his eyes.

"Here are your things." He handed her the fallen objects inside her bag. She didn't even noticed he picked it up! Whoa! That was fast!

"Excuse me Fumiko but I saw that you intentionally tripped Botan. Such an act is so unladylike." After telling this to Fumiko, he assisted Botan towards her seat as the class parted before them, allowing her to walk freely towards her seat. She felt like a princess saved by his prince.

Did I ever say that he is an impassive jerk? I take that back… HE can really be a gentleman sometimes and he always helps his friends like what he does in their previous battles.